Allgemein asian cosmetics beauty

Review: Shara Shara Real Sauce Lemon Sheet Mask

27. November 2014


It is time for another sheet mask review again. Let’s take a look at Shara Shara’s Real Sauce Lemon Sheet Mask, which I received with my MeMeBox Nakedbox. The box contained three masks from it, so I could test it out a couple of times, too, which is a nice in order to see its effect.

Shara Shara Real Sauce Lemon Sheet Mask

Shara Shara is kind of a newer brand compared to Etude House or Missha etc. It attracts the attation mainly by a very girly and cute packaging design, using bright colors and illustrations. The subtitle of their official page is “the romantic lounge for ladies”. You’ll find a lot of doll faces and comic figures on their products, too. The Shara Shara Real Sauce sheet mask is available in 11 different forms and the lemon sheet mask is one of these. The design of the masks is pretty cute and colorful and I really like it. It displays a lemon on the front, so you directly know the main ingredient of this mask just by looking.

Shara Shara Real Sauce Lemon Sheet Mask

The backside of the sachets contains the description of the mask written in Korean. The ingredients are written in English, too. You can find the ingredients listed on COSDNA >>here <<. Most of them are green or yellow flagged. There is one red flagged ingredient which is Triethanol Amine, which is a pH Adjuster. On the other hand, it contains quite some good moisturizing ingredients like hyaloronic acid and glycerin.

Shara Shara Real Sauce Lemon Sheet Mask

It is a cotton sheet mask, so the material of the mask is soft and feels nice on the skin. The sheet is super soaked in the essence. I could say that it is almost dripping. You can definitively use the excess essence on your arms and neck etc. It was a bit difficult to unfold the mask though, because there is no plastic separator to make it easier. Apart from this the application was pretty much normal. The mask contains lemon essence, which means it is supposed to be vitalizing and refreshing. It is said that it controls oil and provides moisture on the same time. I can not tell anything about the oil controll, because my skin is quite dry at the moment, but I could see the moisturizing effect. My skin felt hydrated and soft and I can say that I was pleased about the effect. The scent is pretty strong in my opinion, and it smells like citrus/lemon scent is supposed to be. Citrus scents are not my favourite, unless they smell like the real fruit like the Beautiful AM Moisturizer facial oil or the Illi Fresh Moisture Bodylotion. Here the scent reminded me to much of artificial lemon scent, which I didn’t like personally too much, but that is again a matter of preference :) All in all the mask did a good job, like you expect from sheet masks: refreshing and moisturizing! 

Each sheet mask sachet contains 20 g and costs 3.66 US$ at W2Beauty.

Tell me who tried these Shara Shara Real Sauce masks already? Which is your favourite?

Blog_Rating_SharaSharaRealSauceLemonMask ♥ PS: Check out my post on Beautiful AM Moisturizer and PM Vitalizer. There is a giveaway for you, too :) ♥

beauty review trusted health products

Review: Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer and Giveaway

26. November 2014

Winter is the season for extra moisture and care of your skin. Apart from the cream or gel type moisturizers, which are generally used in our skincare routine, it is also great to have some facial oils at hand. I’ve been trying Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer from the company Trusted Health Products for more than a month now and finally it is time to give you a review on these two fcaial oils. Moreover, there will be a giveaway opened to my dear readers from US, Canada, England and Australia. Keep on reading for more information at the end of the post.

Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer

Trusted Health Products is a company dedicted to offer the “Purest and most Natural Products available anywhere in the world today”. Their products are GMO-free, 100% Pure & Natural, and have No Additives of any kind. Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer is a dual facial oil combo from this company and it consists of a combination of live fruit, nut and plant extracts for feeding the skin. It claims thereby to promote a youthful, moist and beautiful glowing skin. It is not only recommended to dry skin, but also to oily or acneprone skin, since it says that it balances your natural skin condition. It has anti-aging properties, too, and should have a firming effect on the skin. Moreover it claims to reduce the appearance of pores and make your skin look smoother in general. You’ll find a detailled description for the product >>here<<.

Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer The ingredients of Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer are natural. The Beautiful A. M. Moisturizer used during the day contains 100% Pure Botanical oils of almond, orange, lemon, avocado and olive. The P.M. Revitalizer contains 100% Pure Botanical oils of almond, orange, lemon, evening primrose and apricot. all these oils have their specific benefits:

almond oil moisturizes, soothes and softens the skin, it relieves itching from dry skin and gives the complexion an appearance of improvement and glow.

orange oil cleanses the skin through natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and helps fighting acne and restores smooth appearance to skin.

lemon oil is a natural cleanser, preventative for wrinkling and aging. Significantly increases the anti-oxidative potential of the skin bio surface (to help stop damage to the skin).

avocado oil significantly increases the soluble collagen content in the skin to enrich dry, damaged, chapped or wounded skin. It is loaded with vitamins A, D and E.

olive oil works as cleanser and moisturizer. It has shown preventative effects for formation of skin cancer and tumors.

evening primrose oil contains nutrience which are essential for cell structure and improve the elasticity of the skin. There is evidence that it can help reduce wrinkles and even help repair stretch marks. It is also rich in omega 6 fatty acids.

apricot oil is light and gently moisturizes skin. It contains vitamins A and E, it soothes the skin and slows signs of aging as well as firming and toning.

