beauty review

Review: L’Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte

23. February 2016


Today's post will be about a new lipstick from L'Oréal Paris called Infallible Matte Lip Pens, which is not yet available worldwide. Therefore I decided to write the post in German. But if you want to know any details, please feel free to ask in the comments below. I'll be happy to answer your questions :)

Vor einigen Tagen erreichte mich ein Paket von L’Oréal Paris mit einem Set der neuen L’Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte, die ich bei einem Gewinnspiel auf Instagram glücklicherweise gewonnen hatte. Ich bin immer noch sehr froh und aufgeregt, dass ich so die Möglichkeit bekommen habe gleich 4 Farben der neuen Lippenstift Reihe zu testen.

L'Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte

Wie ihr bereits an dem Namen erkennen könnt, handelt es sich hier nicht um gewöhnlichen Lippenstift oder Gloss, sondern um einen Lippen-Puder-Stift. In der Beschreibung von L’Oréal findet ihr folgendes:

“Der INDEFECTIBLE MATT wurde von L’ORÉAL MAKE-UP DESIGNER PARiS kreiert, um auch die Lippen modellieren zu können – für einzigartige Looks und Effekte. Unsere Innovation INDEFECTIBLE MATT vereint getönte Puderpigmente, Polymere, samtige Mikrokugeln und einen Schwamm-Designer-Applikator für präzise modellierte Lippen, absolut wischfest und nicht austrocknend.

Ein getöntes Puder von intensiver, aber unaufdringlicher Farbe. Der innovative Schwamm-Designer-Applikator bietet neue Wege zum Auftragen von Lippenfarbe – für präzise definierte Lippen und lang anhaltende Farbe. Matt, mit 8-Stunden-Halt für alle vier Lippenfarben. Der Indefectible Matt ist unser erster Lippen-Puder-Stift, für einzigartige Looks & einzigartige Effekte.”

L'Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte

Insgesamt sind bisher fünf Farben der L’Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte erhältlich von denen ich vier Farben hier vorstelle: 001 Silencio, 002 Virgin, 003 Ooops I Pink It again und 007 Say My Name. Von der Optik her sind die Stifte auch sehr elegant aufgemacht, typisch für L’Oréal Produkte. Jeder Stift hat eine Kappe in der entsprechenden Farbe der Lippen-Puders.

L'Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte

Mit den L’Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte können verschiedene Effekte auf den Lippen gezaubert werden, sei es ein Gradient-Look (auch Kissed-Off-Look genannt), Ombre-Look oder einfach ein vollständiger Auftrag und somit ein Matt-Look. Auf der Rückseite der Geschenkbox sieht man auch alle drei Beispiele als Schema aufgezeichnet.

L'Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte

Von der Größe her sind die Lippen-Puder-Stifte in etwas doppelt so lang wie ein regulärer Lippenstift. Sie enthalten 1.06 g Produkt, welches anders als bei Lippenstiften im Deckel des Behälters zu finden ist. Das Konzept erinnert mich an einen Japanischen Highlighter von Relevance, den ich einmal getestet habe. Das Prinzip ist folgendermaßen: im Deckel befindet sich ein gepresstes, cremiges Puder. Der Stift selbst besteht aus einem Schwämmchenapllikator. In dem der Deckel durch drehen verschlossen wird gibt er das Puder auf das Schwämmchen ab und kann aufgetragen werden. Wenn man mehr Produkt braucht dreht man das Schwämmchen wieder in den Deckel und erhält wieder neues Lippen-Puder .

L'Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte
Die Farben sind wie zu erwarten matt und und lassen sich einfach und auftragen. Die Textur fühlt sich samtig-pudrig an und die Farben wirken sehr weich. 001 ist die hellste Farbe, ein leichter rosa Ton. 002 und 004 sind Pinktöne, wobei 004 ein kräftigeres Pink darstellt. 007 ist ein klassischer Rotton.

L'Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte
001 Silencio entspricht fast meiner natürlichen Lippenfarbe. Man sieht kaum einen Unterschied, wenn er aufgetragen wird, außer dass die pudrige Textur dazu neigt trockene Lippen und Hautschüppchen zu betonen. Das Problem haben helle Lippenstiftfarben im allgemeinen, wie ich finde. Die Textur fühlt sich auf den Lippen an, wie wenn man Puder auf die Lippen gibt. Ein weiches Tragegefühl, was sehr angenehm ist, und keinen speziellen Geschmack hat, wenn man mit den Lippen darüber fährt. 002 Virgin ist auf den Lippen besser zu erkennen als der Nude-Ton 001. Es ist ein leichtes Pink, welches trotzdem sehr natürlich wirkt. 004 Ooops I Pink It Again is ein kräftiger Pink-Ton, der sehr schön auf den Lippen wirkt. Der Rotton 007 Say My Name ist der kräftigste Ton unter den vier Nuancen. 004 und 007 lassen die trockenen Lippen nicht so auffallen wie die beiden helleren Farben. Die L’Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte sind weder austrocknend, aber auch nicht besonders pflegend. Laut Beschreibung sind die Lippen-Puder wischfest, was ich allerdings nicht feststellen konnte, allerdings hält der Stain der beiden dunkleren Farben 004 und 007 relativ lange an, auch wenn sie kein fettiges Essen überstehen.

L'Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte
Tragegefühl und Wirkung der L’Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte gefallen mir sehr gut. Die beiden dunkleren Nuancen 004 Ooops I Pink It Again und 007 Say My Name sind meine beiden Favoriten. Wenn man gerne auch Gradient Lips trägt sind die Schwämmchenapplikatoren sehr praktisch, können aber auch unhygienisch sein. Nach einer Weile sollte man das Schwämmchen jedenfalls säubern. Ob und in wie fern das möglich ist habe ich noch nicht ausgetestet. Wer allerdings nach einem pflegenden und langanhaltenden Lippenprodukt sucht ist hier wohl möglich nicht an der richtigen Adresse. Die L’Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte sind für je ~13.00 € in den Drogerien oder Amazon erhältlich. Was haltet ihr von den neuen Lippen-Puder-Stiften? Welche Farbe ist euer Favorit?

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L'Oréal Indefectible Matt Lippen-Puder-Stifte

asian fashion fashion

My Spring Fashion Wishlist |Romwe

19. February 2016

Last week there was some really nice sunshine and I saw the first cherry blossoms, although it is still February and the temperatures are quite chilly still. Nevertheless, all this sunshine and flowers and fresh tulips on the markets are making me really happy, but I’m also longing for warmer weather to wear some lighter clothes, especially lighter and more spring-like colors. While browsing for new clothing items online I picked a couple of items which are perfectly suited for the next season. Here is my spring fashion wishlist with selected items from the online fashion retailer Romwe.

