asian cosmetics beauty Honeysu Official PR Sample review

Review: Whamisa Fermented Hydrogel Facial Masks

23. August 2016

I will continue with my reviews for the Whamisa Fermented Hydrogel Facial Masks, which were also sent to me by Honeysu together with the Whamisa Sea Kelp Mask I reviewed previously (you can read my review >>here<<).

Whamisa Fermented Hydrogel Facial Masks

The Korean brand Whamisa is relatively young and was founded in 2010 as certified natural cosmetics brand. Their key ingredients focus on plant based fermentation extracts. The brand name is written in Chinese characters which have the meaning of flowers and beauty and the use of four key components of natural materials in their products.  The attractive ingredients are combined with a beautiful packaging design in light colors. Some of the products are decorated with flower illustrations. The brand was hard to purchase outside Korea first but more and more online retailers started selling their products. Honeysu is one of the first retailers in Europe (based in Belgium) selling Whamisa products and I was more than happy to be asked to review a bunch of Whamisa masks. Here is my impression of the Whamisa Fermented Hydrogel Facial Masks:

Whamisa Fermented Hydrogel Facial Masks

There are three different versions of the Whamisa Fermented Hydrogel Facial Masks, as listed in the following.

Whamisa Organic Seeds & Rice Fermented Hydrogel Facial Mask with Lactobacillus

I’ll start off with the Whamisa Organic Seeds & Rice Fermented Hydrogel Facial Mask. This mask is directed towards lifting, anti-aging and soothing. It contains seeds and rice which have been fermented by Lactobacillus. The essence of the mask has a jelly consistency and a brownish/yellow color with a very distinct scent, which reminds me of asian food. Scentwise it is my least favorite mask from the three hydrogel masks. The ingredients are as followed:

Essence: Aloe Maculata Leaf Extract, Lactobacillus/Hordeum Vulgare Seed Ferment Filtrate, Lacxtobacillus/ Rice Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/Phaseolus Angularis Seed Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Glycine Soja (Soybean) Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Sesamum Indicum (Sesame) Seed Ferment Filtrate, Corylus Avellana (Hazel) Seed Oil, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Paeonia Suffruticosa Root Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Xanthan Gum, Lavendula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Aniba Rosaedora (Rosewood) Wood Oil, Citrus Nobilis (Mandarin Orange) Peel Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalos (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Adenosine, Linalol

Sheet: Water, Hordeum Vulgare Seed Extract, Aloe Maculata Leaf Extract, Ceratonia Siliqua Gum, Lactobacillus/ Rice Ferment Filtrate,  Lactobacillus/ Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/Phaseolus Angularis Seed Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Glycine Soja (Soybean) Ferment Filtrate, Xanthan Gum, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Paeonia Suffruticosa Root Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract

According to COSDNA the ingredients are safe to use and there are no acne triggers or irritants. All ingredients except of linalool are labelled green and therefore safe to use. Linanool has to be labelled because it is a common allergica as a fragrance. What I discovered is, that the essence and the sheet mask both contain their ferment filtrate and extracts. In total there are 6 ferment filtrate based on Lactobacillus. Ferment Filtrate is nutrients-rich. It contains many vitamins, amino acids and proteins and helps to improve the moisture level of the skin. Other main ingredients are aloe, plant-based oils and extracts. My eye fell on the Licorice root extracts, which I really do love as ingredient. Licorice Root Extract is an antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory and skin-conditioning properties.

Whamisa Fermented Hydrogel Facial Masks

Whamisa Organic Flowers & Aloe Vera Fermented Hydrogel Facial Mask with Lactobacillus

The Whamisa Organic Flowers & Aloe Vera Fermented Hydrogel Facial Mask with Lactobacillus is directed towards lifting, whitening and moisturizing, using the key ingredients aloe, green tea and dandelion. Also here, a quick look at the ingredients reveals a bunch of fermented plants and roots by Lactobacillus. The essence of this mask is similar to the previous one and has a jelly consistency. I could smell a more flowery/citrus scent compared to the Seeds & Rice mask, which I preferred.