From the ingredients it seems that these two bottles are packed with good stuff, which can be beneficial for your skin and skin condition. For application it is advised to use 2-3 drops on each cheek and spread the oil softly over your face. They also write that when you start to use these two oils it will affect like a detoxing on your skin. They also state that there might be breakouts during the first 30 days of usage, which will go away after a couple of days. Luckily, I didn’t experience any other breakouts than my normal occasional ones and my skin stayed in its good condition as before.

Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer

The two bottles don’t have the most fancy or beautiful design, they are just brown glass bottles, but as extra, they imprint your name on the labels of the bottles, which is a super cute idea and makes it much more personal. I love this idea :) The bottles have a normal screwing cap and a drop dispenser or dropper, so you can controll precisely how many drops you want to use. Unfortunatelly, it is not that easy going and you’ll have to give the bottle a shake in order to make the drops come out. I can say, that I never had the problem that I used too much oil, because the dispenser is a bit harder to use.

Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer

Although the bottles are so small they last you for quite a while, at least for two month, if not even more. I use both oils in my day and night skincare routine and I’m really happy about the moisturizing effect. First of all, the oils have both a nice orange scent, which is really relaxing. Both oils absorb fast and do not leave your skin greasy or sticky at all– although one might think that oils woul’d definitively make your skin look greasy. It is not the case. It absorbs quickly, makes the skin feel smooth and give it a natural moisturized glow. The scent will linger on your skin for some time, but it is not unpleasantly strong.

Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer

All in all, I can say that these two facial oils have replaced my normally used and loved moisturizing creams, but I still use toner, essence and serum ahead. The oils go well with that combined skincare routine, too. I recognised that the skin feels soft after application and has a nice glow. It also works fine when BB creams or foundation is applied afterwards. I’m positively surprised how much I like these oils and I will definitively continue to use facial oils in my skincare routine. The two-bottle-set containing the Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer is sold for 29.97 US$. At the moment you can get also free standard shipping until 1st of December because of Black Friday Sales and they have some other deals, too. Apart from this, for a limited time, the manufacturer is willing to offer my readers one FREE bottle. They said they would love to have my readers try out Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer (for women) or You’re the Man A.M. Moisturizer (for men) and agreed to send one bottle FREE if my readers would pay a minimal shipping and handling charge. This is a one-time only offer!  They also agreed to include 2 eye-opening reports – The Poisons You Put On Your Face Everyday and Why Your Skin Care Products Have Never Worked: The Truth Revealed .”  That’s a total value of over $40.00. Click here to get your FREE Bottle and FREE reports now! (This has nothing to do with the giveaway below).

Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer and P.M. Revitalizer

So, apart from the offers I stated above I have a giveaway for readers from US, Canada, England and Australia. To all my other readers, don’t be sad, there will be other giveaway opportunities for sure :)

Three of you can win one bottle of Beautiful A.M. Moisturizer.You don’t have to pay any shipping or handling costs. all you have to do is enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below. You have to be a reader of my blog and I will check for entries, so please don’t cheat. :) The giveaway is open until 12th of December.

Eligibility Requirement: You – or anyone in your household – may win one bottle of Beautiful one time only. Previous winners please do not apply.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And finally, here is also my rating for this product :)

Blog_Rating_beautiful Did anybody try these two products already? What facial oils are you using? Make sure to visit their Trusted Health Products Website, too and like them on Facebook.

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics beauty PR Sample review Wishtrend

Review: Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil and Sugar Facial Polish

23. November 2014

I never really included cleansing oils into my skincare routine, although I knew it would be better for my dry skin. But somehow all the samples of cleansing oils I tried felt somehow unconvenient to me or I disliked the scent of the oil in it, so I stayed with my foam cleansers. Now, I had the chance to try Klairs Gentle Black Cleansing Combination from Wishtrend, consisting of the Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil and the Klairs Gentle Black Sugar Facial Polish. Both products can be used on their own, but combining them is an additional possibility which especially people who love scrubs but have sensitive skin will like. Keep on reading for my impression on these two products :)

Klairs Gentle Black

Klairs is a Korean brand sold on Wishtrend. It is eco-friendly, claimimg to produce products which are animal-testing-free, alcohol-free, paraben-free, and articial-color-free. Their products adress people with sensitive skin and people who want to moisturize their skin. I reviewed the Klairs Illuminating Supple BB Cream and the Klairs Rich Moist Soothing Sheet Mask before, which both convinced me in their effects. My expectations for these two products from the Klairs Gentle Black line were accordingly high. Moreover, I used and enjoyed Skinfood’s Black Sugar line, so the standards were set even higher. I will start with the Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil, since it was the product I was especially curious about:

Klairs Gentle Black

The design of all products from Klairs is similar andkind of simple and vintage on the same time. It reminds of cosmetic products from earlier centuries and looks quite neat. The cleansing oil comes in a pump bottle of brown see-through plastic. The dispenser is made from plastic, too. It looks sturdy and not easy to break. The bottle contains 150 ml and has English and Korean descriptions on the label. The Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil claims to be a “supple and lightweight cleansing oil”, which cleans skin in a gentle manner and is moisturizing, too. The main ingredients are Black Currant Seed Oil, Soybean Oil, Sesame Seed Oil and Jojoba Oil. The Soybean Oil controls the sebum production, increases the skin elasticity and provides a soothing effect. The Black Currant Seed Oil strengthens the skins protective layer to prevent the evaporation of moisture from the skin. It promotes skin cell regeneration and provides antioxidant effects by containing various minerals. Lastly, Sesame Oil prevents dehydration and skin aging while providing powerful antioxidant effects through various useful components such as Beta-carotene, Rinolenic acid, Sesamin, Sesaminol and Tocopherol.

