Valentine’s Day: Some love it, others hate it utterly! Either way, I have some pampering tips for you today, no matter if you celebrate Valentine’s Day or not: I will show you my 3 steps routine for achieving soft and smooth lips. ♥
There is nothing more bothering than dry and flaky lips. Especially in cold or very dry seasons almost everybody has made experience with dry and chapped lips. Not only does it feel bothersome, but also does it make any lip color makeup much more difficult. I hate it when special colors accentuate any dry flake on your lips! But apart from drinking a lot of water and using lip balm you can follow some easy steps to make your lips smoother and give them a nice pampering session.
First Step: Scrub Your Lips
First, you have to get rid of all the dead skin cells. Using a lip scrub is the most convenient way to do this. You can either buy a lip scrub, or make a simple DIY lip scrub using honey, sugar, and olive oil. I’m using the Missha M Soothing Care Lip Scrub and the Shara Shara Kissing Sugar Lip Scrub at the moment. I love the lip scrubs which come in a tube like the one from Missha, because you can take them with you while you’re showering and give your lips an occasional scrub. I’m using my fingers for scrubbing over my lips, but you can also use a tooth-brush (maybe another from the one you are using for your teeth…). The best way is to use circular motions to get rid of most of the dead skin.
Second Step: Lip Mask Patch
The second step gives your lips deep nourishment and moisture: Lip Mask Patches are hydrogel masks designed for the area around your mouth and for your lips. I love the lip patches from Pure Smile, but also other brands have these kind of lip patches. The Pure Smile Choosy Lip Patches have different types of essences: milky, fruity, honey, herb, peach, and many more! They contain Vitamin E, Collagen, and Hyaluronic Acid, which will make your lips soft and hydrated. The best part with lip patches is, that it looks ridiculously funny while wearing them, because the patch is shaped like an oversized lip.

Third Step: Lip Balm
The last step is the one we probably use mostly: Every woman has some lip balm somewhere in her handbag at least…or too many different lip balms which makes it difficult to decide which to use. After you scrubbed your lips and boosted them with a lip mask you can use a lip balm to seal them and keep them hydrated. My favorite two lip balms at the moment are the Tonymoly Mini Peach Lip Balm and the Classic Carmex Moisturizing Lip Balm. I also do love the Smith’s Rosebud Salve, but my jar is almost empty and the tin is so worn off that you cannot read the label anymore :D.
When using these easy steps of lip care on your lips they will be like new! Smooth and hydrated lips, perfect for your Valentine’s Date or any other occasion you want to – or even just for yourself, to feel even more pretty than you already do! ♥
Where to get the products mentioned above:
Missha M Soothing Care Lip Scrub – W2Beauty for 10.43 US$, Missha Germany for 7.80 €
Shara Shara Kissing Sugar Lip Scrub – Testerkorea for ~5 US$ (currently sold out)
Pure Smile Choosy Lip Patches – Amazon.com for ~5 US$, also on ebay
Tonymoly Mini Peach Lip Balm – Qdepot for 8.99 US$
Classic Carmex Moisturizing Lip Balm – Amazon.de for 5.79 €, Amazon.com for 6.98 US$
Smith’s Rosebud Salve – several stores for ~6 US$
What are your lip care remedies? Do you have any favorite products or DIY tips?
ich muss mir auch wieder so ein lippenpatch holen, die sehen echt mega süß aus :) das scrub mag ich auch sehr gerne, aber du hast recht, eine tube ist praktischer :D
Ja, vorallem kann man die tube mit in die dusche nehmen und wird dann immer daran erinnert es auch zu benutzen :D Die Lippenpatches finde ich auch voll witzig :D
i like to see how it looks on real lips. Can you take a pic? I’m buying one for my gf.
Which one exactly? If you google the lip patches you will find plenty of examples. If you mean them :)
Ach solche Lippenpatches will ich mir auch schon lange einmal zulegen :) Die sehen meistens auch noch ultrawitzig aus. Den Scrub von Shara Shara hatte ich vor langer Zeit auch einmal, aus einer MeMe Box. Vielleicht sollte ich mir auch wieder einmal einen solchen zulegen. Ein schöner Post, sowas finde ich immer sehr spannend.
Finde ich auch! Die sind echt genial diese Lippenpatches! Ich bin normalerweise echt vergesslich was lipscrubs angeht, aber seit ich die Tuben immer mit in der Dusche habe denke ich da viel öfter dran als vorher. Ich werde mal versuchen öfter mal solche Posts wie diesen zu machen, zumindest habe ich mir das vorgenommen für dieses Jahr :D
Great advice! Especially the part about sealing it all in with a lip balm, easy to forget after the novelty of using the mask.
haha, I love these masks. They are so great and funny on the same time :D Thank you for reading dear! <3