
Review: Aritaum Wannabe Cushion Tint Megan

28. July 2013
Hey ♥
Some time ago I reviewed Aritaum’s Wannabe Cushion Tints in “Summer” and “Clair” (review >> here <<). I really liked them a lot and so I decided to buy more of them. This time I’ll be reviewing “Megan”, which is one of the new colors for the cushion tints which have been released recently.

Aritaum’s Wannabe Cushion Tint comes in form of a pen with two ends, one containing the tint/ lip stain and one for the cushion. The packaging of each of the pens is different and they have written their names in golden letters on their caps. I really love the packaging *_*
You can use the cushion or sponge applicator in order to blend the lip tint and create a gradient effect on your lips. Below, you can see the swatches for the lip concealer “Clair” and the shades “Summer” and “Megan” in comparison. I’m wearing lip concealer on the last image.
As I said in my review before, the texture of Aritaum’s Cushion Tints is very light and smooth. It feels nice while wearing. And they have a nice sweet scent. Megan smells of some flower/honey mixture, I really like it. I would recommend not to overdo the lip concealer if you want to use one before and have dry lips, because it will just look terrible, when it settles into the creases of your lips. Instead I tried only to dab the concealer lightly on my lips and it worked perfectly.
The staying power is as with all lip products good, as long as you don’t drink and eat to much. It still leaves a stain behind after all though.:)
I bought mine from Testerkorea for 8,500 Won (~8,50 US$) not including shipping (shipping depends on weight).
 ♥ You can follow me on bloglovin’facebook or since recently on instagram :D ♥

beauty Beautychamber

Review: 1028 Visual Therapy Muse Powder Blush ♥sponsored♥

27. July 2013

Hello ♥
I received this blush by BeautyChamber for reviewing purpose. This is another brand I didn’t know before.

This blush comes in a round shaped black plastic case with a see-through lid. The blush consists of two colors, a darker pink shade, and a brighter pink shade (highlighter). The highlighter contains tiny sparkling particles, but it is not glittering like hell, so you’ll barely notice it. Both shades have a sheer pigmentation, which is buildable. You can create really nice pink cheeks, without overdoing it with one stroke and look like a clown.

Description is also written in English on the packaging. :)

Now comes the surprise: below the blush there is hidden a little brush! I didn’t realize this point until I did some internet research on the product. This comes so handy and makes this little blush so travel friendly ^_^

Did you know this brand? Do you know other products from 1028 Visual Therapy?
You can get 1028 Visual Therapy Blush from Beauty Chamber. It doesn’t list all the products which are available, so if you are looking for something special like this, write an Email to Amber, the shop owner, and she’ll give you a quote. She is very nice and answers fast to your emails. She has a blog at Check out the facebook page, too:

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by, which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.

♥ I’d be happy if you follow me via bloglovin’ or facebook or instagram


Review: Miss Hana Natural Born Lip Balm Crayon No. 1 ♥sponsored ♥

25. July 2013
Hey! ♥
Here is another Miss Hana product I will review. This time it is Miss Hana’s Natural Born Lip Balm Crayon in No.1 Purple Sakura Season.

Miss Hana is a Taiwanese brand and the Gel Eyeliner Pencil I reviewed before seems to be a bestseller in Taiwan. Why not try some other products?!:D This lip balm is available in 5 different shades. It was send to me by BeautyChamber. The shades which are available are called: Purple Sakura Season, New York Uptown Pink Girl, Orange Twilight, Peach Champs-Elisées and Moulin Rouge Diva. I like the names they’ve got. Below you can see the advertising pictures of Miss Hana Lip Balm Crayons:
The packaging is very girly and has the same color as the lip balm, with black ornaments around it. It has a clear plastic cap to protect the lip balm.
The description is in written in English, too. Yeii! (Although there is not much you can do wrong while applying lip balm… )
The texture of the lip balm is very, very creamy. The first time I opened it and swatched it on my hand (picture below) I accidentally broke of a tiny little bit ^_^”’ shame on me. For a lip balm it is also really pigmented. It is comparable to a lipstick in my eyes, but far more moisturizing. It really glides onto your lips and makes them feel supple and smooth. I really like the feel of the application.
In the picture above I didn’t use any lip concealer. See how pigmented it is nevertheless? Normally I don’t wear pink lip products, but I really like the feel of this one, so I put it on rather often, despite of this. Since I didn’t put on a concealer it can happen, that the lines in my lips appear like brighter, because more product sets in, but it is so easily blendable, that also this problem can be solved by using your fingers or a lip brush for blending in.
Only downside: the staying power is comparable to a lip balm and so it vanishes pretty fast and you have to touch up. I think it stays on for like 2 hours, without drinking and eating. Perhaps also a bit longer.
I’d really love to try out more colors of this lip balm, especially Moulin Rouge Diva or Peach Champs-Elysees. Because these seem to be more the colors I love to wear. I can only recommend you (especially if you have dry lips) to try one of these, if you can get your hands on it. The price for this product is 13.99 US$.
You can get Miss Hana Lip Balm Crayon from Beauty Chamber. It doesn’t list all the products which are available, so if you are looking for something special, write an Email to Amber, the shop owner, and she’ll give you a quote. She is very nice and answers fast to your emails. She has a blog at Check out the facebook page, too:


Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by, which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
♥ I’d be happy if you follow me via bloglovin’ or facebook or instagram

beauty Beautychamber

Review: Miss Hana Waterproof Eyeliner Gel Pencil ♥sponsored♥

24. July 2013
Hello ♥
Here is a review for a great eyeliner pencil from the Taiwanese brand Miss Hana. The product I’m reviewing is Miss Hana’s Waterproof Eyeliner Gel Pencil. It comes in a cute, pink packaging and I really am in love with the girly design. I stopped using pencil eyeliner, because they usually end up being smudgy on my eyes, but this one gives me new hope :D Continue reading if you are interested:

I got this product from Beauty Chamber. Here is the link to the product description. Unfortunately I can’t read it, but I think it is easy to use if you had eyeliner pencil before :D. This eyeliner seems to be very popular in Taiwan. I can understand why this is the case, taking into consideration how nice it works.
The packaging is cute and girly in pink and black colors. The pencil itself is pink, too, with black ornaments and a plastic cap.
The color of this eyeliner is black. It has a creamy consistency, without being too creamy to easily break off. I swatched it on my hands on the image below and tried how easy it it to remove by rubbing and water.


As you can see it really holds up to its claims of being waterproof. Also rubbing doesn’t do harm to it (it looses a bit of intensity in color if you’re rubbing too hard, but it doesn’t smudge). After these tests I used soap to wash my hand and still a little bit eyeliner remained. This was really surprising to me.
Lastly, here is a picture of me, wearing the eyeliner. It looks really nice in my eyes and I love how resistant it is.
All in all, I can say, that this is a nice pencil eyeliner. It holds up to its claims and is easy to use. The packaging is great, too. Also, it can be used on your waterline.
You can get Miss Hana Eyeliner from Beauty Chamber for US$ 13.99. Amber, the shop owner is very nice and answers fast to your emails. She has a blog at Check out the facebook page, too:


Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by, which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
♥ I’d be happy if you follow me via bloglovin’ or facebook or instagram

beauty beauty boxes

Unboxing: Glossybox July 2013 Le Grand Bleu Edition

23. July 2013
Hello :)
On Saturday my Glossybox for July arrived. Topic for this month’s box is “Le Grand Bleu”-Edition. I was surprised how fast it arrived. they announced on Friday that they start delivering and on Saturday it arrived. Also the design was different again this time. The box is a bright blue with motifs from the sea and it makes you dreaming about sitting at the beach and listeneing to the ocean. ♥ They really did a great job with the design this time. It is also the first time since I subscribed, that I got a Glossy Magazine. The boxes before, there was always some other magazine or stuff.

Now, here is what I got this time *drumroll*

Boots Laboratories Optivá Moisturizing Serum (24.50 € / 30 ml – full size product)
Emite Make Up Lash Curler (23.00 € – ‘full size’)
Figs & Rouge Lip Balm Cherry Blossom (5.90 € / 12,5 ml – full size product)
LCN Handcream (9.10 € / 50 ml – sample sized product)
Nails Inc Brook Street Nail Polish Coral (13.00 € / 10 ml – sample sized product)

