beauty beauty boxes PR Sample Sanicare

Unboxing: Sanicare Box Eucerin & Friends

20. March 2018


Two things first: This post will be picture-heavy, and it will be in German. Sorry, for my international readers, but if you have any specific questions to any of the products let me know and I will translate and answer.

Heute möchte ich euch die Sanicare Box Eucerin & Friends vorstellen. Ihr kennt Sanicare noch nicht? Dann wird es aber höchste Zeit! Sanicare ist eine Versandapotheke und seit einiger Zeit bieten sie eine Apotheken-Box an, ähnlich zu den bekannten Beauty Boxen, nur allerdings nicht nur um sich äußerlich schön zu machen, sondern um auch von innen gesund zu sein.

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Die Sanicare Box erscheint alle drei Monate und sie enthält 5-7 Überraschungsprodukte und dazu noch Proben von ausgewählten Apothekenprodukten. Dabei werden die Produkte natürlich entsprechend der Jahreszeit ausgewählt und helfen einem im Alltag bei kleineren Wehwehchen oder einfach dabei sich besser und gesünder zu fühlen. Das Thema dieser Box ist Eurecin & Friends.

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Eucerin ist eine der bekannteren Kosmetikmarken, wenn man an Pflegeprodukte aus der Apotheke denkt. Die Marke wird weltweit von Dermatologen und Apothekern empfohlen, und basiert auf über 100 Jahren innovativer Hautforschung. Die Produkte bieten Pflege und schützen die Hautgesundheit für eine schöne Haut. Ich selbst bin großer Fan von Eucerin und war bisher nie enttäuscht von ihren Produkten. Von daher gefällt mir der Inhalt dieser speziellen Sanicare Box besonders gut!

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Übrigens ist die Sanicare Box keine Abo-box, sondern man bestellt sie immer einmalig. Der Preis liegt bei 19.95 € inklusive Versandkosten und soll in der Regel einen Warenwert von über 50€ enthalten. Hört sich vielversprechend an? Dann schauen wir mal was in der Eucerin & Friends Box alles enthalten ist, damit ihr euch auch ein Bild davon machen könnt.

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Zunächst einmal ist die Anzahl der Produkte wieder überwältigend und auch beim heben der Box fällt einem auf wie schwer sie ist. Betrachtet man die beigefügte Produktkarte werden dort 11 Produkte aufgelistet! Das rote Design der Box gefällt mir auch diesmal sehr gut!

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Wie ihr schon merkt, die Box war bis zum Rand gefüllt mit Produkten!

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Eucerin – AQUAporin ACTIVE erfrischende Lotion

Diese Lotion enthält naturidentischem Gluco-Glycerol, welches die Bildung neuer Aquaporine anregt und dadurch bei regelmäßiger Anwendung die Haut optimal mit intensiver Feuchtigkeit versorgt. Zusätzlich enthält die Lotion Shea Butter für noch mehr Pflege (75ml/ 2,57€).


Dieses 3 in 1 Reinigungsfluid mit Mizellen-Technologie entfernt wasserlösliches Make-Up im Gesicht und an den Augen. Zusätzlich spendet es Feuchtigkeit und ist trotzdem mild dabei (125ml/7,47€).

Eucerin – HYALURON-FILLER Tagespflege

Diese Tagespflege richtet sich besonders an trockene Haut mit Anti-Falten Formel. Durch kurz- und langkettiger Hyaluronsäure können selbst tiefe  Falten aufgepolstert werden. Außerdem enhält die Creme LSF und UVA-Schutz, und beugt so der vorzeitiger Hautalterung und der Vertiefung bereits vorhandener Falten vor (20ml/9,38€).

Eucerin – ph5 Hautschutz DUSCHGEL

Dieses Duschgel bewahrt dank des pH Wertes von 5 die natürlich Schutzfunktion der Haut und ist besonder mild und daher perfekt für häufiges Duschen. Milden Tenside und der pH5 Citratpuffer stärken den Säureschutzmantel der Haut (50ml/ 2,00€).


Ihr wisst ja wie wichtig Sonnenschutz, auch in den kalten Monaten des Jahres ist. Hier gewährleisten hoch effektive UVA/UVB-Filter (entsprechen der EU-Empfehlung) ein Höchstmaß an Schutz vor sonnenbedingten Hautschäden. Die Haut ist zuverlässig und rundum geschützt – auch in der tieferen Hautschicht (50ml/4,48€).

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Hansaplast – To-Go Box

Diese Pflasterbox ist perfekt für den Urlaub. Sie enthält 16 Pflaster, mit 6 Universal Strips, 4 Aquaprotect Strips und 4 Fingerstrips. Die Box hat außerdem ein nettes Design und kann natürlich auch neu befüllt werden (16 Stück /  UVP: 4,95 €).

Sanicare Box Eucerin

frei öl – HandCreme HYDROLIPID

Die frei öl HYDROLIPID-Serie bieten die perfekte Pflege für trockene Haut. Durch die regenerierende HYDROLIPID HandCreme  werden die hände gepflegt, geschützt und sie zieht schnell ein. Sie unterstützt die Hautregeneration, glättet und hilft der Haut Feuchtigkeit zu bewahren und macht sie dadurch weicher und geschmeidiger (50 ml /  UVP: 3,85 €).  Dazu gab es noch eine Miniatur-Größe des frei öl Pflegeöls, welches ich sogar schon zuhause hatte und gerne benutze. 

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Orthomol – Vitamin D3 Plus

Ich selbst nehme täglich Vitamin D3 zu mir, da es eine vitale Rolle im Körper spielt. Es hilft bei der Aufnahme und Verwertung von Calcium. Diese Kapseln enthalten außerdem Physalisfrucht-Extrakt (60 Stück /  UVP: 16,95 €). Zusätzlich waren noch Proben einem Magnesium-Präparat und einem Vitamin B12 Präparat beigefügt. 