Essence: Aloe Maculata Leaf Extract, Lactobacillus/Chrysanthemum Sinense Flower Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Taraxacum Officinale (Dandelion) Rhizomr/ Root Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Nelumbo Nucifera Flower  Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/Aloe Maculata Leaf Ferment Filtrate, Helichrysum Arenarium Flower Extract, Rhodiola Rosea Root Extract, Paeonia Suffroticosa Root Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Aniba Roseodora (Rosewood) Wood Oil, Citrus aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, d-Limonene

Sheet: Water, Aloe Maculata Leaf Extract, Ceratonia Siliqua Gum, Lactobacillus/Chrysanthemum Sinense Flower Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Taraxacum Officinale (Dandelion) Rhizome/Root Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/Nelumbo Nucifera Flower Ferment Filtrate, Xhantan Gum, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Paeonia Suffruticosa Root Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract

According to COSDNA the ingredients are safe to use and there are no acne triggers or irritants. All ingredients except of D-Limonene are labelled green and therefore safe to use. Limonene has to be labelled because it is a common allergica, but it is also a natural fragrance and occurs in citrus fruits. Also here both the essence and the sheet contain the ferment filtrate.

Whamisa Fermented Hydrogel Facial Masks

Whamisa Organic Fruits & Tomato Fermented Hydrogel Facial Mask with Lactobacillus

The Whamisa Organic Fruits & Tomato Fermented Hydrogel Facial Mask with Lactobacillus is directed towards lifting, revitalizing, and toning using key ingredients like tomato, banana. and apple. Like the two previously mentioned masks this mask also includes the Lactobacillus ferment filtrate of various other plants. Also here the jelly serum has a yellowish color and a citrus scent. This one has the most fresh scent so to say.

Essence: Aloe Maculata Leaf Extract, Lactobacillus/Pyrzs Malus (Apple) Fruit Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Citrus Junos Fruit Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Actinisia Chinensis (Kiwi) Fruit Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/Musa Sapientum (Banana) Fruit Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Fruit Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus / Tomato Fruit Ferment Filtrate, Corylus Avellana (Hazel) Seed Oil, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Paeonia Suffroticosa Root Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Honey, Xanthan Gum, Lavendula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Aniba Roseodora (Rosewood) Wood Oil, Citrus Nobilis (Mandarin Ornage) Peel Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, d-Limonene, Linalol

Sheet: Water, Aloe Maculata Leaf Extract, Ceratonia Siliqua Gum, Lactobacillus/Pyrzs Malus (Apple) Fruit Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Citrus Junos Fruit Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/ Actinisia Chinensis (Kiwi) Fruit Ferment Filtrate, Lactobacillus/Musa Sapientum (Banana) Fruit Ferment Filtrate, Xhantan Gum, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Paeonia Suffruticosa Root Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract

According to COSDNA The ingredients are safe to use except for Linolool and D-Linolene, which are labeled yellow and are both fragrances (read above). Again we will find so many ferment filtrate of so many plants and fruits in the essence, but also in the hydrogel sheet.

Performance of Whamisa Hydrogel Facial Masks

All three masks are made from 95% organic ingredients and 100% natural ingredients. They are free from parabens, mineral oil, synthetic dyes, silicone and fragrances, too! The sachets of the mask contain a really rich amount of the essence and there is quite a lot left over which can be used elsewhere like neck and arms. The high amount of essence also leads to a very slippery sheet mask. It is really a bit tricky to unfold and I feared to tear it apart. Also, the mask keeps sliding, so I recommend you to lay down while using it. The first of the mask was other perfect either and it didn’t cover my forehead properly but that is something I personally do not count negatively. You will observe that the mask is slightly thinner after using it because the serum is absorbed by your skin, still there is never the point while using it the recommended 20 minutes that it gets dried out. Do not use it before makeup. I discovered that it tends to peel.

Whamisa Fermented Hydrogel Facial Masks

I do like these masks despite the slippery and the poor fit. The hydrogel feels soft and there is plenty of serum. The ingredient list is beyond great and it really leaves the skin with a glow. Although not suited for applications  before makeup I really can advise you to try these masks at least once despite their price. You can get this mask from the Belgian online retailer Honeysu for 7.50 €  5 US$ sale until supplies last (Yes, the price is for one mask and yes, it is really expensive compared to other sheet masks)! They ship within Europe quite affordably and most important super fast- but they also ship to other countries (higher shipping costs though). Honeysu doesn’t carry many brands, but they focus on products with non-harmful ingredients. I must say I really like the looks of the shop and I love their Instagram account. The pictures posted are always so beautiful! For my readers from the US you can get this mask from Amazon, too (~8-9 US$).