Klairs Gentle Black

On Wishtrend you will find a detailled product description and also the full ingredients list. You can also check the ingredients on COSDNA >>here<<. Almost all ingredients are green flagged. There is one red flagged ingredient called PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, which is a solubulizer and surfactant, which is only a problem if in a high concentration and may lead to irritation of sensitive skin. I personally didn’t have any skin irritations caused by this ingreident, but if you know that you react to it, then you should test the oil previously. The expiration date is printed on the bottle, too. Since the product contains oil, the oil might get rancid if you keep it too long.

Klairs Gentle Black

The Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil is a clear and runny product with a very nice herbal scent which reminds me of sweetened black tea. I super love the scent! ♥ I even prefer this to the citrus scent which the Skinfood Black Sugar line has. I usually use around 2 pumps for cleansing my face with this cleanser. First, I’m using dry hands and massage it into my skin. Then I use wet hands and continue massaging it. The clear oil becomes milky in this way. After rinsing the oil away my skin looks clear and refreshed and the greatest part is, that it feels like freshly moisturized without being greasy! I’m super amazed!

Klairs Gentle Black

I used my arm for a makeup removal test, using different lip products, eyeliners, mascara, bb cream and foundation. After using the cleansing oil all the make up was removed. The mascara took a bit more of masaging then the other products, but this is quite normal and usually I use eye makeup remover for it anyways. The other products melted away almost instantly. By the way, the glowing skin you see on the right is caused because my arm is still wet, it is no greasisness caused by the oil cleanser. As I said, the skin doesn’t feel greasy at all, but feels super moist afterwards. The Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil convinced me absolutely! So what about the Klairs Gentle Black Sugar Facial Polish?

Klairs Gentle Black

This facial polish comes in a small jar, and if you know the Skinfood Black Sugar Scrub Pack you will first be a bit dissapointed because it looks much smaller. Actually this polish has only 60 g of product in the jar, whereas the Skinfood Black sugar Scrub contains 100 g. In contrast to the scrub from Skinfood you don’t need to leave it on your skin like a pact. It is a scrub in first place. The design of the jar is similar to the cleansing oil and the jar is made of the same see-through brown colored plastic with a lack srewing cap. It seems quite sturdy, too. The description is also written in English and in Korean, but you can also find a detailled description on Wishtrend.

Klairs Gentle Black

You can look up the ingredients on COSDNA >>here<<. again, all the ingredients are safe, except of the PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate. So again, if you react sensitively to this ingredient, you might want to test this somewhere else than your face first. It also contains Cetyl Alcohol, so if you know you are sensitive to this, be aware. Both the manufacture date and the expiration date are printed on the bottom of the jar. If you remove the lid, you’ll find a plastic separator between the lid and the product. Unfortunately, no spatula is included. So use either clean fingers or a spatula or spoon if you have one. The Klairs Gentle Black Sugar Facila Polish is a brown, grainy paste. It has not a completelly solid consistence, but is quite buttery. The Skinfood Black Sugar Scrub is much more solid than this one. The scent of this facial polish is more herbal than the cleansing oil, but it is still nice. The polish can be spreaded easily, too, and contains tiny sugar particles for exfoliating your skin mechanically. It can be used either mixed with water, or for a more gentle exfoliation with the Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil. Below, you’ll see how the consistency of the polish changes when mixed with the cleansing oil.

Klairs Gentle Black

When used together with the Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil the polish glides super smoothly over the skin and doesn’t feel irritating at all. I also used it on its own, but the idea of mixing it with the cleansing oil is so great, that I started using it always together with the oil. The skin feels so super soft afterwards. Especially , since it is winter here now, I don’t have any flaky or dry skin after using these two products in combination.

Klairs Gentle Black

I can super recommend these two products. Although I had high expectations for this product line, the Klairs Gentle Black products could make me happy. I enjoy using these two a lot. The cleanser is used know daily and I mix the scrub with it everey second or third day. My skin feels super soft and I’m prepared for the colder weather now :D You can get both products from Wishtrend and the cleansing oil is available with free international shipping at the moment. I also made a post about the promotions they offer for November >>here<< (You can get free silk finger balls ;)). Also, keep in mind their friend-referral program: You can receive a 5 Us$ referral coupon if you use my invitation code 17939205 upon registration and you’ll receive this voucher immediately. There will be a specific field in your registration form called “friends invitation program” where you can put the code mentioned above. This way new customers can safe 5 US$ which is a great possibility to safe some money. The Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil retails at 22 US$ and the Klairs Gentle Black Sugar Facial Polish retails at 18.00 US$. From 24th of November until end of the month Wishtrend will also have some Black Friday discounts, so keep an eye out for any special deals.


Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics beauty review

Review: Innisfree Auto Eyebrow Pencil

20. November 2014


I bought this Innisfree Auto Eyebrow Pencil together with the Innisfree Eyeshadow Crayon and the Soy Essence Mascara during some sale at Testerkorea, and I must admitt that I love all three products and use them on daily basis, which makes me even more happy, considering the money I could save while buying these. :)

Innisfree Auto Eyebrow Pencil

Innisfree is an eco-friendly Korean skincare and makeup brand focusing on natural ingredients and recycle packaging. The design of their products is simply and neat and nicely reflects the ideology of the brand. Innisfree products are ususally free from harmful ingredients. Innisfree Eco Eyebrow Pencil is said to be formulated with green tea extracts. Moreover it is paraben free, artificial scent free, mineral oil free, animal nature material free, phthalate free, acrylamide free, dioxin free, formaldehyde free, and talc free, which makes it a 9-free product. This twistable eyebrow pencil comes in a plastic pencil tube with two different ends. The packaging not special and simply white except of the brand name written on it.