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Luvos HEILERDE – Vital Maske

Quittenextrakt und Heilerde fördern die natürliche Zellerneuerung, und kombiniert mit Kukuinussöl, Q 10 und erlesenem Extrakt aus Orangenblüten verleihen diesem hochwertigen Wirkstoffkomplex seine nachhaltigen Pflegeeigenschaften. Der natürlichen Zellstoffwechsel wird angeregt und müde und fahle Haut revitalisiert.7,5 ml /  UVP: 1,49 €

MEDA Pharma Salviagalen F Madaus Mundspülung Konzentrat

Das Salviagalen F Madaus Mundspülung Konzentrat enthält hochwertigen Inhaltsstoffe und der ätherischen Öle, die für einen frischer Atem und ein angenehm gepflegtes Mundgefühl sorgen (20 ml /  UVP: 5,97 €).

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Salus – Bauerngarten-Tee Glückseligkeit

Dieser Tee von Salus hört sich direkt schon so freundlich an, das man ihn probieren möchte. Es werden typische, aber auch seltenere Pflanzen wie die Gundelrebe, Quendel, Hanf, Quitte oder Benediktenkraut verwendet und in köstlichen Tee-Kompositionen verwandelt (5 g /  UVP: 3,45 €). 

Sanicare Box Eucerin

Wow! So viele Produkte in einer Box! Ich muss wieder sagen, dass ich den Inhalt erneut wirklich toll finde und jedes Produkt davon wird definitiv zum Einsatz kommen, bzw. ist sogar schon in Benutzung! Vorallem das Thema Eucerin & Friends gefällt mir sehr gut, weil ich ein großer Fan der Marke bin. Die “friends”, die der Box beigefügt wurden passen auch super dazu. Ich bin wirklich positiv begeistert von der Box und finde, dass auch das Thema sehr gut gewählt und umgesetzt wurde. Ich habe nun auch genug neue Produkte, die für die nächste Reise geeignet sind ;)

Ihr könnt diese Sanicare Box >>hier<< bestellen.

Kanntet ihr die Sanicare Box bereits? Könntet ihr euch vorstellen euch so eine Box mit Produkten aus der Apotheke zu bestellen?

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Sanicare Box Eucerin

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics bbcosmetic beauty PR Sample review

Review: Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser

27. February 2018


Since I was talking about cleansing balms the other day on Instagram, I thought I might as well review the cleansing balm that I have currently in use: the Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser. This cleansing balm was provided to me by BBCOSMETIC. But the review is so delayed, because I had so many cleansers to use up first…

Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser

Labiotte is a korean cosmetics brands that gained a lot of attention with their Wine Lip Tint. These cute, Korean lip tints came in a tube, shaped like a miniature wine bottle. Even I couldn’t resist to buy one of those, although I have more than enough lip tints. If you love these kinds of themed packaging designs, you can also fall easily for this product here: The Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser is shaped like a glass of red wine!

Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser

The plastic jar is so adorable and it is hard to resist to take some themed pictures with it :D The jar contains 80 ml, by the way, and lasts for quite some time, if you are not a daily heavy makeup wearer like me. So, for those of you who never heard about cleansing balms or sherbet cleansers: These balm-type cleansers are made to melt off the makeup from your face. The firm texture melts down to oil by the warmth of your face, while you rub it on your face to remove makeup and other impurities. Then, when you wash your face with water it emolifies to a milky texture to wash all away. Usually, after using an oil cleanser or a cleansing balm, you are supposed to do second cleansing with a cleansing foam or gel.

Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser

When removing the lid of the glass-shaped jar you will discover a spatula and a second plastic lid. You can use the spatula to scoop out the balm from the jar and keep it more hygienic. The cleansing balm itself has a light pink color and a floral/fruity scent, which is pleasant. The ingredients of the cleansing balm are:

Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Mineral Oil, PEG-20 Glyceryl Triisostearate, PEG-10 Isostearate, Polyethylene, C13-15 Alkane, Eclipta Prostrata Extract, Melia Azadirachta Branch/Leaf Extract, Olea Europaea (Olive) Oil, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil, Mesembryanthemum Crystallinum Extract, Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil, Wine Extract (1 ppm), Nelumbium Speciosum Flower Extract, Prunus Mume Fruit Extract, Trihydroxystearin, Tocopheryl Acetate, Butylene Glycol, Water, Lactic Acid, Citric Acid, Disodium EDTA, Fragrance

Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser

You can check the ingredients via SkinCarisma. They really do a nice ingredients analysis on their page. The balm is free from talc, sulfates, propylene glycol, formaldehyde-releasers, dye, alcohol, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, formaldehyde, PEG, coal-tar, triclosan, and silicons silicones. And yet there are some beneficial ingredients, too. You will spot Lactic Acid for skin conditioning, Wine Extract as antioxidant, Glycerin as skin conditioning ingredient, and of course oils, like olive oil, moringa oil, and grape seed oil. If you have sensitive, allergic skin and skin troubles a closer look at the ingredients list is always advised. Do a patch test before using cosmetics anyways.

Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser

Here you can see how the balmy texture turns into oil once it comes into contact with the skin. Nevertheless, I didn’t feel that it leaves a greasy or uncomfortable feeling after washing it off.

Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser

When it comes to makeup removing this cleansing balm takes everything off and is very reliable. So far it never has failed me and is really a nice cleansing balm, that comes with a cute packaging on top…and a nice smell. I can recommend to give it a try!

Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser

I received this cleansing balm from BBCOSMETIC where it retails for 16.65 US (I don’t know if the code Q2C8JX9N45R3O for a chance of 10 % off your order is still valid). You can also get the Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser on for 20.55 US$ or for 16.40€.

Did you hear about the brand Labiotte? Have you tried any of their products? I also have the famous Labiotte Wine Lip Tint. Do you want me to review it, too?

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Labiotte Wine Sherbet Cleanser

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.



beauty beauty boxes Glossybox PR Sample

Unboxing: Glossybox January 2018

23. February 2018


 As promised, I have some more unboxings for you this month. Today, I want to show you the content of the Glossybox of January, the first Glossybox in 2018. This beauty box was kindly provided to me by Glossybox

Glossybox January 2018

Glossybox is a monthly beauty subscription box containing a selection of 5 beauty and wellness products packed in a box and delivered to your doorstep. The box was founded in 2011 and has spread in over 10 countries all over the world. This is the Glossybox for Germany in December 2017:

Glossybox January 2018

What is the best way to start into a new year? Usually it is some me-time, and new goals to reach. This will keep you motivated and gives you strength. Many people start to get more active and healthy at the beginning of a new year. This is all included in the January Box with the topic “Namaste Beauty”. The word “Namaste” is a common Hindu greeting, but it is also a word that makes us thing of yoga and meditation – maybe a way to find your inner beauty for 2018?!

Glossybox January 2018

As usual, the Glossybox comes with a mix of different surprise products. The January box includes 6 different products, including full-sized ones and samples, too. Let’s have a look inside:

Glossybox January 2018

Pantene Pro-V Volume Pure Foam Conditioner

I used one of these foam conditioners previously and I loved the idea of using a foam instead of the regular conditioner. Unfortunately, it was drying for my hair the last time I used it, and it was used up super quickly, too. Nevertheless, I will give it another chance and hope that it will work better this time. 140 ml retail for 2.95€.

Glossybox January 2018

Nivea 1 Minute Urban Detox Mask

Detox is always a great idea at the beginning of a new year. This peeling mask contains white clay and magnolia extract, and sounds nice. I do not use many mechanical exfoliators these days, but this looks like something I want to try as soon as my skin recovers from the cold weather :D The tube contains 75 ml and retails for 4.99 €.

Glossybox January 2018

Nail Medic Rejuvenator

This is my highlight in the January Box: a nail serum containing green tea extract and jojoba oil for giving your nails some moisture and vitamins. The serum is actually two-phased, but you only see one phase in the picture. There is a pink phase and a purple phase, and you mix the serum before use to combine the colors. So pretty! 15 ml retail for 6.80€.

Glossybox January 2018

Benefit Cosmetics The Porefessional

This is one of my favourite pore blurring primers, together with the very similar one from Innisfree that I showed on my Instagram some time ago. A little of it goes a long way, because you only want to use it on the areas were you want to make your pores appear less visible. Since it contains silicon remember to clean your face in the evening properly. This tube contains 7.5 ml and retails for 13.00€. 

Glossybox January 2018

Lord & Berry Magic Brow Perfect Eye Brow Pencil

This eye brow pencil contains two colors to give you a natural eye brow look. I love eye brow pencils and products and so I’m sure that I will use this soon. The pencil retails for 18 €.

Glossybox January 2018

Tetesept Detox Green Bath Salt

This reminds me of taking a bath again soon. I love the products from Tetesept and Detox seems to be a good idea these days, too. The sachet retails for 1.35 €.

Glossybox January 2018

A nice selection of products to start of 2018. I’m sure that I will use all the products, but my personal highlight was the nail serum. The milk glass bottle ind combination with the two-phased liquid in pink and purple is a perfect eye catcher. I hope that the Pantene Pro-V Foaming conditioner will convince me more than last time. For the other products, you can never go wrong with some eye brow pencil and primer, neither with a detox mask and bath. A very balanced box between makeup and skin/body care.

Glossybox is available as flexible subscription for 15 € per month. There are also other subscription options available, like a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month subscription for 14,50 €, 13,50 €, or 12,50 € per month, respectively. Check out for more information.

How do you like the content of the “Namaste Beauty” Edition?


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Glossybox January 2018

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty beauty boxes Glossybox

Unboxing: Glossybox December 2017

6. February 2018


My last unboxing for 2017 is this beautifully designed box: the Glossybox December 2017! The topic of the December box were heart-warming products, and everything that makes you feel comfortable during these cold winter days. I want to share the content of this beauty box with you, which was kindly provided to me by Glossybox

Glossybox December 2017

Glossybox is a monthly beauty subscription box containing a selection of 5 beauty and wellness products packed in a box and delivered to your doorstep. The box was founded in 2011 and has spread in over 10 countries all over the world. This is the Glossybox for Germany in December 2017:

Glossybox December 2017

“Cold days, warm hearts” – what a wonderful topic! I absolutely fell in love with the knitting design of the box, and even instead of the usual ribbon you’ll find a piece of rope. Loved it so much!

Glossybox December 2017

As usual, the Glossybox comes with a mix of different surprise products. The December box includes 6 different products, including full-sized ones and samples, too. Let’s have a look inside:

Glossybox December 2017

Doucce Freematic Blush Mono in Shade “Dubai Coast”

A wonderful and natural shade, which probably suits most people and skin tones. It has a satin and smooth texture and is oil-free. The product contains 3.4g and retails for 11.75€. The November Box had a fitting case included, but unfortunately, I don’t have it here to show you.

Glossybox December 2017

L’Oréal Botanicals Fresh Care Camelina “Seidigkeits-Ritual”

Actually, I’m currently already using this shampoo and this is now my back-up bottle. I’m enjoying this shampoo a lot and it really helps to make the hair feel smoother thanks to the Camelina oil. Moreover, it is free from silicon, paraben, and synthetic dyes. The bottle contains 400 ml and retails for 7.99 €.