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Whamisa Fermented Hydrogel Facial Masks

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty dm review

Review: Balea Deo mit Kompakt-Technologie

16. August 2016
Today's post will be about a German drugstore brand. I decided to write the post in German since the products are directed towards German customers. But if you want to know any details to any of the below products, please feel free to ask in the comments below. I'll be happy to answer your questions :)

Heute möchte ich euch zwei der neuen Balea Deos vorstellen, die mir von dm zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Balea hat vor kurzem ihre Deos überarbeitet und jetzt sind alle Deos mit verbesserter Rezeptur und im Kompaktformat erhältlich. Das heißt doppelte Ergiebigkeit bei gleicher Dosengröße!

Balea Deo

Insgesamt sind von den neuen Balea Deos 8 verschiedene erhältlich. Davon sind 6 klassische Deodorants ohne Aluminium (ACH) mit antibakterieller Wirkung die bis zu 24 Stunden anhält. Außerdem sind die Deodorants mit hochwertigen Parfümölen ausgestattet.

Balea Deo

2 der neuen Deos sind Anti-Transpirante und die enthalten daher Aluminiumsalzen, um die Schweißdrüsen zu verschließen und schaffen es so für bis zu 48 Stunden zu wirken. Die neuen Anti-Transpirante enthalten den neuen Wirkstoff Diatomite für eine zusätzliche Feuchtigkeitsabsorption und verfügen über Duftkapseln, die kontinuierlich durch die Körperwärme Parfüm freisetzen.

Balea Deo

Ich durfte freundlicher Weise zwei der neuen Balea Deos testen. Zum einen das fruchtig riechende Deodorant Soft Rock, und zum anderen das frische Anti-Transpirant Fit for Stress.

Balea Deo

Die beiden Deos enthalten jeweils 200 ml, aber durch die Kompakt-Technologie entspricht die Menge der doppelten Ausbringungsmenge von 400 ml. Dies wird durch eine effizientere Sprühtechnologie und einer konzentrierten Wirkformel erreicht.

Balea Deo

Mir gefällt vorallem der fruchtige Geruch des Soft Rock Deodorants und die Tatsache dass es ohne Aluminium ist macht es für den alltäglichen Gebrauch perfekt! Das Anti-Transpirant Fit For Stress hingegen ist definitiv die bessere Wahl für sportliche Aktivitäten oder andere Momente in denen man eventuell vor Aufregung ins Schwitzen kommt.

Balea Deo

Balea ist die Hausmarke vom Drogeriemarkt DM, von daher eine sehr günstige und einfach zu beziehende Marke mit zum Teil wirklich sehr guten Produkten. Auch hier kann man wirklich nix bemängeln und auch der Preis von 1.35 € ist vollkommen legitim! Soft Rock wird von mir sicherlich nachgekauft. Auf jedenfall möchte ich auch noch das zweite Anti-Transpirant “Fit for Sport” testen.

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fontover_201681681251499Balea Deo

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty PR Sample Realash review

Final Review: Realash Eyelash Enhancer after more than 3 months

15. August 2016

Remember my two previous reviews on the famous eyelash growth serum Realash Eyelash Enhancer? It is time for my final review of this amazing lash growths serum after using it for more than 3 months. Be sure to check out my teaser post here and my review after 6 weeks >>here<<, too! So finally, I can show you my lash growths result for the whole testing period in one post, and I hope this will be helpful for you on deciding whether it is worth to try such an eyelash serum or not. Thanks again for Realash for giving me the opportunity to try out this product!

Realash Eyelash Enhancer
A short Recap: The Realash Eyelash Enhancer is a serum for your eyelashes which promotes the growth of your lashes. It promises not only longer but also thicker and denser lashes when applied regularly. As I said in my previous post there are many eyelash serum available and the prices range between super cheap drugstore brands to super expensive ones. I tried another affordable eyelash serum from Catrice previously, but it didn’t show any significant changes while using it. After reading many positive reviews about the Realash Eyelash Enhancer, which is definitely pricier than the drugstore versions, my expectations were quite high and I was doubtful whether the product lives up to its claims. After testing this serum for more than three months now, regularly at the beginning, and a bit less regularly this month (because of vacation etc.) I can truly say that I am amazed by the Realash Eyelash Enhancer. 