I’m much more pleased with this box than I was last month. I’m happy about the lash curler, because I don’t own one. Also, I was curious about the Figs & Rouge Lip Balms for some months now.
Nailpolish is always useful, although the color is more pink than coral (I’d prefer coral, but I use the pink nevertheless :D ). I’m curious about the moisturizing serum, although at the moment I have enough Serums and stuff like this to try out. The least exciting product is the handcream, but it is travel size, so I’ll put it into my bag in two weeks ( btw: I’m going to vacations in august, yeeiiii :D ).
As a gift the box contained a sample of Lolita Lempicka perfume called L de Lolita Lempicka”, which was a highlight for me. I always wanted to try a Lolita Lempicka perfume and here it is! And it smells sweet and georgeous! *_* I love it! ♥

Here are the product descriptions (unfortunately in German):
Boots Laboratories Optivá Moisturizing Serum
Das feuchtigkeitsspendende Serum zieht bis in die tieferen Hautschichten ein und unterstützt die Zellerneuerung. Es reduziert Zellschädigungen durch freie Radikale und verhindert gleichzeitig Reizungen. Glycerin und Sheabutter spenden Feuchtigkeit und pflegen die Haut bis zu 24 Stunden. Das Serum zieht schnell ein, hat eine angenehme Textur und fettet nicht. Dermatologisch getestet und ohne Parabene. 
Emite Make Up Lash Curler
Für den perfekten Augenaufschlag steht Ihnen diese Wimpernzange als treuer Helfer zur Seite. Das speziell geformte Design passt sich allen Augenformen an, ohne Ihr Make-up zu verwischen. Das Silikon-Gummi-Pad der Scheren federt übermäßigen Druck ab, sodass die Wimpern einen natürlichen Schwung erhalten.

Figs & Rouge Lip Balm Cherry Blossom
Eine rundum Pflege für strapazierte Lippen bietet dieser Liebling der Beauty-Redaktion. Das Wunderprodukt für die Lippen besteht zu 100% aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und sorgt für einen sanften Farbschimmer mit zartem Duft. Eine der begehrten Tuben in den Sorten Mocha Orange, Coco Rose und Cherry Blossom finden Sie auch in Ihrer GLOSSYBOX. 
LCN Handcream
Erste Hilfe für beanspruchte Sommerhände! Um alltäglichen Strapazen gezielt entgegenzuwirken, spendet die reichhaltige Handcreme Feuchtigkeit und bindet diese langfristig. Die hochwertigen Inhaltsstoffe pflegen die Hände, ohne zu fetten. Das Ergebnis: schöne und gepflegte Hände zu jeder Jahreszeit. 
Nails Inc Brook Street Nail Polish Coral
Der leuchtende und extrem glänzende Nagellack von Nails Inc sollte bei Ihrem sommerlichen Strand-Look keinesfalls fehlen. Seine langanhaltende Formel verleiht Ihren Nägeln ein optimales Finish. In strahlendem Koralle ist er in diesem Jahr ein farblich maritimes Sommer-Highlight. 
Lolita Lempicka “L de Lolita Lempicka”
Der neue Duft L de Lolita Lempicka nimmt Sie mit in eine Welt der Legenden und Mythen. Zart salzige, orientalisch-frische Akzente und eine Vanille-Holz-Basisnote bieten ein besonders sinnliches Dufterlebnis eingeschlossen in diesem bittersüßen Parfum. Lassen Sie sich entführen!  


And here are all the products together in a picture ^_^

Conclusion: I’m really happy with this months box, especially since I was so dissapointed last month. I hope Glossybox keeps on improving their boxes and I really like the idea of differently designed boxes (although I like the pink boxes, too). Also, this box really helped me to decide on a new perfume :D


If you want to try GlossyBox by yourself, just go to their web page (here). They have different kind of boxes, too.


♥ You can follow me on bloglovin’facebook or since recently on instagram :D ♥


Review: Declaré Anti-Irritation Serum

19. July 2013
Hello ♥
Some while ago I was selected from (a German perfumery) to test a serum from Declaré, a brand from Switzerland. I was really happy being selected for this test, because the weather here had been cold for a long time (finally it is summer) and my skin was stressed and dried up really badly.
The serum I tested is called Declaré Anti-Irritation Serum and below you can see the package I received. Very cute packaging! Thanks to the Pieper-team at this point!