Innisfree Auto Eyebrow Pencil

The pencil is available in 4 different shades: 01. grey, 02. black, 03. brown and 04. deep brown. I bought shade No. 03 in brown. One of the caps is labelled with a sticker displaying the shade of the pencil. The other cap has the manifacture date printed on. If you remove the caps you’ll find that one side of the pencil contains the actual brow pencil, a flat shaped bullet, the other end is a eyebrow brush or also called “Spoolie Brush”. It is very useful to have both in one product, it makes using the pencil easier, if you brushed your eyebrows first and also it is convenient to take this in a bag or for travelling.

Innisfree Auto Eyebrow Pencil

The color of the pencil is a solid brown color and it is easy to blend out, but not too creamy either. It looks very natural when filling the brows and can also be used with darker eyebrows (mine are dark/brown/black). Below you’ll see how it looks applied. The flat bullet makes it easy to draw the desired eyebrow shape, too.

Innisfree Auto Eyebrow Pencil

I’m usually using the Etude House Perfect Eyebrow Kit for my eyebrows, and this is the first Korean flat eyebrow pencil I’ve been trying, so I don’t have any comparison yet. A lot of people like the one from Etude House, too, it seems.

EDIT 2017: I love the Innisfree Eco Eyebrow Pencil and the soft texture and yet strong pigmentation. The name from this pencil was changed from Innisfree Eco Eyebrow Pencil to Innisfree Auto Eyebrow Pencil.

You can get the Etude House Perfect Eyebrow here:

W2Beauty for 3US$ (use coupon code berries10 for 10% off sitewide with free shipping)

Innisfree Official for 4US$ (15% off coupon upon registration) for ~5US$ 

What type of eyebrow pencil do you use? Which one is your favourite?



asian cosmetics beauty review

Review: Rosemine Plumpy Tint Roseberry

19. November 2014

When I received my MeMeBox Rose Scentbox I was especially happy about two products from the brand Rosemine, one foam cleanser and the Rosemine Plumpy Tint I’ll show you here. Both have an adorable packaging and lovers of floral design will be more than happy about the appearance of these products. By the way, the Rosemine Foam Cleanser will be reviewed soon, too, which became a member of my daily skincare routine product family. :)

Rosemine Plumpy Tint Roseberry

The brand Rosemine is made by the Korean cosmetic manufacturing company called “EVAS”. The name is not chosen randomly, I think, because they stress the point, that their brand is wants to “give people clean & safe lifestyle (by Christian principle)”. I’m feeling a bit discomfortable if a cosmetic brand or company also makes religious remarks, since skincare and cosmetics should be reaching beyond religious aspects…Nevertheless, let’s have a closer look at the Rosemine Plumpy Tint: This is a jelly type lip tint available in two different shades, “Princess Coral” and “Roseberry”. I’m showing you the shade “Roseberry” here, a red berry shade. I remember that I saw this lip tint on one of Pony’s beauty turorials on youtube, too.

Rosemine Plumpy Tint Roseberry

As I already said, the packaging of the product line is inspired by roses and has a beautiful and girly cardboard box. The description of the tint is in Korean only, unfortunately, that is why I cannot provide you with more detailled information. The lip tint comes in a plastic tube with a plastic applicator. The only ingredient information comes on the frontside of the tube, because it says: “a very fresh french rose water and ginseng extract for irresistable and attractive lips”. The tint itself is a jelly type tint and smells very lightly of roses. Once applied I don’t smell it anymore.

Rosemine Plumpy Tint Roseberry

The application can be a bit tricky because it tends to get patchy and you have to apply quickly. I normally apply 2 layers and use a lip brush. I noticed that this gives the best results. I also noticed that the tint seems to separate into two phases if you don’t use it for some time. You’ll get an oily phase and a colored, jelly phase. Keep in mind to shake your tube in order to prevent this. The good thing is, that the oily phase makes your lips feel smooth and the lip tint doesn’t dry your lips in the end, but it looks kind of glossy.

Rosemine Plumpy Tint Roseberry

Rosemine Plumpy Tint Roseberry

Somehow I also did have my problems with the tube. It seemed liuke everytime I used this lip tint I pressed out too much of the product. It is quite hard to controll the amount you want to use. But on the other hand, once the color is appllied it leaves a great stain and looks very pretty and visible on the lips. The result makes me very happy and the packaging aswell…so if they update the difficult formula, it is be the perfect tint. The tube contains 13 g of product and the retail price on the company’s page is around 9 US$. I received mine with the MeMeBox Rose Scentbox, but it is also available in the MeMeShop for 11 US$. If you want to buy it from their shop keep in mind the various promotions they offer:

receive 2 MeMePoints worth 2 Us$ by signing up

– receive 5 US$ OFF for purchases above 30 US$ in November using the code 0OFRKV or LWNJYO.

FREE shipping on all shop USA orders over $30!