Spring Fashion Wishlist

The main difference between fall and winter and summer and spring in terms of fashion is that the colors are less dark and earthy in warmer seasons than in the cold seasons. I personally like wearing dark closes, but I also love wearing clothes with floral prints or lace. I’m usually wearing dresses or skirts all year long – in winter paired up with thick tights of course – and to be honest I only have a hand full of trousers. One of my favourite pieces apart from dresses and skirts are jumpsuits, because they combine the cuteness or elegance of a dress paired with the convenience of wearing shorts. When it comes to accessories I usually keep it simple, too. I love shoulder bags with unusual motifs, which you might have noticed from my occasional posts on Instagram, and I really like clock-shaped vintage-like shoulder bag I found on Romwe. Here are my personally selected items for spring:

Spring Fashion Wishlist

Batwing Birds Print Shift Dress

Floral Crochet Loose Sweater

Floral Pleated Green SkirtFloral Pleated White Skirt

White Clock Print PU Leather Bag

Deep V Neck With Belt Florals Blue Jumpsuit

Nude Stiletto High Heel Ankle Strap Sandals

What do you think of my spring fashion wishlist? Do you like any of the items? Are you a spring/summer fashion type or do you prefer winter/fall fashion?

asian cosmetics beauty PR Sample review TesterKorea

Review: Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack | TesterKorea

18. February 2016

Now, this is not a newly launched product like the two previous reviews, but a product with a good reputation in Korea: The Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack, a multifunctional product for exfoliation, brightening and lifting on the same time. As I announced via Instagram I’m honoured to be part of TesterKorea’s Real Tester, who offered me this product for reviewing purpose, amongst two other products, the Etude House Tint My Brows Gel and the Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream.

Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack

First, some information about TesterKorea: if you know me and my blog for some time you will know that TesterKorea is my favorite online retailer for larger Kbeauty hauls. I’ve purchased products from them many times and they never failed me. Also, they are quite popular for offering many free samples and having a LARGE variety of samples for sale aswell. If you do not know a specific products and you want to test it first the place to recommend is TesterKorea. Also, they have a huge amount of different products from many brands, so you can be sure to find what you are looking for in most cases. Unlike other online retailers they do not offer free shipping, though, but their shipping is based on weight. The cheap prices of the products themselves totally balances the shipping costs in my eyes – especially for larger hauls. They even have a specific topic where you can request a product, if it is newly launched. They are also quite fast in listing the latest products from most brands. Considering the fact that I know they are a reliable retailer and have a good reputation makes me even more happy that I’m part of the 17 members of their 1st Real Tester round-up

Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack

The Korean brand Proformula was new to me up to now. The name is made up by the two terms “Skin Professional” and “Formulation”. Proformula has a 3-Step System. The first step is to examine the active ingredients, the second step is the dermatological test, and the third step is to provide an optimized solution for the skincare concerns. Proformula doesn’t have many products, but all I saw on the official page were skincare products. The packaging design is simple black and white with no frills or pretty illustrations, simply text. This can be professional looking and attract customers this way. The Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack comes together with a brush for applying the mask. Both come in a cardboard box containing mostly Korean, but also some English description. 

Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack

The cardboard box states that the product is free from parabens, synthetic fragrances and dyes, minerals, benzophenones, silicones, propylene glycol, triethanolamine and SLES. If we look at the full ingredients list we see that there are no harmfull ingredients included. According to COSDNA almost all ingredients are green flagged. Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack contains 7 % of AHA and is a mild chemical exfoliation. The AHA used is Lactic Acid:

Lactic Acid: Lactic Acid is an AHA (Alpha hydroxyl acid). It is derived from sour milk that hydrates the skin by sloughing off old dead skin cells. It has whitening properties and is an astringent.

Also, a couple of plant extracts and fruit extracts have skin conditioning properties and help the exfoliation and make the skin feel smooth. Another two key ingredients are Niacinamide and Adenosine:

Niacinamide: Niacinamide is a water-soluble form of Vitamin B, which has a firming effect with anti-inflammatory properties.

Adenosine: Adenosine is known for having anti-aging properties and providing for healthy skin and elasticity.

Hyaluronic Acid and Aloe Leaf Juice provide the skin with moisture. Furthermore you will find a couple of other moisturizing chemicals in the ingredients lists.

Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack

Some words about Peptides in Cosmetics:

Also, according to the description the formulation uses peptides for elasticity and a lifting effect. The three peptides used are Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7, and Acetyl Hexapeptide-8. I know that many of you do not know what peptides do and if they can do anything at all when applied topically on the skin. Peptides are chains of amino acids. Usually, the name of the peptide tells us how many amino acids are part of the peptide. A tetrapeptide is made from 3 amino acids for example. Our body uses peptides for messaging, that means a peptide is a molecule which sends a signal to a cell. Let’s think about collagen for example: the breakdown of collagen forms peptides, which give the signal to make new collagen. By applying this specific peptides on our skin we might be able to tell the skin to produce new collagen.

Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack

The Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack comes in a sleek tube containing 30 g. The included brush has a good length and is used to apply the product on your face. The formulation of the Lifting Pack is a lightly yellow colored gel with a high viscosity. It’s similar to glue and very sticky. The product has a slightly bitter scent with a hint of fruityness.

Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack

The bristles of the brush are very soft, but once you start to spread the pack with the brush it becomes sticky and makes the application a bit harder. Nevertheless, I still think it is better to use the brush than to use your fingers. It is recommended to use the pack 2-3 times a week. You apply the pack in a thin layer from the inside of the face towards the outside. After 15-20 minutes the pack dries and you can wash it off with luke-warm water.

Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack

Below you can see the process of using the pack on my skin. First I applied a layer of the Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack. After 15 minutes the mask dries. You will feel how the skin tightens up. It really looks frightening, because your face looks suddenly so wrinkled and dried…almost as if you were dying :D This was the moment when I decided that it was time to wash off the pack. My skin felt smoothed and firmer after using the mask. Nevertheless, my skin was feeling dry, too. The pack contains some moisturizing ingredients, but this was not enough for my skin. I have dry skin, so the experience might vary for people with oily skin. If you have dry skin like me I would recommend to add an especially rich cream to your skin after using this pack.

Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack

The Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack convinces with a good ingredients list and is perfectly suited for people who want to start to incorporate AHAs into their skincare routine. I liked using it and I do feel that it is lifting and smoothing out the skin. It leaves my skin a bit dry after all, which is why I can only recommend you to use a rich cream or oil after this pack if you have dry skin. This mask has also some creepy side-effects, since it really looks horrifying on your skin after 15 minutes. The skin looks so wrinkled up and old, as if the pack wants to tell you how you will look like if you do not use it, haha. You can get the Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack from TesterKorea for 30400 Won, which is around 25.51 US$. What’s your favorite AHA containing product?


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Proformula Skin Reset AHA 7 Lifting Pack

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics beauty review TesterKorea

Review: Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream | TesterKorea

17. February 2016


The Missha Super Aqua Marine Stem Cell Defending Cream was the first Korean skincare product I used and I bought two, or even three jars of it because I liked it so much back then. When I heard about the newest addition to the Missha Super Aqua family I was really excited to try it: the Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream is part of a full new moisturizing skincare line consisting of toner, emulsion essence and the cream which I’ll be reviewing here. As I announced via Instagram I’m honored to be part of TesterKorea’s Real Tester, who offered me this product for reviewing purpose, amongst some other products, like the Etude House Tint My Brows Gel I reviewed before.

Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream

First, some information about TesterKorea: if you know me and my blog for some time you will know that TesterKorea is my favorite online retailer for larger Kbeauty hauls. I’ve purchased products from them many times and they never failed me. Also, they are quite popular for offering many free samples and having a LARGE variety of samples for sale as well. If you do not know a specific product and you want to test it first the place to recommend is TesterKorea. Also, they have a huge amount of different products from many brands, so you can be sure to find what you are looking for in most cases. Unlike other online retailers they do not offer free shipping, though, but their shipping is based on weight. The cheap prices of the products themselves totally balances the shipping costs in my eyes – especially for larger hauls. They even have a specific topic where you can request a product if it is newly launched. They are also quite fast in listing the latest products from most brands. Considering the fact that I know they are a reliable retailer and have a good reputation makes me even more happy that I’m part of the 17 members of their 1st Real Tester round-up!

Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream

The product I’m reviewing here is from the famous Korean brand Missha. Missha has a lot of online stores all over the world and are available in US/Canada, Australia and even in Germany. It is the first Korean brand with a physical store in Ingolstadt in Germany, too! Missha is against animal testing. The products always come in a very mature and luxurious packaging and the design is usually very elegant although simple. I think that it can be liked by almost everyone. The Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream follows these criteria as well: The signature color of the Super Aqua Ice Tear collection is ice-blue. The cream comes in a blue cardboard box with descriptions in both Korean and English. It states description, directions and the ingredients of the products.

Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream

According to COSNDA the ingredients in this hydrating and refreshing cream are safe to use. It contains Alcohol den., which can be a potential irritant, but apart from this is used to thin down the consistency of a cream. Glycerin is the main moisturizing ingredient in the list, but the cream also contains Urea. You’ll find a bunch of plant extracts from the Ice Plant, Oarweed, Devil’s Apron, Spirulina Platensis, Lotus Flower, and Chinese Plum. The algaes Oarweed and Devil’s Apron are also used in products of the high-end brand ‘La mer’. They act as skin protectors. The other extracts act as humectants and have moisturizing properties. Sea Water provides minerals and trace elements. Raffinose, which is a sugar and also included in the list, has moisturizing properties. Lactic Acid has brightening properties. All in all, a nice ingredients list for a moisturizing cream. The cream comes in a sturdy jar containing 50 ml, but it doesn’t come with a spatula unfortunately. If you want to keep it hygienic you should use a spatula instead of your fingers for taking out the cream. The Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream is a mixture between gel-type and regular cream. It feels light upon application and emollifies into a watery essence-like product on the skin. This makes it feel refreshing, too. It also leaves the skin moist. The scent is nice and a mixture between flowery and soapy.

Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream

The Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream is a simple, but effective moisturizer. Although the list of the ingredients is not too overfilled with fancy ingredients it still contains some important ones for moisturizing the skin: There are Urea and Glycerin for one, and a bunch of plant extracts, most of them are algae ( I was surprised to see two of the ingredients being part of products from the famous brand ‘La mer’ as well). On top, you have Raffinose and Lactic Acid and the Sea Water. I really like the list and although a simple moisturizer I can definitely see that many people might like this skincare range. I didn’t use it for a long time yet, but so far it didn’t break me out and was a hydrating and refreshing experience. The product retails on TesterKorea for 11520 Won, which is around 9.69 US$. The price is really affordable and perfect for people starting a skincare routine, aiming at a hydrating and light cream. It might be a nice refreshment during hot seasons, too, because the formula feels very watery. If you are looking for the deeper nourishment of the skin this cream might be too lightweight for you. Did you try any products from the Missha Super Aqua line? What do you think of the Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear line?

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Missha Super Aqua Ice Tear Cream

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics beauty PR Sample review TesterKorea

Review: Etude House Tint My Brows Gel | TesterKorea

15. February 2016

I love Etude House’s eyebrow products! I’ve been using the Etude House Color My Brows and I’m still using the Etude House Perfect Brow Kit, and the Etude House Tint My Brows Gel is the newest addition to my collection. As I announced via Instagram I’m honoured to be part of TesterKorea’s Real Tester, who offered me this product for reviewing purpose, amongst some other products I cannot wait to share with you.

Etude House Tint My Brows Gel

First, some information about TesterKorea: if you know me and my blog for some time you will know that TesterKorea is my favorite online retailer for larger Kbeauty hauls. I’ve purchased products from them many times and they never failed me. Also, they are quite popular for offering many free samples and having a LARGE variety of samples for sale aswell. If you do not know a specific products and you want to test it first the place to recommend is TesterKorea. Also, they have a huge amount of different products from many brands, so you can be sure to find what you are looking for in most cases. Unlike other online retailers they do not offer free shipping, though, but their shipping is based on weight. The cheap prices of the products themselves totally balances the shipping costs in my eyes – especially for larger hauls. They even have a specific topic where you can request a product, if it is newly launched. They are also quite fast in listing the latest products from most brands. Considering the fact that I know they are a reliable retailer and have a good reputation makes me even more happy that I’m part of the 17 members of their 1st Real Tester round-up!

Etude House Tint My Brows Gel

Let’s start with the review for the Etude House Tint My Brows Gel: The Korean brand Etude House is one of the best known Korean brands for cute packaging. If you are a lover of cute, girly and pink packaging, reminding you of being a child and the princess you always dreamt to be, THIS is your brand. Their packaging is usually so adorable that you cannot keep yourself from impuls-buys – only because you saw the packaging…Looking at the packaging of the Etude House Tint My Brows Gel it appears simple, but yet feminine. The combination of the gray-brown color and the pink makers it look adorable in a way. The product comes in a cardboard box which shows the Korean and English description. The product is one of the newer products from Etude House. The gel comes in 3 different shades and works similar to lip tint like the Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack, that means you apply a layer of the gel, leave it to dry and peel it off after a while. This new-concept eyebrow gel tint is designed for a long-lasting eyebrow makeup.

Etude House Tint My Brows Gel

The three shades available are #1 brown, #2 light brown and #3 gray brown. I chose gray brown, because I have naturally black eye brows and I think the gray brown will suit my eyebrow color best. The ingredients of the Etude House Tint My Brow Gel are harmless according to COSDNA. There are minor irritants, but no bothersome ingredient. And although the product is made for simply tinting your brows it contains some plant derived ingredients with anti-inflamatory, antioxidant and moisturizing properties. As I said before, the Etude House Tint My Brows Gel works like a kind of non-permanent tattoo. The bottle reminds of a liquid eyeliner and comes with a thin brush-type applicator. The gel has a sticky consistency and reminds of brown colored glue. The brush is thin enough to create proper outlines for your brows. Below you can see how the gel looks when swatched on the back of my hands. First you apply a proper amount of the gel. After a while it will start to dry. When you peel off the dried product you will see that it stains the skin. After 1.5 h waiting the stain is already properly visible and shows in a light gray brown. After one day (including washing hands and showering) the stain is still visible, but is looks more light and the color changed to a light yellow-brown.

Etude House Tint My Brows Gel

When using the product on your eyebrows Etude House advises you to trim your eyebrows first and not to apply skincare products or makeup. Then you should apply a liberal amount according to the desired shape of the eyebrow. Dry the gel for at least 2 hours. For stronger coloration you can apply the gel before going to bed at night and remove it the next morning. After the gel dried completely you can remove it starting from the tail of the eyebrow, but don’t be too forceful. Etude House also says to not use a cleansing product (product with detergents) or apply force on the eyebrow area within 24 hours of using the product. Below I applied the Etude House Tint My Brows Gel on my eyebrows. As you can see, my eyebrows are dense and very dark, but I have some spare areas at the front and on the arch of my eyebrow. I applied the gel according to the desired shape of my eyebrows and waited for 2 hours. You can see that the spare areas look slightly more filled, but it doesn’t look too strongly pigmented and not unnatural either. The effect is comparable to a light brow powder, giving a natural finish.