Here is the description from Declaré’s web page (in German):
Anti-Irritation Serum – reduzieren Sie die sichtbaren Zeichen von Stress, Müdigkeit und Irritationen – rasch und nachhaltig! Das kostbare Serum mit dem einzigartigen Declaré src-complex™ ist die wirkungsvolle Pflegeergänzung für Ihre gestresste, irritierte und sensible Haut. Die Kombination wertvoller Aktivkomplexe macht dieses ultra-leichte Serum so wirkungsvoll: Zeichen von Stress, Müdigkeit und Rötungen werden sichtbar gemildert, der Teint wirkt gleichmäßig und erstrahlt herrlich frisch und entspannt. Durch den Einsatz von Hyaluronsäure und Feuchtigkeitskomplexen wird die Haut aufgepolstert und das Erscheinungsbild feiner Linien und erschlaffter Partien wird reduziert. Gleichzeitig stärken wirkungsvolle Pflanzenextrakte die hauteigene Schutzfunktion und machen Ihre Haut widerstandsfähig für tägliche Stressfaktoren. Für perfekt gestärkte, gepflegte Haut und einen entspannt-frischen Teint.
Basically it says that it reduces dullness, tired appearance and irritations of you skin. Your redness should minimise  and your skin gets moisturized and your skin tone is evened out. By soothing your skin in this way and providing moisture the appearance of fine lines is reduced, too.
Here are the pictures for the packaging:




The bottle looks nice and high-quality, somehow it looks mature, too, because of the golden cap.
The cap has an integrated pipette to obtain the serum. It provides the perfect amount for covering your face.



On the bottle you’ll find the description how to use the product, but the package contained also a detailed instruction/manual within. the bottle contains 50 ml which is really a lot considering how much you need for covering your face.



While turning the cap you can either suck the serum inside the pipette or release it. If the cap is down it is released. If it is up, you know there is serum inside your pipette.
The consistency of the serum is runny. It is a slightly milky fluid with a flowery/soapy scent that I really like a lot.



Did it work? Yes it did! My skin is not as dry as it was before. It is less irritated and feels smooth. I loved trying this product and I still love it. It needs some time to absorb and first it feels a tiny bit sticky, but after continuing with your skin care routine you don’t feel it anymore. I’m happy I got it for testing and I know that it will be my best friend as soon as the weather gets colder again.
It can be purchased for around 40 Euro, which is quite a lot and in my opinion the only downside of the product. But it will promise you high quality on the other side.




♥ I’d be happy if you follow me via bloglovin’ or facebook or instagram


For all UK residents: will be at a Korean Pop-up shop in London in August the 4th 2013 from 11am-6pm – they’ll have an own stall with their products from the online store! They’ll be giving 20% off everything from the retail price if you purchase on the day. You can find the information here:


Review: The Face Shop Volcanic Clay Blackhead Clay Nose Pack

17. July 2013
Hello ♥
This Volcanic Clay Blackhead Clay Nose Pack from The Face Shop is also part of my KoCoMall haul from quite a while ago. You’ll find the haul here. Ever since I tried one of The Face Shop’s Volcanic Clay nose patches I wanted to try this Clay Nose Pack. I was really curious about how it works, and since it was on sale I thought I’ll give it a try.

Here is the product description by The Face Shop’s official web page:

Say Good-bye to your blackheads!
A Perfect cleansing line effective for removing blackheads and dead skin cells
Peel-off type of blackhead nose strip that draws out blackheads completely. (Same as existing Mud Nose Pack)

Dispense an adequate amount and gently apply onto and around the nose area. After 10~15 minutes when completely dry, remove the mask upwards.
The package design of the tube is really nice. With all the writings and the little symbols it is kind of cute, too. The tube has a cap which can be flipped open. The description is written in Korean and English on the backside of the tube.
The consistency of the mask is glue-y when it comes out of the tube. It is very sticky and can be messy if you don’t take care in first place. That is also a point why I personally would have preferred a screw cap instead of one that can be flipped open, because those “flipping caps” tend to close sometimes and you’ll mess around within the cap :/
Once you put a layer on your nose and wait for a while you can feel how the mask tightens and dries. The package description says to leave it 15-20 minutes until it is dry. I tested this mask on me and on my boyfriend and the results were partly good, partly not. In my opinion you get the best results if you leave it for longer time. Then it really removes stuff which is inside your pores and you didn’t even realize it was there XD But I have to admit that it hurts to peel it off the drier it gets. If you have sensitive skin don’t buy it! My boyfriend likes it as it seems, since he asks for this every now and then :D
You can buy it at the moment on KoCoMall for US$ 4.16 since it is on sale.
Will I repurchase? Actually you don’t need a lot of product, so this tube will stay with me for quite some time. But I won’t purchase the same again, I will rather try out other similar masks or stick with nose patches.
For all UK residents: will be at a Korean Pop-up shop in London in August the 4th 2013 from 11am-6pm – they’ll have an own stall with their products from the online store! They’ll be giving 20% off everything from the retail price if you purchase on the day. You can find the information here:



