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beauty dm review

Review: Balea Deo mit Kompakt-Technologie

16. August 2016
Today's post will be about a German drugstore brand. I decided to write the post in German since the products are directed towards German customers. But if you want to know any details to any of the below products, please feel free to ask in the comments below. I'll be happy to answer your questions :)

Heute möchte ich euch zwei der neuen Balea Deos vorstellen, die mir von dm zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Balea hat vor kurzem ihre Deos überarbeitet und jetzt sind alle Deos mit verbesserter Rezeptur und im Kompaktformat erhältlich. Das heißt doppelte Ergiebigkeit bei gleicher Dosengröße!

Balea Deo

Insgesamt sind von den neuen Balea Deos 8 verschiedene erhältlich. Davon sind 6 klassische Deodorants ohne Aluminium (ACH) mit antibakterieller Wirkung die bis zu 24 Stunden anhält. Außerdem sind die Deodorants mit hochwertigen Parfümölen ausgestattet.

Balea Deo

2 der neuen Deos sind Anti-Transpirante und die enthalten daher Aluminiumsalzen, um die Schweißdrüsen zu verschließen und schaffen es so für bis zu 48 Stunden zu wirken. Die neuen Anti-Transpirante enthalten den neuen Wirkstoff Diatomite für eine zusätzliche Feuchtigkeitsabsorption und verfügen über Duftkapseln, die kontinuierlich durch die Körperwärme Parfüm freisetzen.

Balea Deo

Ich durfte freundlicher Weise zwei der neuen Balea Deos testen. Zum einen das fruchtig riechende Deodorant Soft Rock, und zum anderen das frische Anti-Transpirant Fit for Stress.

Balea Deo

Die beiden Deos enthalten jeweils 200 ml, aber durch die Kompakt-Technologie entspricht die Menge der doppelten Ausbringungsmenge von 400 ml. Dies wird durch eine effizientere Sprühtechnologie und einer konzentrierten Wirkformel erreicht.

Balea Deo

Mir gefällt vorallem der fruchtige Geruch des Soft Rock Deodorants und die Tatsache dass es ohne Aluminium ist macht es für den alltäglichen Gebrauch perfekt! Das Anti-Transpirant Fit For Stress hingegen ist definitiv die bessere Wahl für sportliche Aktivitäten oder andere Momente in denen man eventuell vor Aufregung ins Schwitzen kommt.

Balea Deo

Balea ist die Hausmarke vom Drogeriemarkt DM, von daher eine sehr günstige und einfach zu beziehende Marke mit zum Teil wirklich sehr guten Produkten. Auch hier kann man wirklich nix bemängeln und auch der Preis von 1.35 € ist vollkommen legitim! Soft Rock wird von mir sicherlich nachgekauft. Auf jedenfall möchte ich auch noch das zweite Anti-Transpirant “Fit for Sport” testen.

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Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty PR Sample review

Review: Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream

2. November 2015

If you are a user of natural cosmetics you will have heard of the German brand Lavera. A while ago I was lucky enough to receive this Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream for testing and although I’m not that consitent in grabbing natural cosmetics only I do attempt to try them more often than in the past. The Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream is an example for a good daytime eye cream made of natural ingredient.

Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream

Lavera, one of the well-known German natural cosmetics brands was founded 25 years ago and is known and available in 40 different countries all over the world. Their ingredients are mainly plant-derived and moreover they are against animal testing. The Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream is a good example for this, since it is free of paraben, mineral oil, silicon, micro beads, phtalaten, synthetic scents, -color and  -preservatives.

Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream

The Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream has pearl extracts and caffein as key ingredients, but the ingredients list contains some more potential substances, like hyaluronic acid, titanium dioxide, shea butter and some other plant ingredients. You will find all the ingredients on the packaging, but the description is in German only. The ingredients are also labelled whether they are from certified organic agriculture or if they are natural essential oils. This tube of eye cream contains 15 ml of product.

Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream

The packaging is simple, yet pretty, showing some pearls on it. The tube is a regular small-sized eye cream tube made of plastic. I think that these tubes are reasonable for eye cream, although it is more convenient to have a pump dispenser.

Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream

The Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream has a cream consitency and a pale pink color. It contains shimmery pearl extract and glimmer, which reflects the light on the skin when blended in and makes the skin appear more bright and glowy. Tired eyes and a dull expression can be reduced this way. It has a creamy babypowder scent and absorbs quite quickly after patting it in. If you use conceiler under your eyes you should definitively give the cream enough time to set, otherwise it will not work with other products.

Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream

All in all, the Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream is a good product and especially for day time use. The reflection of the light gives the skin a nice shimmer, which doesn’t look to heavy or unnatural. Peaople sensitive to scents will find the scent maybe to strong. The scent definitively lingers when I try the cream on my hand, but under my eyes I do not notice it. You can also use the eye cream on your lips, cheeks or eye lid for some reflecting shimmer. The Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream retails for 9.45€. If you live in Germany you can find it in your local druf store. I can advise you to check out the official Lavera page. There is a 2 € coupon for the Lavera Illuminating Eye Cream available >>here<<. You can find some Lavera products also on Amazon!


Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
food PR Sample

Review: BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly

10. August 2015

I love sweets, but when thinking of sweets I usually do not crosslink it to beauty, since usually eating too many sweets turns out to be the complete opposite of beautifying yourself. BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly is supposed to be a compromise, since it is made from natural ingredients and contains collagen, coenzym 10 and aloe vera to beautify ourselves from within while eating sweets :D

BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly

BeautySweeties was not know to me until I received the BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly Bears for reviewing purpose by the German drugstore dm. BeautySweeties uses traditional confectionary recipes to produce their sweets and selects natural ingredients in combination with of super-fruits and the beauty-ingredients coenzyme Q10, aloe vera, collagen or biotin. The fruit jelly bears I show you here are gluten-free, fat-free, lactose-free, without artificial aroma, without preservatives, and without articifial colors. The BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly Bears contain 20 % fruit juice, 6% fruit bits, coenzyme Q10, aloe vera and collagen. 

BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly

Each bag of BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly Bears contains 6 different kinds of fruit jelly bears, which have their own taste each: lemon, raspberry, strawberry, pear, orange and peach. When I opened up the bag the fruity scent was the first to notice. The fruit jelly bears are soft in their texture and they contain bits of fruits inside, when you look closely.

BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly

The taste of the different fruits was clearly recognizeable and though all sweets and also the fruit jelly here is made of sugar it tastes more like juice and is not overly sweet. I could not help myself and ate all the BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly Bears at once. The taste was really delicious!

BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly

Of course, despite the fact that it is the first time I encountered beautifying sweets, I have to point out that this doesn’t mean that you are eating something healthy. This is still a sweet and contains sugars. Nevertheless, the idea to eat sweets which contain beneficial ingredients is really nice and the quality of the BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly Bears was nice, too. The taste was not overly sweet, but really fruity, and the scent was not artificial but like real fruit juice. BeautySweeties and their concept of a “Lifestyle Confectionary” is definitively interesting, and an alternative for those of you you have a bad conscience after eating the regular fruit gummie bears. BeautySweeties are available in many countries and you can take a look at their official site for more details.

♥ If you have time feel free to join my two giveaway! ♥

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Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.