Etude House Tint My Brows Gel

Do I like the Etude House Tint My Brows Gel? Yes, I do, and I think people with spare eyebrows or very bright color of eyebrows will like this product a lot! It looks natural and it is long-lasting. The downsides are that you have to be patient and maybe you need to practice a couple of times before you know how to paint your desired eyebrow shape. The gel contains 5 g and depending on the thickness of the layers you apply on your eyebrow it will last for a while. The price for the gel is not expansive either, so it is worth a try, especially if you love using eyebrow products. If you are already too lazy to use an eyebrow pencil or powder this product will not make it any easier or quicker though. The product retails on TesterKorea for 7650 Won, which is around 6.50 US$.


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Etude House Tint My Brows Gel

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian stationary Blippo food giveaway home PR sample

More Cute Stuff From Blippo Kawaii Store & Giveaway

13. February 2016


You might know Blippo already from their subscription boxes Japan Candy Box and Kawaii Box which I have reviewed previously. I also made a post in the past about their store, which you will find >>here<<. I’m happy to show you today some More Cute Stuff From Blippo Kawaii Store, which I totally fell in love with while browsing through their store. Oh, by the way, there is a giveaway at the end of this post were you can win some products from Blippo, too!

Blippo Kawaii Store & Giveaway

While browsing Blippo it is not hard to find some cute things to like if you love kawaii things. Blippo offer stuff from Japan like Magazines and Candy and Snacks, but also a lot of stationary items and character items from Hello Kitty, San-X (like Rillakkuma, Sentimental Circus, Gloomy Bear…), and Ghibli. They have also some fashion items, like bags and purses and cute accessories. They offers free shipping, too! I chose three items from their store, and they are so adorable I cannot stop looking at them.

Blippo Kawaii Store & Giveaway

The first item I want to show you is the Happy Animal Letter Set. This letter set comes with 2 envelopes with an imprinted animal face and 4 matching letter papers. There are different design with different animal faces available. I chose the bear face, because it looks soooo adorable with the cherry on its head :D The letter set has a Korean design, but it is made in China. Perfectly suited for a quick letter or note to a friend and make him or her smile.

Blippo Kawaii Store & Giveaway

The second items is the Cute Bear Milk & Tea Cup, which is unfortunately out of stock at the moment (the link is not working for now, but you can look within the category of cups and mugs whether you will find it there). These cups were available in large and in small versions with differently colored bears. The idea of the bear face, which is the bottom of the cup on the same time is absolutely awesome :D It also reminds you of drinking enough by stating “8 times a day”. Again, the design is Japanese, but the product is made in China. The cup is made of odorless and heat-resistant plastic, but it can not be used in the microwave. It is safe for food though and made from eco-friendly material (FDA approved).

Blippo Kawaii Store & Giveaway

The last product is the Strawberry Bento Box. This small plastic Bento Box is divided into two compartments and comes with a plastic spoon aswell. It is BPA free and food safe, freezer safe, microwave safe (I personally would not microwave it though…), and dishwasher safe (without the elastic band, which is included to keep the box together). I would say it is not leak-proof though, but perfect for some smaller lunch at work. I’m really looking forward to use it soon! I love strawberries, and the design seems to be just perfect for me :D

Blippo Kawaii Store & Giveaway

How do you like my new cute goods from Blippo? Is there anything you would also like to have? I’m super happy with these items and they really made my day more happy and enjoyable!

Where to get?

You can get all these and many other adorable items at Blippo!

Happy Animal Letter Set for 2.96 US$

Cute Bear Milk & Tea Cup for around 10 US$ if I remember correctly

Strawberry Bento Box for 8.06 US$

Blippo Kawaii Store & Giveaway

And now I have a giveaway for you, which is kindly sponsored by Blippo! By taking part in the below Rafflecopter you have the chance to win these items:

Blippo Kawaii Store & Giveaway
The prices will be sent to the selected winner by Blippo. It is open internationally, unless prohibited by law. If you are underage, please ask your parents before entering this giveaway. No cheating please! We will check the entries ;) This giveaway is dedicated to the readers of my blog, no giveaway blogs please.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

♥ Good luck everyone! ♥

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.


Valentine’s Day Special: Kissable Lips in 3 Steps

12. February 2016


Valentine’s Day: Some love it, others hate it utterly! Either way, I have some pampering tips for you today, no matter if you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not: I will show you my 3 steps routine for achieving soft and smooth lips. ♥

Valentine's Day

There is nothing more bothering than dry and flaky lips. Especially in cold or very dry seasons almost everybody has made experience with dry and chapped lips. Not only does it feel bothersome, but also does it make any lip color makeup much more difficult. I hate it when special colors accentuate any dry flake on your lips! But apart from drinking a lot of water and using lip balm you can follow some easy steps to make your lips smoother and give them a nice pampering session.

Valentine's Day

First Step: Scrub Your Lips

First, you have to get rid of all the dead skin cells. Using a lip scrub is the most convenient way to do this. You can either buy a lip scrub, or make a simple DIY lip scrub using honey, sugar, and olive oil. I’m using the Missha M Soothing Care Lip Scrub and the Shara Shara Kissing Sugar Lip Scrub at the moment. I love the lip scrubs which come in a tube like the one from Missha, because you can take them with you while you’re showering and give your lips an occasional scrub. I’m using my fingers for scrubbing over my lips, but you can also use a tooth-brush (maybe another from the one you are using for your teeth…). The best way is to use circular motions to get rid of most of the dead skin.

Valentine's Day

Second Step: Lip Mask Patch

The second step gives your lips deep nourishment and moisture: Lip Mask Patches are hydrogel masks designed for the area around your mouth and for your lips. I love the lip patches from Pure Smile, but also other brands have these kind of lip patches. The Pure Smile Choosy Lip Patches have different types of essences: milky, fruity, honey, herb, peach, and many more! They contain Vitamin E, Collagen, and Hyaluronic Acid, which will make your lips soft and hydrated. The best part with lip patches is, that it looks ridiculously funny while wearing them, because the patch is shaped like an oversized lip.

Valentine's Day
Third Step: Lip Balm

The last step is the one we probably use mostly: Every woman has some lip balm somewhere in her handbag at least…or too many different lip balms which makes it difficult to decide which to use. After you scrubbed your lips and boosted them with a lip mask you can use a lip balm to seal them and keep them hydrated. My favorite two lip balms at the moment are the Tonymoly Mini Peach Lip Balm and the Classic Carmex Moisturizing Lip Balm. I also do love the Smith’s Rosebud Salve, but my jar is almost empty and the tin is so worn off that you cannot read the label anymore :D.