Review: Innisfree Jejubija Anti-Trouble BB Cream SPF 35 PA++

16. July 2013
Hello ♥
Here is a review about a product I bought quite a while ago on KoCoMall. You’ll find the haul here. Here we have Innisfree’s Jejubija Anti-Trouble BB Cream SPF 35 PA++. I used this BB cream several times now but it never really turned out like I wished it would turn out. And I really wanted to give it a chance over and over gain, but it just doesn’t work for me. That doesn’t mean it won’t work for you, so I hope you will read this review before you close down this tab ;D
This BB cream is designed for troubled skin and it is the first BB cream from Innisfree that I tried.
Here is the description:
Innisfree Jejubija Anti-Trouble BB Cream SPF35 PA++ : Contained with the outstandingrejuvenating power,torreya seed extracts, and madecassoside ingredients intensively penetrate into red and dull skin caused by breakouts as it brings back your natural brightcomplexion.
how to use: apply an appropriate amount onto palm and then spread evenly over from wide to narrow areasafter regular skincare routine.
capacity 30ml
The packaging is a light blue and looks very clean and medical. It has the description in English and Korean which is great. The tube is not huge, is rather small and has a good travel size though. It has a simple screwing cap.
The BB cream has a runny consistency and comes in one shade only, which is a bit too light for me at the moment. On the pictures it looks okay, but in real it makes me look a bit like a ghost. It has a good coverage and a herbal scent. It feels calming on red spots and pimples and doesn’t sting or anything. also it gives you a matte finish which I like.
So far, it seems to be quite good. But, as I said at the beginning, this BB cream doesn’t fit my skin type at all. Despite the point that it only comes in one shade, it is absolutely not preferable for dry skin. My skin looks matte, but also very flaky and even drier than usual. It does not absorb easily and you have to patt a while until it looks blended. Also it settles very easy into fine lines. :(
I tried a lot of different ways to improve this point (using moisturizers and serums beneath) but it seems this BB cream doesn’t want to work on my skin in any of these ways. The oil-control is also not perfect, actually it is similar to Missha’s BB creams. If you have oily skin, I guess you’ll have to touch up. On the other hand it might be,that this BB cream works perfectly on oily skin concerning the flaking and the application.

The tube is small and contains 30 ml. You can get it at:
KoCoMall for US$ 7.48 (doesn’t include shipping)
W2Beauty for US$ 15.25 (free shipping available)

♥ I’d be happy if you follow me via bloglovin’ or facebook or instagram


Review: Missha Vita M BB Cream Moisture ♥sponsored♥

14. July 2013
Hey ♥
As I announced on Instagram I have another review for you. The product I’ll be showing here was sent to me by for reviewing purpose. Everybody living in Europe and UK should have a look at this shop selling Korean make-up products based in the UK! KoKo is a rather new shop founded end of last year. Currently they are shipping to Europe and UK only and if you are living in UK you can get free shipping at the moment, too! The shipping from UK to Germany was really fast. It arrived after 4 business days.

Here is the review for Missha’s Vita M BB Cream Moisture: This is another BB cream by Missha which claims to be moisturizing and gentle.
Here is the description by KoKo:
This gentle BB Cream contains 7 essential vitamin complexes derived from natural ingredients, and helps to improve the skin. Multi-functional, convenient to use to moisturize, protect, correct skin tone and block harmful UV.
After basic skin care, apply an appropriate amount evenly onto facial skin. Apply powder for the matt finish.
Size: 50ml
You can find an english description and the ingredients on the packaging, too :)
I mentioned more than one time, that I love Missha’s Perfect Cover BB Cream for years and naturally I will compare it to it.
The packaging is similar to Missha’s Perfect cover BB full sized tube. It comes in a tube with a pump dispenser which is very convenient to use. One pump is enough to cover my face. The only difference both BB creams have is the color of the tube. Missha’s Perfect Cover BB comes in a dark red tube and Missha’s Vita M BB Moisture has a golden tube.
The consistency is runnier than Missha’s perfect Cover BB and also it is only available in one shade. The coverage is a bit lighter, but it feels moisturizing. You feel the moisturizing effect especially if you apply it on bare skin without any other moisturizer below.
It doesn’t leave you with a grey cast like Missha’s Perfect cover BB does for the first minutes, but it looks pretty natural. Also you won’t see any caking or flaking, which can be sometimes the problem if you use BB creams with high coverage. I applied a moisturizer before I took the picture below:
The oil control is similar to Missha’s Perfect Cover BB, I would not recommend this BB cream to very oily skin without any other treatment for sebum control before.
Missha Vita M BB Cream Moisture costs GBP 20.00 at should also check out their facebook page, they provide from time to time giveaways which are open internationally.