-use FREESHIPPONY50 to get free shipping on Shop orders above $50 with worlwide shipping

using my affiliate link or the code AFFILIATE-7711-I8PV5-MWLL will get you $5 OFF discount on any orders above $100 (shipping charges not included, can be combined with other coupons)

– using my affiliate link or the code AFFILIATE-0319-ZKQVT-DBNX will get you $10 OFF for orders above 150 US$ (shipping charges not included, can be combined with other coupons)

– $5 off on entire order when purchasing over 3 Memeboxes: MEMEBUNDLE3

– $8 off on entire order when purchasing over 4 Memeboxes: MEMEBUNDLE4

– Free shipping on orders above $70 from Memeshop: FREESHIPPING

Did anybody else try the Rosemine Pumpy Tints? What is your favourite lip tint?


asian cosmetics beauty KollectionK PR Sample review

Review: Etude House Help My Finger Part 2

14. November 2014

Yesterday, I introduced to you the Etude House Help My Finger Quick Drop Dry and today I’ll show you the second review from Etude House’s nail care line, the Etude House Help My Finger Nail Finger Pack. This is similar like a sheet mask, only it is designed for pampering your poor old nails and letting them recover from nail polish sessions :)

Etude House Help My Finger Part

First of all, some words about Etude House: Etude House is one of the best known Korean brands for cute packaging. If you are a lover of cute, girly and pink packaging, reminding you of being a child and the princess you always dreamt to be, THIS is your brand. Their packaging is usually so adoreable that you cannot keep yourself from impuls-buys – only because you saw the packaging…Also here, the packaging design looks lovely, displaying a nail with a happy face probably relaxing while being pampered. Scalloped pink borders all around the cardboard box frame this to an even more cute packaging. :)

Etude House Help My Finger Part

The  nail packs come in a sachet divided into two parts, one containing the finger packs for the left hand, the other for the right hand. You can tear the packaging open easily by using the indicated arrows. The backside of the sachet contains detailled product descriptions in Korean and in English. You can find the ingredients listed >>here<<. Mostly, the ingredients are safe and green flagged according to COSDNA. There are some plant and fruit extracts for nourishment of the nails and also Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, which has whitening properties.

Etude House Help My Finger Part

Below you’ll see the application on my hand. The first image shows my hand before I used the Etude House Help My Finger Nail Finger Pack. I just removed nail polish and my hand feels a bit dried up. In the second image you’ll see the tip of my fingers coated by the packs. It is like sheet mask socks on each of my fingers. These caps are covering half of my finger, so people with long fingers will also be able to use it. Also, as you can see, there is also space left in each cap for those with bigger hands (any male reader amongst us?!). In the last image you see my fingers after removing the caps (after around 15 minutes).

Etude House Help My Finger Part

As you can see, the tips are soaked nicely with essence. The essence is a milky type and smells of fruity yoghurt, which I like personally. Also, the sachets contain a lot of excess essence, you can use it on other days, like a hand cream…if you press on the opened sachet parts it will stick together tightly and be even usable after some weeks (that’s what I discovered at least while tidying up my room ^_^’). The finger packs have a rough and a smooth side. The smooth side is for pampering you nail, the rough side for the other side of you finger. I didn’t know what function it has, except of trying to make your life easier in these 15 minutes while using you hands.

Etude House Help My Finger Part

It takes a couple of seconds for the moisture to fully absorb, but your skin feels super soft afterwards. I must say it has a tiny sticky feeling to it though, but if you use it before going to bad it will hardly disturb you. It was a bit tricky to separate the single caps from each other when I took them out of the sachet. Especially the second hand is difficult, if you already hooded your other hand before. But nevertheless it was a nice experience and my nails were happy about the pampering time. Next I would love to try a full hand mask :) I received mine from  KollectionK for 1.69US$. I think the price is very reasonable.


Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics beauty KollectionK PR Sample review

Review: Etude House Help My Finger Part 1

13. November 2014

My next posts will be about two products from the Etude House Help My Finger line, which are designed to provide your poor and neglated nails some care. If there is a perfect time for nailcare, it must be towards autumn and winter, like it is here in Europe at the moment ;D The first product I’ll review today is the Etude House Help My Finger Quick Dry Drop. Honestly, I never used a nail polish drying drop before, so I’m even more overwhelmed by the power of “technology”, if it might be called like that XD How did I survive all these years using nail polish without such a quick drier?!

Etude House Help My Finger

First of all, some words about Etude House: Etude House is one of the best known Korean brands for cute packaging. If you are a lover of cute, girly and pink packaging, reminding you of being a child and the princess you always dreamt to be, THIS is your brand. Their packaging is usually so adoreable that you cannot keep yourself from impuls-buys – only because you saw the packaging…Also here, the packaging design looks lovely, displaying a nail with a happy face probably relaxing while being pampered. Scalloped pink borders all around the cardboard box frame this to an even more cute packaging. :) This product will help you to make your nailpolish dry faster. Actually, after some seconds you can already touch your nails.

Etude House Help My Finger

The cardboard box contains a lot of description, mostly it is written in Korean, but on one side you’ll find the English description, ingredients and directions, too. The product itself contains 10 ml and can be used for 12 months after opening. The ingredients of this product are safe according to COSDNA. You can check it up >>here<<.