Valentine's Day

When using these easy steps of lip care on your lips they will be like new! Smooth and hydrated lips, perfect for your Valentine’s Date or any other occasion you want to – or even just for yourself, to feel even more pretty than you already do! ♥

Where to get the products mentioned above:

Missha M Soothing Care Lip Scrub – W2Beauty for 10.43 US$, Missha Germany for 7.80 €

Shara Shara Kissing Sugar Lip Scrub – Testerkorea for ~5 US$ (currently sold out)

Pure Smile Choosy Lip Patches – for ~5 US$, also on ebay

Tonymoly Mini Peach Lip Balm – Qdepot for 8.99 US$

Classic Carmex Moisturizing Lip Balm – for 5.79 €, for 6.98 US$

Smith’s Rosebud Salve – several stores for ~6 US$

What are your lip care remedies? Do you have any favorite products or DIY tips?

asian cosmetics beauty PR Sample q-depot review

Review: NoTS 28 Remedy Perfect Solution Set

11. February 2016

I love Korean deluxe sample sets, since they contain every product you’ll ned when you are on vacations. They are also great for getting to know a brand or a specific skincare line, therefore I was really happy when I was offered to review the NoTS 28 Remedy Perfect Solution Set by Korean cosmetics online shop Qdepot. So far this brand is still new to me, and apart from the NoTS Silk Glow Stick Foundation I haven’t tried any products from this brand. But finally I can now try some of their skincare products:

NoTS 28 Remedy

Unlike brands like Etude House or Tonymoly the Korean high-end brand NoTS is yet not widely known among people outside Korea. NoTS stands for ‘noble through skin’ and was founded in 2011. It is supposed to be natural functional cosmetics with eco-friendly ingredients. Since it is a high-end brand the products are more expansive than drugstore brands like Etude House or Tonymoly. Their packaging design is also not girlish or fun, but more mature and targeting another age group than the two other brands. The NoTS 28 Remedy Perfect Solution Set comes in a silver cardboard box and contains 4 products. The NoTS 28 Remedy skincare range is made for sensitive and acne prone skintypes and is a multipurpose range targeting also anti-ageing and having whitening properties.

NoTS 28 Remedy

The set contains the NoTS 28 Remedy Acne Pore Deep Cleanser, The NoTS 28 Remedy Balancing Toner, The NoTS 28 Remedy Intensive Serum, and the NoTS 28 Remedy Repair Cream. These four product already build a perfect tiny skincare routine. From the 4 products the cleanser stands out most, because it has orange-colored fonts and cap on the white plastic tube. The other three products are simple but elegant. The bottles and jars have a white color and silver fonts and caps. They are made of hard plastic and seem to be very sturdy and perfect for travelling without fearing for them that they’ll break or leak.

NoTS 28 Remedy

The backside of the silver cardboard box reveals the Korean description for the 4 products, but you can check Qdepot for English description of the single products. The first step of your skincare is usually a cleanser. The NoTS 28 Remedy Acne Pore Deep Cleanser is a cleanser containing salicylic acid. It also contains a bunch of plant ingredients. All in all there are some minor irritants within the ingredients list, but the formulation is color-, scent-, and alcohol-free. The deluxe size comes with 25 ml volume, whereas the full size contains 120 ml. The foam cleanser has a white consistency and a pH of 7 when mixed with water. It cleans of almost all the makeup as you can see in the picture below. It is a bit weak towards lipliner, eyeliner, and smudgeproof eyeshdow formulations, but it cleans nicely the BB cream. The cleanser builds a soft foam when lathered and doesn’t have any specific strong scent.

NoTS 28 Remedy

After cleansing your face you would use the NoTS 28 Remedy Balancing Toner and the NoTS 28 Remedy Intensive Serum. Both products come in bottles with a pump applicator, which is very convenient to use. The toner contains 15 ml in the deluxe sample size and 100 ml in full-size. It is a clear toner with a light gel texture. It is not completely watery when pumped out of the tube, but when spreading it the texture feels watery. It has a faint alcohol scent and the ingredients list reveals that it includes alcohol. Apart from this the toner contains many plant derived ingredients. Unfortunately, it contains Triethanol amine and Triclosan, which are red labelled according to COSNDA. Especially since it contains Triclosan I wouldn’t recommend using it because Triclosan is highly discussed and already banned in many cosmetics (in Europe).  The NoTS 28 Remedy Intensive Serum is used after the toner. It also comes in a pump bottle containing 12 ml for the deluxe sample and 35 ml in the full-size. The serum is clear and like a gel. It also contains alcohol and has a faint alcohol scent like the toner. Apart from this the other ingredients look good. Similar to the toner the gel formulation melts like water when spread and therefore absorbs quickly and feels refreshing. The last step of your skincare routine would be the NoTS 28 Remedy Repair Cream. The cream comes in a jar containing 10 g, the full-sized jar contains 30 g. The cream has a thick, creamy consistency and a strong herbal scent. It contains a whole bunch of plant derived ingredients, similar to the serum, and also contains Niacinamide and Adenosin. The cream also contains some red labelled ingredients according to COSDNA, which are Triethanol amine and BHT. And it also contains Salicylic Acid, and some minor irritants. It also contains Zinc Oxide as UV protection, which is great. The cream applied nicely on the skin, but leaves the skin a bit tacky first. There is no greasyness though. The strong herbal scent lingers quite some time unfortunately.

NoTS 28 Remedy

It is nice that these kind of deluxe sample sets give us the opportunity to try out a whole range of new products. Out of the 4 products my favorite is the serum. I wouldn’t recommend using the toner because of the Triclosan. The cream has a very intense herbal scent and it is kind of bitter, too. Also, for a high-end brand it contains too many irritants and not so great ingredients. The cleanser is probably a good choice for oily skintypes and acne-prone skin, because of the salicylic acid. For me it was too drying, and since my skin is dry anyways it is not the perfect cleanser for my skintype. Also, considering the higher prices of NoTS products I would advice you to get some samples of the products from this range before, since they may contain irritants.

You can get the products at Q-depot. The Cleanser retails for 26.88 US$. The Toner is available for 67.20 US$. The serum costs 75.60 US$, and the cream retails for a proud 102 US$Q-depot is an online retailer for Korean cosmetics. They have already quite a variety of the most popular Korean brands and they keep adding products frequently. The site is easy to navigate, too. And they offer free samples for each order and free shipping for orders above US$ 69. What I like especially, that they have an extra section for cruelty-free products, which contains brands like Iope, Innisfree, Etude House, etc. I didn’t see that before for most of the online stores, so that’s something really innovative and nice. Also, they are committed to contributing 3% of their group’s net profit for social causes in different countries. So you can shop for your favorite Korean products and do something good, too. Also,Q-depot is having a promotion were you can get 25 US$ coupon upon signing up. The coupon is useable for a minimum purchase of 69 US$.

Here are also some useful coupons and free gifts you can use and receive when ordering at the moment: 


Get $10 OFF on orders $129+ Coupon Code: A83RvEYo

Get $70 OFF on orders 99+ Coupon Code: LuGf8ZMX

Get $5 OFF on orders 69+ Coupon Code: Uxurfv9C

Get $3 OFF on orders 49+ Coupon Code: ERP9pDYT

  Free Gifts

Orders 69+ – Free Missha Misa Gumsul Mask (worth $3.58)

Order 99+ – Free Tony Moly Kiss Kiss Lip Patch (worth $6.39)

Orders 129+ – Free Face Shop Lovely Mix Pastal Cushion Blusher (worth $8.99)

Have fun shopping!



Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by, which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty PR Sample review Vivant Skincare

Review: Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System

9. February 2016

Did you ever get a customized skincare routine proposal? A while ago I was approached by Vivant Skincare and they asked me whether I would be interested in the Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System. I was not sure, if it would be possible to stick to the products from Vivant Skincare for the recommended 30 days, but I tried my best and here is my thorough review for the products I received.

Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System

Vivant’s history as a leading skin care brand goes back more than 50 years and is based on the formulations of researcher, cosmetic surgeon and dermatologist James E. Fulton, M.D., Ph.D., the co-developer of Vitamin A acid, known as Retin-A®. Vivant Skincare offers solutions for each and every skin concern, be it acne, hyperpigmentation, aging and even more. They have different series of cleansers, toners, correctors, hydrators, body care, masks and eye and lip treatments. I’m sure that there is a product suited for everybody within their product range. When they approached me and I agreed on reviewing their products and asked them for specific product suggestions. After a couple of days I received an email by the director of Vivant Skincare, Susan. She is the daughter of James E. Fulton and she gave me a very detailed explanations on which products she would advice me and what she will send to me. She also stated that she found my page through reddit, and you could see in her email that she was familiar with Korean skincare routines. She even send me her personal email and cell phone number in case of any questions, which speaks for a good customer service and availablity.

Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System

One of the key ingredients of the Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System is mandelic acid. Susan stated the following when she emailed me about the products:

“One of [my father’s] discoveries was that Mandelic Acid, derived from bitter almonds, is a different kind of AHA; an exciting new 3 in 1 skin care therapy, effective in treating photo-aging, irregular pigmentation and acne.  Developed for skin too sensitive for glycolics and benzoyl peroxide, it is perfect for sensitive skin that has a tendency to break out or is prone to hyperpigmentation from over exfoliation.  I am sending you a Mandelic Wash and a toner, it would be a perfect AHA for you to try.  If the toner is too much for your dry skin back off and try it one day on, one day off.  The Cleansing Milk I am enclosing can be used one day on, one day off if the mandelic wash is too drying.  I am also going to send you a Vivant Rejuv RX with peptides. […] I would like you to eventually start to use the Derm-A-Renew serum from the Vivant line but only after your skin has acclimated.  “

So, the Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System consists of 4 main products: a cleanser, a toner, a corrector, and a hydrator. In contrast to most toners known from asian beauty routines the toner here is meant to prepare the surface of the skin for better penetration of the skin by the Vivant Skincare serums. The Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System comes with an insert which describes how to use the products. Within 4 weeks the skin is adjusted to the routine by slowly increasing the steps from week to week.

Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System

I received a total of 7 products: The Vivant Skincare Cleansing Milk, the Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Wash, the 3% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Toner, the Day Treatment Lotion, the 8% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Serum, the Rejuv RX Peptide Concentrate, and the Derm-A-Renew Gentle Peptide and Vitamin A. I used the products like this for more than 30 days, but after the first 30 days I made some adjustments, which I will describe at the end of this review:

Routine in the mornings:
1. Cleansing Milk or Mandelic Acid Wash
2. Rejuv RX Peptide Concentrate
3. Day Treatment Lotion
Routine at night:
1. Mandelic Acid Wash
2. Mandelic Acid Toner
3. Mandelic Acid Serum, after a while replace this with the Derm-A-Renew

Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System

First of all the packaging of the Vivant Skincare products is designed in a simple, neat, and clean way. It reminds of typical products you would receive in a pharmacy. The serums come in brown glass bottles with included pipettes attached to the lids. The small bottles contain 1 oz (~29.6 ml). The other products (cleansers, lotion, and toner) come in white plastic bottles. You can press the lids down on one side to reveal the opening. All in all the packaging design is convenient to use. Unfortunately, the caps of the plastic bottles may leak if you carry them around. This happened to me two times with the Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Wash. The other products however never leaked out, so it may be that it was only a problem with this bottle. Since I’m already speaking of the cleanser I will start of with their performances aswell.

Vivant Skincare Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Wash and Vivant Skincare Cleansing Milk

I received two different cleansers, the The Vivant Skincare Cleansing Milk and the Vivant Skincare Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Wash. The Madelic Acid 3-in1 Wash is a gel-type cleanser. It is a clear, light-pink gel which lathers up into a bit of foam. It is not a rich or dense foam though. The gel cleanser has a pH of 3 when mixed with water. It has a light bitter scent of almonds. It is not only a facial wash, but can be used on the body, too. And even more, it can be used as shampoo for fighting dandruff and acne.  You can check the full ingredients list >>here<<, and as you can see the list is very short, which I like, and contains mainly safe ingredients, too. The key ingredients are Mandelic Acid, Green Tea Extract, Grape Extract, Kiwi Fruit Extract, and Honey Extract:

Madelic Acid: As we learned before the Mandelic Acid acts as a mild chemical exfoliant and is used as natural antibacterial to suppress pigmentation, treat inflammatory, cystic acne and rejuvenate photo-aged skin.

Camellia Sinensis (Japanese Green Tea) Leaf Extract: It is rich in Vitamin E and C and also known as powerful anti-oxidant with anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It helps to maintain the collagen formation and healthy skin.

Kiwi Fruit Extract: This extract is high in omega-3. Kiwi has excellent antioxidant properties to rejuvenate tired skin and slow the aging process. It helps to diminish the appearance of fine lines and dark eye circles, making the skin appear more radiant.

Honey Extract: Honey is a natural humectant with long-lasting hydration. It contains enzymes with anti-bacterial properties to clarify the skin and has been used for centuries as beautifying ingredient.

Grape Seed Extract: Grape Seed Extracts is a potent antioxidant that shuts down free radical activity.

The Vivant Skincare Cleansing Milk is a lotion-type cleanser. It has a milky consistency and a nice, sweet scent. I prefer this scent over the scent of the Mandelic Acid 3-1 Wash. The Cleansing Milk has a pH of 4. The full ingredients can be looked up >>here<<. As with the above cleanser the ingredients list is very short and neat. The key ingredients are Grape Seed Extract and Glycerin.

Glycerin: Glycerin or Glycerol is a humectant present in all lipids. Glycerin combined with other emollients or oils is part of most moisturizers and in this way makes the skin soft and moisturized.

Both cleansers perform good on cleansing the skin from basic makeup, but they are weak when used on color makeup. Therefore, I would advise you to get rid of your makeup first by using any proper makeup remover. Below you can see that both cleansers are weak when cleansing lip products and eyeshadow. Eyeliner, BB cream and water-soluble mascara were removed by both cleansers.

Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System

Next products of my Vivant Skincare Routine are the 3% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Toner and the Day Treatment Lotion. Let’s take a closer look at these:

Vivant Skincare 3% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Toner and Vivant Skincare Day Treatment Lotion

As I already said before the 3% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Toner is not designed as moisturizing toner, but is an astingent toner. You will already see from the ingrdients list. The ingrdients list is short but it contains SD Alcohol in 2nd place. So, I know that many are wary when they hear that alcohol is inlcuded in a specific product. I shared an interesting article on this topic on facebook recently. Usually, SD Alcohol is used to thin down a product, which makes sense for heavier creams for example. The 3% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Toner is a clear, watery solution. The toner has a strong alcohol scent. The key ingredients are Witch Hazel and Mandelic Acid.