Glossybox December 2017

mark. by Avon Glossy Tube Lipgloss

This gloss contains Vitamin E and shea butter and moisturizes your lips perfectly, while giving it a pop of color to battle the cold winter blues. 15 ml retail for 7.00 € and there are various colors available.

Glossybox December 2017

NutraSkin Silk & Smooth Concealer-Trio

Here we have three different shades of concealer and the idea is to mix your shade by selecting different amounts of the three concealers. I really like the idea, and it helps to find a perfect match for your skin color. The set of three tubes containing 3 ml each retails for  17.96 €.

Glossybox December 2017

Inuwet Eyeshadow Glitter Brush

You never can have enough makeup brushes…and you can never have enough glitter! This makeup brush is vegan and made from synthetic hair. It retails for 10 €.

Tetesept “Hallo Winterpflege” Cream Shower with Almond Milk and Plum

As sample a sachet of Tetesept cream shower. I love Tetesept products, so I guess this cream shower will be smelling very nice.

Glossybox December 2017

All the products are really nice, although I loved to have a back-up for my shampoo now. And I also like the concealer set to mix your personalized shade. But, most of all I’m in love with the box, with has such a pretty design. It makes a perfect storage or gift box…and even fits for Valentine’s Day, although it’s originally a Christmas/Winter theme.

Glossybox December 2017

Here are all the products of the “Cold days, warm hearts!” Edition, and it really warmed up my heart while unboxing it.

Glossybox December 2017

Glossybox is available as flexible subscription for 15 € per month. There are also other subscription options available, like a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month subscription for 14,50 €, 13,50 €, or 12,50 € per month, respectively. Check out for more information.

How do you like the content of the “Cold days, warm hearts!” Edition?


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Glossybox December 2017

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty beauty boxes InStyle

Unboxing: InStyle Box Winter Edition 2017/2018

5. February 2018


I’m happy to be able to show you another unboxing of the InsStyle Box. This box is the Winter Edition and if you are curious what was inside previous boxes you can look it up >>here<<. Of course, topic of the winter edition would be products that we love and enjoy to use during winter. But it is also about what looks appealing to us from its outside. Many people feel attracted towards beautiful packaging design and I’m no exception. Just give me something cute or beautiful and I’m tempted to get it :D

InStyle Box Winter Edition

The InStyle Box is curated by the InStyle Magazine, and provides you with trendy items for the season.

InStyle Box Winter Edition

The Winter Edition of 2017/2018 delivers products that are useful in winter and that have a beautiful packaging design on top. Let’s take a peek inside.

InStyle Box Winter Edition

Zoella Just Say Yes Beauty Pouch

If you have followed my instagram you might know that I have many beauty pouches….one might consider it as pouch addiction. Now, I have a new addition and it is so lovely to look at: I like the light pink color with dots and the saying “Just say yes”. Also does it have a good size that fits a good amount of products.

InStyle Box Winter Edition

Frizz Ease Wonder Repair Shampoo & conditioner

There have been times when I only used Freeze Ease shampoo, because it was the only one that could handle my frizzy hair. But then I discovered asian beauty and loved to try out different asian hair products. Now, having the Wonder Repair shampoo and conditioner I’m really looking forward how it will work and if it will lighten up my old love for Freeze Ease again.

InStyle Box Winter Edition

Skinmono Intense Nourishment+ Hand Mask

A hand mask is exactly what my dry hands need in winter! I’ve already planned to use this mask on this weekend for some extra pampering *_* And honestly, I love the dark green color combined with the gold of the packaging.

InStyle Box Winter Edition

Real Techniques Concealer Brush

I heard a lot of good things about Real Techniques Brush. To receive one of these brushes made me super happy, although I don’t use concealer very often, but maybe it will work for foundation, too. I love the orange metallic handle by the way!

InStyle Box Winter Edition

L.O.V Browttitude Eyebrow Contouring Palette

This is what I was most excited about! I love brow products and since my Etude House Brow Kit is hitting the pan and is getting old and expired I needed a replacement. And so this L.O.V Browttitude Contouring Palette came just in time. I already used it a couple of times since then and there will be a review for sure.

InStyle Box Winter Edition

Tavana Big Five Lash Safari Keratin Volume Mascara

This is definitely a mascara that attracts by the packaging. I love the zebra pattern of this mascara. Since I have a lot of mascaras in use currently, I haven’t opened this one, yet.

InStyle Box Winter Edition

Figs & Rouge – HA+ Hyaluronic Acid 3 in 1 Hydra Active Hero Cream

Moisturize, repair and support of the skin of your body and face are the main target of this multipurpose cream. I love the pattern of the lid of this cream, which comes in a tin jar. The pattern varies and there are different designs to choose from.

InStyle Box Winter Edition

Veganz Bio Hanfriegel Apfel & Zimt

I love cereal bars like that and guess how quick I was about eating that bar from Veganz….:D I’m not a lot for apple taste in cereals and cereal bars, but it was a nice and unusual taste anyways.

InStyle Box Winter Edition

Last but not last the box contained a tea candle and a bag for some nice and cozy moments. A really cute idea for the season.

InStyle Box Winter Edition

As always, the InStyle Box contains a lot of products and shows versatility and gives a lot of information by the thorough magazine. The box really has a great value for  its price and all the products will be of use during the next months. The idea with the candle was also a sweet gesture and perfect for the season. I already love the brow kit, and I’m looking forward to test the hand mask soon. The InStyle Box is available on for 29.90€ and comes with 3 e-paper versions of the InStyle magazine. The InStyle Box is released every three months, for each season.