For all UK residents: KoKo will be at a Korean Pop-up shop in London in August the 4th 2013 from 11am-6pm – they’ll have an own stall with their products from the online store! They’ll be giving 20% off everything from the retail price if you purchase on the day. You can find the information here:

instagram: @koko_kosmetics
twitter: @KoKosmetics
Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by, which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
♥ I’d be happy if you follow me via bloglovin’ or facebook or instagram


Review: Etude House Magic Tint Balm No.1 Magic Red ♥sponsored♥

10. July 2013
Hey there ♥
As I announced on Instagram I have some upcoming posts for you. Everybody living in Europe and UK should be especially interested right now, because the product I’ll be showing here was sent to me by for reviewing purpose. Yes, it’s really a shop selling Korean make-up products based in the UK! And this means you will get your ordered products within a very short time! Yeii, that’s so awesome :D KoKo is a rather new shop founded end of last year. Currently they are shipping to Europe and UK only and if you are living in UK you can get free shipping at the moment, too! The shipping from UK to Germany was really fast. It arrived after 4 business days. They put their logo sticker on the envelope, too. It’s really cute ♥

I will review Etude House’s Magic Tint Balm No. 1 today, which is called “Magic Red”. This is a lip balm in a small but sturdy plastic jar. This lip balm should not only moisturize, but it gives your lips a slight tint. This product is available in four different shades in total. KoKo offers two shades: “Magic Red” and “Magic Pink”

Here is the description taken from KoKo:

Etude House Magic Tint Balm is a textured lip tint which supplies moisture and natural color to lips.
Benefits: Contains Vitamin E
Magic Red
Magic Pink
Size: 10g


The packaging is obviously very cute, typical for Etude House products. The plastic jar is not easily to break or damage. The lid is decorated with a cute ornament and the name of the product in a twirly font. It might be, that this ornament and the font will vanish after a time if you will consider to take this product with you often. But that’s typical for those plastic jars.
The product is a colored balm, which is red in my case. It is very smooth and easy to apply even if you would use your fingers and have longer nails (the germaphobics will be shocked, I know, shame on me >_<”’). Of course you can use a lip brush, too!!:D
The color is comparable to Etude House Kissful Tint Choux in red (review here), which is more a fuchsia red than a real tomato red. The scent is pretty much similar, too. It reminds of some childhood bubble gums or something similar. It doesn’t have a taste, which I personally like. The stain of the product is very subtle. If you like a little more pigmentation I would recommend you the Kissful Tint Choux instead or the Magic Tint Balm.
After applying your lips will look super plum and glossy. Of course the balm does what a lip balm should do in first place: it gives your lips a smooth and moisturized feeling. This effect lasts for about 2 hours (including drinking something during this time) before I have the feeling of having to reapply. Also the color is barely visible anymore, since it is very subtle in the first place.

All in all, this is a very nice balm. I like the fell on the lips and it does it’s job as a balm. Also it is small and cute and uneasily to damage, which makes it perfect for your handbag. If you are looking for more pigmentation you should go for another tint. This tint costs GBP 5.50 at should also check out their facebook page, they provide from time to time giveaways which are open internationally.

For all UK residents: KoKo will be at a Korean Pop-up shop in London in August the 4th 2013 from 11am-6pm – they’ll have an own stall with their products from the online store! They’ll be giving 20% off everything from the retail price if you purchase on the day. You can find the information here:

instagram: @koko_kosmetics
twitter: @KoKosmetics
Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by, which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
♥ I’d be happy if you follow me via bloglovin’ or facebook or instagram