Witch Hazel: Witch Hazel has antioxidant properties. It acts as astringent and anti-inflammatory.

Actually, I’m not sure why they used SD Alcohol here, since this is a toner and not a cream. The toner clears the remaining makeup from the skin, when used, but it also dries out the skin as far as I experienced. The toner might be suited better for oily skin, or skin with acne problems. Nevertheless, I used the toner 1-2 times a day during 30 days, but after that I changed to my regularly used toners for adjusting the pH.

The Vivant Skincare Day Treatment Lotion is a daily SPF moisturizer. It has SPF 15. The moisturizer is a thick, white-colored cream. It is similar to many of the heavy sunscreens, which I usually avoid using. But what I liked about this lotion is that it can be mixed with loose powder or mineral makeup for creating a tinted moisturizer. The moisturizer has a scent, but it is similar to the scent of pharmacy creams, not any perfumed scent. I did not like the scent too much. The full ingredients are listed >>here<<, and the key ingredients are Aloe Leaf Juice and Zinc Peptides.

The ingredients list contains some minor irritants and acne triggers. Octinoxate, Octisalate, and Titanium Dioxide are used as sunscreens.

Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System

Part of my Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness Systems were the Rejuv RX Peptide Concentrate during the day and 8% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Serum at nights. After three weeks I replaced the Mandelic Acid Serum with the Derm-A-Renew Gentle Peptide and Vitamin A.

Vivant Skincare 8% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Serum

The first serum to use during the Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System is the Vivant Skincare 8% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Serum. At the beginning it is used every night. Later it is replaced by the Derm-A-Renew Gentle Peptide and Vitamin A. The Vivant Skincare 8% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Serum is an alcohol free and mild serum to treat acne, discoloration, and age spots. It also targets the appearance of fine lines. It is a clear water like serum. It has a bitter scent of almonds, too. The serum is very light and absorbs fast into the skin. I discovered that my skin feels smoother after using it for a week already. The full ingredients list is again quite short and contains safe ingredients. The key ingredients are mandelic acid, urea, lactid acid, and niacinamide:

Lactic Acid: Lactid Acid is an AHA (Alpha hydroxyl acid) aswell. It is derived from sour milk that hydrates the skin by sloughing off old dead skin cells. It has whitening properties and is an astringent.

Urea: Urea binds moisture to the skin and keeps skin smooth and supple. It promotes re-hydrationand has anti-inflammatory properties aswell.

Niacinamide: Niacinamide is a water-soluble form of Vitamin B, which has a firming effect with anti-inflammatory properties.

Vivant Skincare Rejuv RX Peptide Concentrate

The Vivant Skincare Rejuv RX Peptide Concentrate is a serum which enhances firmness and elasticity. It also relieves rednesses. The ingredients contain some minor irritants, but other than that it is short like all the products from Vivant Skincare I tried. The key ingredients are Oligopeptides, Lactid Acid, Urea, and Niacinamide. The downside is that this serum contains SD alcohol. Like with the toner I do not think that it is necessary to have SD Alcohol here. The serum is clear and watery, like the mandelic acid serum, but instead of the bitter scent this one smells of alcohol. It also doesn’t feel really moisturizing. After 30 days I stopped using this regularly, and I didn’t see any differences for my skin. By now I do not use this anymore, but instead I’m using the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin C Serum instead during day time.

Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System

Vivant Skincare Derm-A-Renew Gentle Peptide and Vitamin A

The last product I added to my Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System is the Vivant Skincare Derm-A-Renew combines peptides and vitamin A for improving the skintone and texture. It is a milky, light yellow product. It is still fluid enough to be taken out with the pipette. It has a mild, nice scent and applies easily without being greasy. The ingredients list contains some minor irritants and it also contains a red labelled ingredient, BHT, a preservative. The Vitamin A derivate used here is Retinyl Propionate. Apart from this it contains Oligopeptides, Lactid Acid and Niacinamide.

Retinyl Propionate: Retinyl Propionate is a synthetic ester of retinol and propionic acid. While retinyl palmitate is an earlier form of retinol, it does not have the same effects as retinol. Instead, retinyl palmitate can be effective in boosting collagen fiber production in your skin, which can help you look younger. It does not have the same exfoliating effects as retinol however.

From the three serums this is my favorite since I like how it applies and how it smells. It feels like a nice boost to the skin, but does not feel too aggressive or drying.

Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System

My final thought on the Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System is quite positive. First of all I like the customer service and the option of getting a personalized skincare routine kit. Therefore I think that it is great for people starting a skincare routine. I also had a couple of products within my customized Vivant Skincare Routine which I really liked, but of course there were also some products which I liked less. From the two cleansers I preferred the Cleansing Milk because it was less drying and had a nicer scent than the Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Wash. Both of the cleansers are great if you are looking for low pH cleansers. The Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Wash contains 8 oz (236.6 ml) and retails for 31 US$. The Cleansing Milk comes with the same amount and retails for 29.50 US$. The Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Toner was far too drying for my skin, even if only used occasionally. Sine it has the purpose to balance the pH and get rid of any excess sebum you can replace it with another pH adjusting toner with the same properties, maybe one without alcohol. 4 oz (119.3 ml) retail for 44 US$ which is also quite expensive compared to the ingredients contained here. I really appreciate the idea of a Day Treatment Lotion with SPF and I wish that more moisturizer would consider to add this to their formulation. The scent and the thickness of the moisturizer were not my cup of tea really, so I switched to my regular moisturizers and sunscreens. This adds an additional step to the routine, but I don’t mind that specifically. The Day Treatment Lotion contains 4 oz (119.3 ml) and retails for 33 US$. I do like the 8% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Serum and Derm-A-Renew Gentle Peptide and Vitamin A! I like the key ingredients used in booth serums and I like how they make the skin feel. The Rejuv RX Peptide Concentrate on the other hand was again too drying for me, probably because of the alcohol. It was not so bad as the toner, but still from the three serums I would choose this to opt out. The downside for the serums is that they are really expensive. The Rejuv-RX retails for 106 US$ and is the most expensive out of the three serums. The 8% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Serum retails for 50 US$ and the Derm-A-Renew Gentle Peptide and Vitamin A retails for 87 US$.  The Vivant Skincare Skin Fitness System including the Mandelic Acid Wash, Toner, Day Treatment Lotion and the 8% Mandelic Acid 3-in-1 Serum can be obtained in a Kit for 130 US$. I’m really thankful that Vivant Skincare has offered me their skincare products to review and I hope that my experiences with the products will help you in case you want to go for any of the products.

Did anybody try products from Vivant skincare before? Or did you ever get a customized skincare routine and how were your experiences?

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics beauty beauty boxes Etude House PR Sample review

Etude House Pink Bird Box January “Cover Makeup Done by Big Cover Concealer BB”

5. February 2016


A new Etude House Pink Bird Box packed with newly launched products arrived at my doorsteps a couple of days ago and of course I want to share my opinion about them with you. The theme of the January Box is Cover Makeup Done by Big Cover Concealer BB, but apart from two items from the new Big Cover Concealer line the January Box contained the Look At My Eyes Monkey Wish Eyes released for the Lunar New Year as 2016 is the year of the Monkey. Let’s take a closer look at all the items!