What are your thoughts on the products from this box? Let me know in the comments below :)

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InStyle Box Winter Edition

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics beauty iUnik review

Review: iUnik Rose Galactomyces Essential Toner & Synergy Serum

25. January 2018


A while ago I was contacted by the Korean brand iUnik whether I would like to try and test their products. While browsing through their website I discovered the iUnik Rose Galactomyces Essential Toner and Synergy Serum and I knew that these would be the products that I would love to test. After all, I love roses and I love fermented ingredients.

iUnik Rose Galactomyces

IUnik is a newer Korean brand that has launched a couple of interesting skincare products. Their packaging design is simple but neat, and the products sound promising. you can check out the products >>here<< on the official webpage.

iUnik Rose Galactomyces

I selected the iUnik Rose Galactomyces Essential Toner and Synergy Serum because I love it when I have a serum and toner from the same line. Next to each other, they look very pretty and perfect. But not only from the outside, but the inside also contains some notable ingredients, too.

iUnik Rose Galactomyces

iUnik Rose Galactomyces Essential Toner

Let’s start of with the iUnik Rose Galactomyces Essential Toner. The toner has acne-fighting, brightening, and anti-aging properties. This toner helps to moisturize, re-balance and soften even sensitive skin types with rosa damascena flower water (70%) and galactomyces ferment filtrate (10%). Moreover, it is paraben-free, sulfate-free, and free from alcohol. The ingredients of the products can be checked via SkinCarisma. Rose Damascena flower water has anti-oxidative properties and acts skin conditioning. Fermentation extract is nutrient-rich. It contains many vitamins, amino acids, and proteins and helps to improve the moisture level of the skin. Adenosine has anti-aging benefits. Moreover, it contains Licorice extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties and acts brightening. The toner comes in a large bottle containing 200ml. the bottle is made from plastic and lightweight. The formulation is a clear and water-like one (I haven’t shown any pictures this time, because both look similar on them). It has a pleasant rose scent and absorbs quickly, leaving a tiny bit of tackiness behind. The skin feels very moist and nice after application and I feel it makes the skin feel more bouncy, too. 

iUnik Rose Galactomyces

iUnik Rose Galactomyces Synergy Serum

The iUnik Rose Galactomyces Synergy Serum is dedicated to nourishing and pore control, as well as whitening and anti-aging properties. According to the description, it is especially great if you want to tackle your T-zone and even out the oil/moisture balance of the skin. You can check out the ingredients on SkinCarisma again. Here we have 50% Galactomyces ferment and 10% rose water. Other notable ingredients are niacinamide for brightening, allantoin for soothing, sodium hyaluronate for moisturizing and aloe extract for soothing. The serum comes in a glass bottle with a dropper attached. The consistency of the serum is not as watery as for the toner, but it is not very gel-like either. I feel that the rose scent is less noticeable than for the toner. The serum feels very moist and refreshing upon application and absorbs quickly, too. The skin feels more nourished than with the toner and kind of smooth, too. I’m at the last third of the bottle, but in terms of pore effects, I haven’t noticed any difference. I love the moisturizing and nourishing part though. Also, the serum works great with other products.

iUnik Rose Galactomyces

All in all, both products are really nice, and especially for the price and the moisturizing effects, I can only give it thumbs up. A pity, the serum didn’t show more effects on reducing the appearance of the pores, but then again, it does what I want from a rose and galactomyces product. Both products are moisturizing and softening the skin and they apply nicely with other products. You can buy iUnik products from

iUnik Rose Galactomyces Essential Toner retails for 16.49 US$

iUnik Rose Galactomyces Synergy Serum retails for 14.99 US$


Have you tried any products from iUnik, yet?

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iUnik Rose Galactomyces

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.

asian cosmetics beauty PR Sample review Wishtrend

Review: Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

19. January 2018


By now it is no news that I love the brand Klairs. And of course, I’m always excited to test and review new products from the brand. Today I have a review for one of the newer products from the brand, the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask. I received this product from Wishtrend for reviewing purpose. This mask targets brightening the complexion and has anti-aging benefits and can be used during day or night.

Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

Klairs is a Korean brand which is eco-friendly, producing products which are animal-testing-free, alcohol-free, paraben-free, artificial-color-free and recently they are vegan, too. Their products address people with sensitive skin and people who want to moisturize their skin. I reviewed some of their products before, like the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin C Serum (repurchased that one 3 times already!) or the Klairs Midnight Blue Cream, which both convinced me in their effects. I also love the Klairs Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner, which has been updated and improved by now, too. Their saying “Simple but Enough” really nails it and I think that many people will agree in that point with me.

Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

Why Vitamin E?

Vitamin E, with the chemical name Tocopherol, has a lot of benefits for our body. But apart from the benefits it has when digested, it also is of good use when applied on our skin. Tocopherol is skin conditioning, has anti-oxidant properties, and reduced the skin’s water loss… probably, there are even more effects. Another advantage of Tocopherol is, that it protects other ingredients from oxidizing, and thus is a perfect combination to be used with oils to keep them from going bad. It is also great in combination with Vitamin C, since the two vitamins enhance each others properties, and Vitamin C stays stable for a longer time.

Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

Getting back to the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask: First of all, I love the holographic packaging design, which fits to the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin C Serum. The Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask comes in a jar, and of course includes a spatula for taking out the product from the jar. The jar has a volume of 90 ml. The cardboard box contains all the necessary information in Korean and English and also a full ingredients list:

Water, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Niacinamide, Sodium Hyaluronate, Carrageenan, Gellan Gum, Betaine, Algin, Mannan, Ceramide NP, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Chlorphenesin, Arginine, Ethylhexylglycerin, Centella Asiatica Extract, Rubus Fruticosus (Blackberry) Fruit Extract, Salicornia Herbacea Extract, Phragmites Communis Extract, Adenosine, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, Pelargonium Graveolens Flower Oil, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Oil, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil, Cananga Odorata Flower Oil

If you are interested in the benefits of the single ingredients, I can recommend you to check out SkinCarisma. They really have a great cosmetics analysis tool, and I started to prefer this over COSDNA (but COSDNA is still great for quick use). There are several ingredients to point out: Niacinamide has brightening properties, but it also has anti-aging benefits. Also Adenosine and Ceramides have anti-aging properties, and are great in combination with Niacinamide. Cenetlla Asiatica Extract promotes wound healing and can be spotted as well. Additionally, you will find a bunch of other plant-based ingredients and oils. The plant-based oils are a critical point for sensitive skintypes though, so if you know that you react to any of these oils make sure to patch test the product before using it on your face.

Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

Maybe you are wondering, why I haven’t talk about the Vitamin E yet. If you look at the ingredients list again, you see that one of the first ingredients mentioned is Tocopheryl Acetate. Tocopherol is Vitamin E, that makes Tocopheryl Acetate a derivate. When a vitamin derivate is delivered inside our body it will be transformed to the vitamin. Many cosmetics products use Tocopheryl Acetate, because Tocopherol is not stable, but the derivate is and thus has a longer shelf-life. It also has the same skin conditioning properties as Tocopherol, but it doesn’t have the anti-oxidative properties. In order to have anti-oxidative properties it has to be absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin. In watery solutions 50% of the Tocopheryl Acetate absorbs into the skin, in oily solutions it is probably only 5%. The Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask is rich in oily ingredients and also in the description of the product on Wishtrend is says that the Vitamin E is coated in oil. That would mean that the amount of Tocopheryl Acetate that is delivered inside the skin and can be transformed into Tocopherol and acts anti-oxidative is only very low.

Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

However, the consistency of the mask is really interesting. It has the so-called “shape-memory” properties. Once you spoon out a bit of the jelly, or pudding-like cream the surface of the cream will go back to a smooth and even surface after few minutes. The white cream really reminds me of custard-cream or jello. Once you start rubbing it emulsifies into a gel-like consistency, feeling moist and cooling. Once rubbed into the skin you will see the oils of the product leaving a nice glow. Also, a little of the product goes a long way, so start out with fewer and add some more if you feel necessary.

Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

I used the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask as sleeping mask mainly. It feels nice when applied and I love the consistency of the “shape-memory” cream. I could observe the brightening effects that the cream has, due to the niacinamide. It also feels really moisturizing and makes the skin feel nice and smooth on the next morning.

Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

My final verdict for this cream is, that I love the application and feeling of the cream. I can see some positive effects of the cream, like brighteining and moisturizing. I’m not convinced fully about the Tocopheryl Acetate, to be honest. It has of course benefits for the skin, like skin conditioning, but I doubt that a lot of the derivate will be incorporated into the skin to be turned into Vitamin E and show its anti-oxidative properties. Of course, I’m not a cosmetics expert, and if you know any more information on that point, I’d be glad to hear about it.

If you are curious about the product yourself you can get it for 27.00 US$ from Wishtrend. Keep in mind the friend-referral program from Wishtrend: You can receive a 5 Us$ referral coupon if you use my invitation code 17939205 upon registration and you’ll receive this voucher immediately. There will be a specific field in your registration form called “friends invitation program” where you can put the code mentioned above. This way new customers can safe 5 US$ which is a great possibility to safe some money. Also, Wishtrend has a Free-Shipping Area, were you can find products that can be bought with free shipping. You can additionally use the coupon WISHJAN05 for 5% off in January. The coupon code is stackable, by the way!


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Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.

asian cosmetics beauty PR Sample review

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

14. January 2018


As every year I want to share with you my favourite products reviewed in 2017. It is always nice for me to look back on my posts of the past and think about the products that I really liked and used a lot! The products are mainly related to KBeauty, but I also have few western brands included this time. If you have tried any of the products yourself write a comment and let me know about your experience! :)

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

Favourite Skincare 2017

I’ll start of with my favourite skincare in 2017. The biggest surprise for me personally was, that I started to use mists. The years before I always tried my luck with mists, but I kept forgetting about them. But in 2017 I really used one mist quite regularly, which is the SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist. What I love about this mist is the super short ingredients list focussing on the key ingredient, Camellia Japonica Flower Extract, which makes up 92.52% of the product. The rest of the ingredients are also all natural and no chemical additives, and so on. If you are curious about my review for the mist you can head over to it >>here<<. The mist retails at Beautytap (formerly known as W2Beauty) and you can get additionally 15% off using the code berries15 until end of February (not stackable with other coupons and not applicable on sales items).

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

I also discovered the use of mandelic acid as mild chemical peeling alternative through the By Wishtrend Mandelic Acid 5% Skin Prep Water.  It is a mild exfoliation and a perfect start to get your skin to like AHAs. It makes the skin soft and smooth and can be used along with my regular skincare routine without any problems. If you are curious about the Mandelic Acid 5 % Skin Prep Water, too, you can read my full review >>here<<. It retails for 22.00 US$ and is available at Wishtrend. You can use the code WISHJAN05 for 5% discount in January.

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

I never thought that a scent of a skincare product can be so intriguing and relaxing in the same time. The Banila Co. Miss Flower & Mr. Honey Cream is the most delicious smelling skincare products I have tried! Apart from that it is such a great occulsive cream that locks in all the moisture and nutrients from the previous skincare steps. I really see it as a way of a spa-treatment for the skin. I wrote a full review on it >>here<< and you can get it from for 63.00 US$.