Realash Eyelash Enhancer

I already saw the results of the Realash Eyelash Enhancer after 6 weeks more than clearly, and now after so many weeks the result is still visible moreover, I think some of my lashes have become longer than they were already after 6 weeks! Especially the comparison from my lashes at the beginning to how they look now is so amazing, I still cannot really believe it!

Realash Eyelash Enhancer

My lashes have grown longer and denser than they ever were and I’m really very happy that Realash Eyelash Enhancer lives up to its claims. Below you can see another comparison of my lashes during the past weeks and months. The last image shows how my lashes look right now, including makeup and mascara. The difference is really visible. And although I wasn’t using the serum very regularly in the last weeks it still did a great job. After using the serum for quite a time now I feel how the bottle is getting empty and there is not too much left of the Realash Eyelash Enhancer. I hope that some of the results will be visible for some more time, although usually you can expect that once the lashes fall out I will return to my former lashes with time passing…This is probably the hardest part about it!

Realash Eyelash Enhancer

I love the Realash Eyelash Enhancer! It  improved my lashes in every aspect, like length, volume and thickness. I have to point out still that the results vary from person to person and there are surely limits within each individuals genetic disposition, but for effective and visible results I can advise you to skip the super cheap drugstore serum and rather go for a mid-priced eyelash growth serum like this one from Realash! My only downsides for the Realash Eyelash Enhancer is still the price and secondly that I already fear the moment when the tiny bottle of this precious serum is empty and my lashes will start to grow as they did before. The Realash Eyelash Enhancer retails for 70 € and contains 3 ml of serum. So far it lasts for more than 3 months, but it is near to its end.

I hope my review was useful to you and I can advise you to check out the Realash wegpage and the before and after pictures of other testers they show on their show there. Also read my introduction post >>here<< and my thorough review after 6 weeks >>here<<!

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Realash Eyelash Enhancer

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.

beauty beauty boxes food Nu3 PR Sample

Nu3 Insider Box Summer Edition

10. August 2016
Today's post will be about a PR Sample Box from Nu3. I decided to write the post in German since this shop is directed towards German customers. But if you want to know any details to any of the below products, please feel free to ask in the comments below. I'll be happy to answer your questions :)

Ich bin ziemlich spät dran für diesen Post, aber zum Glück ist es zumindest noch Sommer, entsprechend kam im Juni eine neue nu3 Insider Box eingetrudelt, dessen Inhalt ich euch heute hier vorstelle. Vielleicht kennen manche von euch den nu3 Online Shop für bessere Ernährung ja bereits. Sie bieten eine Reihe von Naturprodukten, Naturkost, Fitnessprodukte und vieles mehr an.

Nu3 Insider Box Summer Edition

Die nu3 Insider Box ist keine reguläre Subscription Box, sondern eine fürBlogger kreierte PR-Sample Box vom online shop nu3. Man konnte unter verschiedenen Themen für die Nu3 Insider Box wählen und ich habe mich für die “Natural Beauty Box” entschieden. Die “Natural Beauty Box” enthält eine ausgewogene Mischung an Kosmetikprodukten und Naturkost bzw Beauty Foods. Schließlich kommt Schönheit ja bekanntermaßen von innen, von daher ist es auch wichtig gesunde Lebensmittel zu uns zu nehmen ;)

Nu3 Insider Box Summer Edition

Die nu3 Insider Box Natural Beauty für den Sommer enthielt insgesamt 4 Produkte, die ich euch im weiteren näher vorstellen werde.

Nu3 Insider Box Summer Edition

Zunächst einmal war die Box unglaublich schwer, worüber ich mich im ersten Moment sehr gewandert habe. Als ich dann das Paket öffnete erblickte ich gleich eine sehr große und schwere Flasche nu3 Bio Aloe Vera Saft. Wow! Und gefreut habe ich mich darüber auch noch, denn ich hatte vorher noch nie Aloe Vera Saft getrunken oder probiert. Ich hab mir auch direkt den ein oder anderen Erfrischungtrank gebraut und fand es auch sehr passend aber auch etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig im Geschmack. Allerdings braucht man immer nur sehr wenig vom Aloe Vera Saft, muss allerdings die Flasche innerhalb von zwei Wochen verbrauchen. Ich weiß nicht genau wie das funktioniert. Ich hatte noch sehr viel Saft übrig….Und bin noch unentschlossen ob ich es wegschmeißen oder mir noch ein paar Masken daraus machen soll…Abgesehen vom Aloe Vera Saft enthielt die Box noch ein weiteres Getränk: nu3 Bio Fasten-Tee. Ich faster zwar nicht, aber ich mag sehr gerne Tee und die Kräutermischung aus grünem Material, Brombeerblättern, Brennnessel, Hagebutte, Fenchelsamen, Anis, Birkenblättern und Süßholzwurzel hört sich perfekt an. Auch hier sind die Zutaten aus biologischem Anbau.