Etude House Pink Bird

First of all, some words about the Korean brand Etude House: Etude House is one of the best known Korean brands for cute packaging. If you are a lover of cute, girly and pink packaging, reminding you of being a child and the princess you always dreamt to be, THIS is your brand. Their packaging is usually so adorable that you cannot keep yourself from impuls-buys – only because you saw the packaging… Etude House has a blogger program called Pink Bird. Selected blogger will receive a monthly box for a defined period of time packed with selected products for reviewing purpose. I’m really proud and happy to be part of their Pink Bird program!

Etude House Pink Bird

The January box contains 5 products: The Etude House Big Cover Concealer BB and the Big Cover Concealer Cushion are from the new Big Cover Concealer line including BB cream, cushion concealer, tip concealer, and concealer kit in order to help to cover imperfections in more convenient and easier ways. The three eyeshadow colors are from the Etude House Look At My Eyes Monkey Wish Eyes Collection, which was released for the new Lunar Year which is the year of the Monkey. The Monkey Wish Eyes include 10 colors in both jewel and velvet type. Each color has a “most want to hear message in new year” in Korean. The 3 colors selected for the Pink Birds are BE109 입금됐다몽 “Pay Day”, PK013 응원한다몽 “Cheer Up”, and GR707 합격했다몽 “Exam Passed”!

Etude House Pink Bird

I’ll start off with the Etude House Look At My Eyes Monkey Wish Eyes. As you can see below there are 10 Monkey Wish Eyes available, each with its own New Year Message. All the eyeshadow from this collection have a monkey face pattern imprinted. 6 of the 10 colors are limited new colors! The eyeshadow are available in either jewel or velvet types and they are designed to be silky and richly pigmented.

Etude House Look At My Eyes Monkey Wish Eyes

I really think that the monkey imprint is more than adorable and it is a nice idea to have each color with its own new years message. They can be used as cute gifts this way. The three colors below are from left to right GR707 (#10 합격했다몽 “Exam Passed”), BE109 (#6 BE109 입금됐다몽 “Pay Day”), and PK013 (#9 응원한다몽 “Cheer Up”). Look at those lovely monkey heads :D

Etude House Look At My Eyes Monkey Wish Eyes

All the three colors have a good pigmentation, but they also create some fall-off. The imprint also vanishes after using the colors frequently – unfortunately, because this makes the product so cute after all. PK013 and GR707 are jewel-type eyeshadow and contain shimmer particles. BE109 doesn’t have the label “Jewel”, but still I find that the color is sparkly and not really velvet. Nevertheless, all the colors are super pretty and shimmery when used, as you can see in the swatches already.

Etude House Look At My Eyes Monkey Wish Eyes

I especially love color GR707, since it is not a very common color. It is a brown base color with green shimmer and it looks stunning! Oh, and the backside of the eye shadow pots has the cutest bar code, doesn’t it? The three colors fit nicely together, too, and using an eyeshadow base the makeup lasts pretty nicely all day long. There may be some glitter fall-off on your face eventually, but all in all the eyeshadow are pretty descent.

Etude House Look At My Eyes Monkey Wish Eyes

The Etude House Big Cover Concealer products are the main products of the January box. The key product is the new Big Cover Concealer BB cream, which doesn’t come in a tube like most BB creams, but has a multi-touch tip applicator instead. In order to use you can spread the BB cream using the flat side of the applicator all over your face. Using the tip a second layer can be applied on the desired areas which need more cover.

Etude House Big Cover Concealer

I really like the packaging and somehow it reminds me of Benefit products…What do you think? The bottle of the Big Cover Concealer BB cream contains 30 g of product, which is a good size for a BB cream. The cardboard box has a detailed description and ingredients list in both Korean and English. The shades available for this BB cream are Vanilla, Beige and Sand. I will show you Vanilla here.

Etude House Big Cover Concealer

The Etude House Big Cover concealer BB has SPF50+/ PA+++. According to the ingredients list it contains Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide for the sun protection. You can look up the whole ingredients list on COSNDA. The ingredients seem to be safe to use mostly. There is Beeswax included which can cause irritations occasionally. Also there are some minor acne triggers, but all in all the ingredients are harmless.

Etude House Big Cover Concealer

Vanilla is the lightest color of the BB cream. It matches my skin tone just fine at the moment. Unlike the Pony Play 101 Stick Foundation in Vanilla the Big Cover Concealer BB matches better and doesn’t make me look as ghostly, mainly because it has a more fluid consistency and adapts better to my skin tone. For summer I would probably need to use the shade “Beige” instead. Although I’m describing the BB cream as fluid it is more of the creamy type still. It is not a runny BB cream, but instead shows a good coverage without being too drying. The coverage is buildable, too, so by using a second layer on your problem areas you might be able to rich a good coverage.

Etude House Big Cover Concealer

You can complete concealing with the Etude House Big Cover Concealer Cushion, a cushion concealer shaped like a pen. The Big Cover Concealer Cushion is available in 6 distinct shades. There are the shades Sand, Vanilla, and Beige, which match to the BB creams in the according shades and then there are Illuminate, Mint, and Peach Pink for color correcting your skin concerns. My box contained the shade Peach Pink and comes in a light pink packaging color.

Etude House Big Cover Concealer

The Concealer Cushions have SPF 30/PA++ using Titanium Dioxide, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, and Zinc Oxide. The full ingredients list contains no harmful ingredients and you can look them up >>here<<. As the name already reveals, this pen type Concealer uses a cushion tip for application. By pushing the bottom of the pen for 1-2 times (a couple of more times for the first usage) the product is released into the cushion and can be applied on the desired areas.

Etude House Big Cover Concealer

Below you can see a swatch of the Big Cover Concealer Cushion next to the BB cream. The Peach Pink color of the Concealer Cushion looks similar to the BB cream, but with a slightly more pink undertone. It applies thinner and feels lighter than the BB cream. I’m using it for my under eye area and the sides of my nose and I discovered it is perfect for taking it along in your handbag.

Etude House Big Cover Concealer

I used the Concealer BB cream and the Concealer Cushion for my face make-up on the picture below. The concealer settles sometimes in the lines of my under eye area, but it isn’t as bad as with other concealers I tried. It doesn’t make the sides of my nose look patchy, which I really love. The BB cream gives my skin an even skin tone and looks neither too dewy, nor too matte. It has the perfect finish.

Etude House Big Cover Concealer

I’m happy about the selection of products in this months Pink Bird Box. The eyeshadow are very cute and I love the monkey imprint and the idea of making a collection of eyeshadow with new years messages. I can imagine that many Koreans use these as small gifts for a friend for example. I didn’t find the eyeshadow on the official Etude House page, but you can get them from W2Beauty for 5.99 US$ each. I also like the Big Cover Concealer BB and the Cushion. The Cushion Pen is part of my handbag now, because it is very convenient to use and doesn’t look cakey. The BB cream provides a nice finish and gives a good mount of coverage. Maybe the only downside for some would be the applicator and the fact that it is less hygienic than using a pump applicator. The BB cream retails for 18 US$ and the Cushion Pens for 13.20 US$!

For all the news about ETUDE HOUSE’s products, you can follow their global Facebook page:
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Did you try any of the new products already? Tell me about it in the comments below! And if you like to read my previous reviews on Etude House Pink Bord Boxes click >>here<<.

Etude House Pink Bird

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.