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

The last skincare product favourite of 2017 is the Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream. If you follow my Instagram, too, you are probably getting tired of me talking about this cream, but it is really a good eye cream if you are looking for nourishment for your under-eye area, but it also is suited to be used on your upper eye area. Moreover, the jar is huge and will last you some good time. My review of the product can be read >>here<< and it retails from Beautytap for 21.75US$. As mentioned above you can get 15% off using the code berries15 until end of February.

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

Favourite Make-Up 2017

My favourite cushion and also my favourite facial make-up product in 2017 was the Swanicoco Vita Triple Cover Swan CC Pact. This cushion CC cream had a natural finish and still a good amount of coverage. Moreover, the semi matte finish with the tiny shimmer particles makes your skin glow in a natural and healthy way. This cushion was my daily companion for most of the year, until it was finished off and had to be replaced with other opened cushions and foundations :D You can read my review >>here<< and if you are interested in buying you can have a look at Beautytap, where it retails for 30 US$. As mentioned above you can get 15% off using the code berries15 until end of February.

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

The lip product that I used the most in 2017 was the L’Oréal Infaillible Lip Paint Matte. I love the color “Apocalypse Red” and I love the velvet matte finish and feeling of the product on my lips. You can read my review >>here<< and buy the product from local drug stores or for 7.99 US$ / for 7.95 €.

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

The other lip product I enjoyed using last year were the Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor. The color selection was pretty amazing and they feel super lightweight and smooth on the lips, with natural color pay-off. I also like the long and slim shape of these lipsticks. Head over to my review >>here<< or grab your own in your local drug store or on for ~6US$/ for ~6€.

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

For the last make-up product I’ve probably lived behind the moon, but I just discovered the greatness of the Tonymoly Black Gel Eyeliner last year! This gel eye liner is everything you need: smooth application, comes with a brush, pitch-black color and long-lasting. See my review >>here<< and get it from Beautytap for 10 US$. As mentioned above you can get 15% off using the code berries15 until end of February.

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

Favourite Sheetmask 2017

Okay, here come the last two products of my Top 10 for 2017. Finally, I have two sheetmask recommendations for you: The first and my favourite sheetmask for this year were the Leaders  7 Wonders Biocellulose masks. They had the perfect fit, cling, and I loved the effect they had on my skin. Moreover, look at that colorful packaging design! Simply beautiful and a recommendation for sure! Read my review >>here<< or grab than from Honeysu for 5€/pc or from for 3.89US$.

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

The other sheetmasks I enjoyed were these gorgeous laced hydrogel sheet masks from Chiara Ambra. When it comes to hydrogel sheetmasks I’m really picky because they keep sliding from my face. These Chiara Ambra Hydrogel Firming Face & Eye Masks were simply beautiful to look at and had a perfect fit. You can read my full review >>here<< and get these masks from Chiara Ambra: Chiara Ambra Hydrogel Firming Face Mask retails for 9.95€ and Chiara Ambra Hydrogel Firming Eye Mask retails for 7.95€.

Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

That’s it! These were my personal Beauty Highlights in 2017 and I hope that this post will turn out helpful for you. If you have tried any of these or if you are curious about them, Id be happy to hear your thoughts! What were your favourite products in 2017?

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Top 10 (K-)Beauty Products 2017

asian cosmetics beauty PR Sample review Swanicoco

Review: Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule R

5. January 2018


A while ago I was selected for the second round of the Swanicoco Swan Program, and they send me a huge package containing a ton of skin care products. Previously, I reviewed the Swanicoco Bio Ferment F Fermentation Snail Care Skintoner and Emulsion and today I want to let you know about my experience with the Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule R.

Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule

Swanicoco is a Korean brand that stared off its business by creating naturally fermented soaps. Now, they have a huge range of products including skin care and make up products, but still all the products share the same believe in natural ingredients excluding artificial and chemical components. Swanicoco uses grains, fruits, herbs and oriental medicine materials as raw materials for their fermentation. By fermenting the products they can be much more easily absorbed into the skin, help retaining moisture and improve damaged skin. They state that instead of using purified water like in most existing cosmetics, Swanicoco has replaced the water with ferment filtrate. Additionally, pigments, synthetic perfumes, chemical preservatives, alcohol, mineral oil, paraben and benzophenones have been excluded from their products. Oh, and they are also free from animal testing!

Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule

The brand name Swanicoco is derived from the word “swan” and the term “coco”. “Swan” referrs to the elegance and feminine aspects of the bird we probably all know. “Coco” refers to the coconut, representing the natural ingredients. In the logo of the brand you will find the word “natural”, which refers to the brand as being a natural cosmetics brand. There is also a peony blossom in the middle of the logo  that stands for richness and splendor.

Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule

The Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule R targets aging skin by providing a mixture of EGF and FGF for wrinkle care, nutrition and soothing. Typically for an ampoule the ingredients list is also very short and concentrates on the key ingredients:

sh-Polypeptide-11, Tocopherol, Allantoin, Carbomer, Arginine, Adenosine, Olibanum, and Rosa Damascena Flower Oil

If you want to check for the properties of the single ingredients I can advise you to look them up at SkinCarisma. The analysis shows directly that the product has anti-aging benefits and is free from alcohol, sulphates and parabens. Apart from the peptides that act skin conditioning, Allantonin and Tocopherol (Vitamin E) are great for preventing skin aging. They help with elasticity and regeneration of the skin. Olibanum and Rosa Damascena Flower Oil add to make the skin feel smooth and conditioned.

Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule


Let’s also talk more in-depth about the peptides FGF and EGF first: These two are the key ingredients of the Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule. What are these two and what do they actually do for our skin? EGF is the short-term for Epidermal Growth Factor. In the ingredients list you will find it as oligopeptide-1. The EGF targets specific receptors in the cell (EGFR) and is the necessary molecule for this receptor in order to work. From the name you can already tell that it promotes the cell growth, so it is important for our body, since dying and growing cells are a regular process in our body.

Short excursus: It is important to note the difference between the receptor and the EGF: EGF is not carcenogenic! Mutations in cells can cause overexpression of the EGFR for example, which means we have too many of these receptors in our cells, which can lead to uncontrolled growth of cells, means cancer. Other proteins can put the EGFR in a permanent on-state, which leads to uncontrolled growth of cells aswell.

FGF is the short-term for Fibroblast Growth Factor and this peptide plays a role in wound healing of the skin. The FGFs play an important role for the so-called Fibrobasts. Fibroblasts are cells that produce collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin.

So do peptides like EGF or FGF have anti-aging properties? Since the growth factors should address wrinkles in first place it has to affect the collagen production somehow in order to be beneficial for our skin. When EGF is applied with a cream it has to be absorbed into the dermis, the inner layer of the skin, to have any effect, and only a very, very small amount of topically applied EGF will be able to reach the dermis at all. And even if it helps to produce collagen it does not have any effect on the degradation of the old collagen. In conclusion we can say that the peptides may be responsible for a plumping effect of the outer skin layer, but it will not have any effect on the inner skin layer and therefore will not reduce deep wrinkles.

Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule

The Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule comes in a beautiful golden cardboard packaging with a lot of description and information available. The box can be opened up sideways, so you can take a look at the ampoule bottle directly upon first opening. The bottle is golden-colored like the cardboard box and comes with a dropper. I was surprised to see how light the bottle is, because it is made from plastic. Yet because of the golden color it doesn’t look cheap, but makes a valuable appearance.

Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule

The ampoule itself can be taken out with help of the dropper and has a milky color and a light rose/flower scent. The consistency is runny, but not as runny as water.

Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule

The Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule absorbs quickly into the skin and doesn’t leave a trace or stickiness behind. It doesn’t feel oily either, but leaves the skin fresh and soft. Upon touch the skin feels smooth and nice. I used the ampoule in combination with the Swanicoco Bio Ferment F Fermentation Snail Care Skintoner and Emulsion and added a moisturizer on top for my whole skincare. The amount of moisture provided was enough for my dry skin type. I didn’t feel any reactions from the product on my skin either, but this varies of course from person to person.

Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule

I think that Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule R can be a nice add-on to your skincare. Although the effect of EGF and FGF on deeper skin layers is not very likely, they will at least act topically and make your skin feel smoother and elastic. I really like the short ingredients list and the lightweight packaging. If you are interested in a similar product containing EGF and FGF, but without Vitamin E I can advise you to take a look at my review of the Klairs Midnight Blue Youth Activating Drop.

 You can also find Swanicoco products at Beautytap (formerly W2Beauty). The Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule retails for 53 US$. This week you can use the code SWAN30 to get 30% off Swanicoco products. And on the 10th of January the FGF and EGF Ampoule with higher concentration of 10ppm are on sale as special deal for 41US$!

Did you hear about Swanicoco already? See my other Swanicoco product reviews >>here<<!

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Swanicoco FGF Pure Ampoule

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.

asian stationary beauty home Kawaii Box PR sample

Unboxing & Giveaway: Kawaii Box November 2017

27. December 2017


With all the holidays it has been some time since I published a post here on my blog. This post has been quite delayed but today I want to share with you my unboxing of the Kawaii Box November 2017. Thanks to Kawaii Box for sponsoring the giveaway and sending me this box  ♥:

Kawaii Box November 2017

I reviewed the Kawaii Box a couple of times ago and it is always filled with so many cute items from Japan and Korea, reaching from stationary, stickers, charms, and even plushies. Those of you who love these kind of overly cute items will have the chance to win a Kawaii Box for yourselves :D Simply fill out the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post. The giveaway is sponsored by Kawaii Box and we will pick the winner randomly and the prize will be send out by Kawaii Box to the winner. Please no cheating! We will check the entries ;)

Kawaii Box November 2017

As always the Kawaii Box was packed with 8 adorable products.

Kawaii Box November 2017

There was even a big plushie included which filled out most of the box.

Kawaii Box November 2017

Techi Techi Gomarachi Plush

Kawaii Box November 2017

Kanahei Soft String Bag

Kawaii Box November 2017

Kasugai Chibi Vege Ramune Candies

Kawaii Box November 2017

Harajuku Food Hair Clips

Kawaii Box November 2017

Rain Boot Ink Pen

Kawaii Box November 2017

Twinkle Jewel Seal Deco Diamonds

Kawaii Box November 2017

Gudetama Sticker Set

Kawaii Box November 2017

Let’s Go Mini Notebook

Kawaii Box November 2017

I loved the plush and the Gudetama stickers. The notebook and the pen also come quite handy and I use the pouch for carrying my headphones in my backpack. How do you like the content?

You can get the Kawaii Box >>here<<. There are different options of subscribing for the box. You can choose between several options: either to order only one box, to order three boxes (3 months subscription), 6 boxes (6 months subscription) or 12 boxes (1 year subscription). Each box retails at 19.80 US$. For the 6 months and the 12 months subscription you pay a bit less per box.

And here comes the promised giveaway! You can take part via the Rafflecopter widget below. Please keep in mind that the giveaway is hosted by Kawaii Box. They will send the box to you in case you win. It is open internationally. Good luck everyone! ♥

Berries in the snow Kawaii Box Giveaway

Good luck everyone! ♥

Kawaii Box November 2017

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.