Etude House Help My Finger

The bottle of the Etude House Help My Finger Quick Dry Drop is made of clear (I think it is) glass with a cap which is a pipette or dropper at the same time. The nob for soaking in the product is made of a harder plastic and  you need to sqeeze it some times until you know what pressure it needs. The solution of the drier is a clear one. You need one drop per nail, maybe two if you use it on your thumb.

Etude House Help My Finger

As soon as you drop the solution onyour polished nails it spreads on the whole nail super fast. The nailpolish dries and you can use your hands again without being worried about strange marks on the nail polish. Usually, this always happens to me, because I’m not very patient with nailpolish, so you can gues what a big discovery this was for me.

Etude House Help My Finger

Apart from being amazed about the magic work of a nailpolish drier it is also nice that the nails do not feel dry after using but moisturized. I’m really happy about the product and I can recommend you to get your own Quick Dry Drop :D I received mine from  KollectionK for 5.82US$ which is quite affordable for being such a time saver :)



Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty beauty boxes

Unboxing: MeMeBox My Cute Wishlist No.3

12. November 2014

One of the best MeMeBoxes I bought so far was the MeMeBox My Cute Wishlist. I contained some great and really adorable product and was a main reason for me to buy the My Cute wishlist No. 3 and No. 4 aswell. Two weeks ago I finally received the My Cute Wishlist No. 3 Box and I must say, that it didn’t keep up to the first one unfortunately. But not all the products were dissapointing, there are also some nice items, although I think they should have given the box another name in first place. Let’s see what I received this time:

MeMeBox My Cute Wishlist No.3

MeMeBox is a box service company, offering a wide amount of different beauty boxes. Unlike most western beauty boxes which have to be subscribed for on a monthly basis, MeMeBoxes can be preordered but that doesn’t force you to buy more than the desired box. They ship to many countries and the products they send in their boxes are mainly Korean. Apart from their monthly Global Boxes, they also have a huge amount of themed boxes, Mini Boxes, Boxes where you know what is inside, so called Superboxes with a higher value and so on (check out the links at the end of the post)…just check out their online store and you’ll find a huge selection of different boxes. Since they have become very popular within the blogger community they sell out pretty fast, but they bring up new beauty boxes so fast, that you cannot keep up with them anyways. At the end of this post I will make a list of all the discounts they offer at the moment, too.

MeMeBox My Cute Wishlist No.3

From the first glance at the box I could tell the overall theme of the box was going towards “dolls/ dolly faces”.  The box comes with a product description card like all the previous boxes. The card contains the imprtant informations for the products and the directions on how to use them.

MeMeBox My Cute Wishlist No.3

1. Tonymoly Red Cheeks Girl’s Patch (full-sized product contained, 1 ea costs 2 US$)

These are gel-type patches which you can put on your cheeks in order to sooth dry and rosy cheeks. In principle it is like a sheet mask only in a patch form, similar to the patches available in My Cute Wishlist No. 1. It is nice to have a Tonymoly products in this box, even if this is only a “small” product.

2. Hope Girl Tinted Lip Balm (full-sized product contained, 5 g for 12 US$)

This lip balm remind me of Etude House Magic Tint Balm. It has the typical design of all Hope Girl products and comes with a leo-pattern lid. I’m actually not using a lot of lip balm, but it is always good to have one at hand. I don’t think that it is especially cute, but it will be of use at least. They selected between three different types randomly: Strawberry, Love Peach and Hot Cherry.

3.  Shara Shara Kissing Sugar Lip Scrub (full-sized product contained, 10 g for 7 US$)

Perfect for winter. A lip scrub containing sugar and walnut shells for peeling and several oils for smoothing the lips. I will definitively try it out :)

4. Shara Shara Fairy’s Synergy Sun Cream SPF45 PA++ (full-sized product contained, 30 ml for 21 US$)

I think this product was causing a lot of dissapointment for MeMeBox lovers, because the doll is not regarded as cute to most people, as far as I did read other reviews. I would not count it as cute either, but I must say that the sun cream inside is great. It absorbs quickly, is not sticky and not greasy. It has UV-A and UV-B protection, too, and can be used as primer for makeup. The scent is nice and light too. So I’ll give the product a thumbs up, despite the doll- packaging. Unfortunately, the pump dispenser didn’t work. I contacted the support and I received 5 MeMePoints as a compensation…which is worth 5 US$ in total for a product worth 21 Us$….I don’t know if I’m too happy about it.

5. ddung Family Foam Cleansing Cream (full-sized product contained, 120 ml for 12 US$)

Although this has also a doll face inspired packaging I don’t think it is too badly designed. I didn’t try the foam yet, but it is always good to have some backup. There were two different kinds available, which were randomly selected for each box. I received the fruity version, but there is also one in a yellow tube called milky foam cleansing cream.

6. Youngwoosa Oh! It’s Lovely and Soft Cream (full-sized product contained, 45 g for 47 US$)

I love the design of this one. It is so asian-oldschool like…at least to me. The cardboard box is simple and yet adorable, with the scalloped openeing and the cream-type cream ismoisturizing and feels like a promising cream to me. I will put it into my routine next.

  MeMeBox My Cute Wishlist No.3

In general I think that this MeMeBox failed its theme a bit. Not everybody regards doll faces as cute, but it is also a matter of taste actually. Since it is a surprise box you have to be prepared to not get what you expect all the time. Actually, I bought quite some MeMeBoxes and this is the first time I had a more dissapointing feeling about the box. Thinking back to the Glossyboxes I have ordered I would definitively say that there were more times I was dissapointed back then. Another point is, that there are actually a lot of people who are in love with Shara Shara’s product design. for example: I love the design of the sheet masks I received with the MeMeBox Nakedbox. Unfortunatelly, a doll shaped pump dispenser is not everybodies tasting though…I don’t think that it is super ugly, but I wouldn’t put it in a cute-themed box after all. I must say the cardbox of the Shara Shara sunscreen is adorable though…and super girly, too. Despite of the packaging I must say that the product is really nice. The sunscreen absorbs quickly and leaves the skin non-sticky! I will definitively use it. I also like the moisturizing cream and the design of the packaging. I will try to use all the products for sure and I will keep you updated with more detailled reviews soon. Although this box didn’t fulfil my expactations I’m looking forward to MeMeBox My Cute Wishlist No.4 :)

What do you think of this box? Do you preferr the surprise boxes or the nakedboxes? And which products from this box would you love to try out, too?

If you are curious about MeMeBox and their products, aswell as their enourmous selection of different beautyboxes check out their page >>here<<. Check out the value sets and the possibility to upgrade to free express shipping, too. MeMebox has also a couple promotions:

receive 2 MeMePoints worth 2 Us$ by signing up

– receive 5 US$ OFF for purchases above 30 US$ in November using the code 0OFRKV or LWNJYO.

using my affiliate link or the code AFFILIATE-7711-I8PV5-MWLL will get you $5 OFF discount on any orders above $100 (shipping charges not included, can be combined with other coupons)

– using my affiliate link or the code AFFILIATE-0319-ZKQVT-DBNX will get you $10 OFF for orders above 150 US$ (shipping charges not included, can be combined with other coupons)

– $5 off on entire order when purchasing over 3 Memeboxes: MEMEBUNDLE3

– $8 off on entire order when purchasing over 4 Memeboxes: MEMEBUNDLE4

– Free shipping on orders above $70 from Memeshop: FREESHIPPING


You can also read my previous unboxing posts:

MeMeBox GetItBeautyBox Global No. 15

MeMeBox Nakedbox No. 24

MeMeBox Diet Box

MeMeBox My Cute Wishlist

MeMeBox Oriental Medicine Box

MeMeBox Scentbox Bundle

MeMeBox 10 Minutes Box

MeMeBox GetItBeautyBox Global No. 11

MeMeBox GetItBeautyBox Global No. 10

 MeMeBox GetItBeautyBox Global No. 8

MeMeBox GetItBeautyBox Global No. 6

Do you know MeMeBox already? Were you happy with the products so far? And if you have any requests for reviews of the received products, feel free to leave a comment :)

beauty empties

Graveyard: September and October Empties

6. November 2014

I completely forgot to make an empty post for Septmeber and here are now my product empties from two months. Again, I’m really trying hard to use up all my opened products at the moment and it starts to show some progress slowly. I didn’t keep the sample sachets or sheet masks though…It would be too much of a mess. Nevertheless, I hope you’ll have fun reading!


1. Dita Von Teese Rouge Body Lotion – Repurchase? Yes.

I love the scent of this line by Dita. I tried all the perfumes and the Rouge Line is my favourite scent and at the same time this body lotion smells great. The scent lingers on the skin for a long time and it absorbs fast and makes the skin feel nice. I will repurchase this (I still have the shower gel in use atm…*_*).

2. Naobay Protective Shampoo and Shower Gel -Repurchase? No.

This was part of one of my older Glossyboxes. I used it as shower gel only, so I cannot say anything about the quality as a shampoo. The scent was not my favourite scent but it wasn’t bad either. Nevertheless, it didn’t convince me in a way that I would repurchase it.

3. Illi Fresh Moisture Body Lotion – Repurchase? Maybe.

You will find my review >>here<<. This was part of one of the Global MeMeBoxes. It is a citrus scented moisturizing lotion. I liked that the citrus/lemon scent was natural and not like bathroom cleaning products. It absorbs quickly, too and was not sticky at all. It was a tiny bit to runny for my tasting but I could imagine to try one of their other lotions.

4. The Faceshop Face It Auro Color Control Cream- Repurchase? Yes.

I really do like this CC cream from The Faceshop. It has a nice coverage and lovely finish. I’m sad that it is emptie now, but there are refills available. As soon as I have used up 2-3 of my other BB/CC cream tubes I will repurchase this. I also like the fact that you can buy refills for it. See my review >>here<<. I’m sorry, that my older posts have blurry images…this is because of the switch I made to my new domain. I’ll try to fix all the older posts as soon as I have some spare time. :/

5. CaoLion Mool Pool Deep Cleansing -Repurchase? No.

Actually, I didn’t like this too much. It didn’t remove everything, it had a almost watery consistency and I didn’t like the scent.

6. Balea Diamantentraum Bodylotion – Repurchase? Yes.

Balea is a German drugstore brand, which is easily available and has fair prices. This bodylotion was a limited edition and I liked the scent. It made a nice feeling of the skin. Since it is affordable I would definitively repurchase their bodylotions, but maybe another version, just for the variety.

7. Kneipp Hautöl Mandelblüten Hautarzt – Repurchase? Yes.

Another German brand :) This almond blossom oil has such a nice scent. It is perfect for dry skin and delivers deep nourishment. I enjoyed using it, and I have a second travel-sized version of this oil still in use.

8. Pure Smile Muddy Girl Charcoal Face Mask – Repurchase? Maybe.

This charcoal-type mask pack from the Japanese brand Pure Smile was in my first MeMeBox My Cute Wishlist. It has a heartshaped packaging and contains enough product for 2 times usage. It is a mud-type mask which dries on your face. It has some cooling effect and I heard that some reacted to these pacs, but luckily I just experienced the cool feeling and a tightened skin. I would like to purchase other masks from this brand just to see how they compare.

9. Secret Key Starting Treatment Essence – Repurchase? Maybe.

Since I tried samples from Missha’s Time Revolution First Treatment Essence and was overwhelmed by it I wanted to get the essence. Unfortunately it is not the cheapest product. I found some reviews on Secret Key’s Starting Treatment Essence and read that it was comparable with the one from Missha, and even cheaper. So I decided to get the travel size. I enjoyed using it- but I enjoyed the one from Missha even better. Especially since the effects were much quicker visible and the scent of the Missha product is much nicer.Nevertheless, considering the price, I might buy the one from Secret Key again…

10. The Body Shop Vitamin E Nightcreme – Repurchase? Yes.

I love this cream! It was only a tiny sample jar, but it lasted for quite some time. This rich and nourishing night cream has a wonderful flowery scent and a perfect consistency for a night cream. It absorbs fast and makes the skin silky. I used it in combination with the Vitamin C serum from Tunemakers (see below).

11. Tunemakers VC-3 Serum – Repurchase? Maybe.

This stabilized vitamin C serum is a good alternative to O.S.T. Vitamin C Serum because it is mild and suited for sentitive skin, too. Unfortunately, the bottle is not large, but it lasted for 2,5 months. In general, both of the products from Tunemakers that I tried ( the toner and this serum) were nice products with few ingredients only. This brand is worth a closer look.

12. Shiseido Ibuki Protective Moisturizer – Repurchase? Yes.

I had quite some samples from the Ibuki line and I like the scent and the effect of the products. This emulsion is really great. It absorbs super fast into the skin and makes ist feel soft and moisturized without any stickiness or greasiness. If I had the money for it I would buy it immediately.

12. Only You Green Tea Jamine Bodyscrub – Repurchase? Maybe.

I didn’t know this brand but I received a set of products as a gift. I love drinking green tea and jamine, so I was very pleased about the scent. It is a milder body scrub with shower gel. I’m still using the shower gel and the body lotion, which have the same nice scent.

Graveyard: September and October Empties

These are quite some products. Do you know any of these and did you try them yourself? What is your opinion on these products I showed above? I’d be happy about your comments ♥

advertorial other

Wishtrend November Promotions and Special Gift

3. November 2014

It’s November already, which means there will be new promotions for this monthWishtrend provides us again with a great special gift, which I’m super excited about. Continue reading if you are interested. If you don’t know Wishtrend, but love korean or asian cosmetics and skincare products I can recommend you to check out this online shop, especially for one of my favourite products, the O.S.T. Vitamin C Serum. Here are the coupon codes for November I wanted to share with you.

Wishtrend November Promotions and Special Gift

As usual, I’ll start off with the 5 Us$ referral coupon you can receive. The principle is easy as this: If you use my invitation code 17939205 upon registration you’ll receive a 5 US$ voucher immediately. there will be a specific field in your registration form called “friends invitation program” where you can put the code mentioned above. This way new customers can safe 5 US$ which is a great to safe some money on your first order.

Second, there is also a 10% discount coupon available for November. Below you’ll find the coupon code for this:

  • Coupon Code: WISHNOV2014 
  • Requirement 1: Shopping cart order must be  55 US$ and over to be able to use the 10% off coupon
  • Requirement 2: Coupon code cannot be combined with any other discount or voucher code.
  • Only valid until the end of November 2014

The second promotion code is a special gift you will receive by using the code below. The Free Gift Voucher is valid on ANY ORDER at Wishtrend! You will receive  in addition to the free samples you’ll normally get the brand new Silk Finger Balls (value of $3.90 for 12 pieces) as a FREE gift. There are no limits or conditions!

    • Voucher Code: WISHGIFTNOV2014
    • No conditions!
    • Until the end of November 2014

I’ve read a lot of positive reviews about those kind of Silk Finger Balls. They are supposed to have a nice and soft peeling effect on your skin and this month’s promotion is a great way to try them for free.

I would advice you to check out their “Free Shipping Area”, so you don’t have to spend the saved money for shipping costs. They have quite some nice items available there, changing from time to time. At the moment you can get for example the Klairs Rich Moist Soothing Cream. I’m also preparing reviews at the moment for some items I recently purchased from Wishtrend, like the Confume Argan Treatment Ampoule  and the Beta-Salic 2.0 Miracle Cream from Chica & Chico. Another thing which I will be reviewing in future and I’m really excited to try is the new Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil. Take a look at this one, too :) Also be sure to check out my review on Wishtrend items:

Rojukiss Multi Vita Cleansing Powder

Klairs Rich Moist Soothing Sheet Mask

Damoae Therapy Shampoo and Tonic

Skinmiso Rice Foam Cleanser

Klairs Illuminating Supple BB Cream

O.S.T. Pure Vitamin C20 Serum

Wish Formula Panda Eye Essence Mask

ONL Saladit Essential Juice Sheet Masks

Do you have any favourite item from Wishtrend? What would you love to try from their products?

Shop Korean Skincare Innovation, Black Cleansing Oil