Nu3 Insider Box Summer Edition

Das einzige Kosmetikprodukt dieser Box war die Weleda Mandel Sensitiv Pflegedusche. Ich liebe Mandelduft, oder Mandelblütenduft in der Körperpflege! Die Weleda Pflegedusche ist ph hautneutral und seifenfrei und außerdem frei von Konservierungs-, Farb-, und Duftstoffen und verzichtet auf Rohstoffe auf Mineralölbasis. Das einzige was mir aufgefallen ist, ist dass sie nicht so gut Aufschwung wie andere Duschgels. Trotzdem schätze ich die Marke Weleda und ihre zertifizierte Naturkosmetik sehr. Das letzte Produkt der nu3 Insider Box diesen Sommer ist auch mein Highlight gewesen: die Nutri-Kick Stevia Schokolade! Ich liebe Schokolade, allerdings hätte ich mir unter normalen Umständen nie Stevia Schokolade geholt und war auch entsprechend skeptisch. Trotzdem wurde sie als erstes probiert…Und von meinem Freund direkt innerhalb kurzer Zeit vernichtet- und ich muss sagen sie schmeckt sehr gut und schmilzt perfekt im Mund.

Nu3 Insider Box Summer Edition

Alles zusammen eine schöne Box mit interessanten Produkten. Ich bin sehr froh, dass ich sie testen durfte.

Die Produkte aus der Nu3 Insider Box sind hier erhältlich:

nu3 Bio Aloe Vera Saft

nu3 Fasten-Tee

Weleda Mandel Sensitiv Pflegedusche

Nutri-Nick Stevia Chocolate

Was haltet ihr von den Produkten? Habt ihr irgendetwas davon schon einmal ausprobiert?  Wieder einmal eine schöne Box, wovon alle Produkte gut Verwendung finden. Was meint ihr?

Nu3 Insider Box Summer Edition

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.


Allgemein asian cosmetics beauty other trustworthy shops Wishtrend

Wishtrend Coupons August 2016

9. August 2016

I’m a bit later tha usual for the Wishtrend Coupons for August this time. August is usually my busy month because of so many activities, birthdays, weddings…it is nice and happy but also can be quite stressful. However, here are the coupons and benefits that you can use while shopping on one of my favorite online retailers for Korean beauty products: Wishtrend. If you don’t know them, but love Korean or Asian cosmetics and skin care products I can recommend you to check out their online shop, especially for one of my favorite products, e.g. the O.S.T. Vitamin C Serum. You’ll also find some products sold at Wishtrend on my Top 30 favorite asian cosmetics for 2015like the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin C serum or the ElishaCoy Moist Up Hyalurone Ampoule TonerAlso, they have listed brands like COSRX, Tosowoong and Mizon. You can find a list of all the products I reviewed from Wishtrend at the bottom of this post. Furthermore, they have really a great affiliate program for blogger and I can advice you to join it if you are one. Here are the Wishtrend coupon codes for August:

Wishtrend Coupons August 2016

As usual, I’ll start off with the 5 Us$ referral coupon you can receive if you are a new customer. The principle is easy as this: If you use my invitation code 17939205 upon registration you’ll receive a 5 US$ voucher immediately. There will be a specific field in your registration form called “friends invitation program” where you can put the code mentioned above. This way new customers can get 5 US$ off, which is a great to save some money on your first order.

Wishtrend Coupons August 2016

Second, there is also a 10% discount Wishtrend coupon available for July. Below, you’ll find the coupon code for this:

  • Coupon Code: AF16AUGUST10
  • Requirement 1: Shopping cart order must be 50 US$+  to be able to use the 10% off coupon
  • Requirement 2: Coupon code cannot be combined with any other discount or voucher code.
  • Only valid until the end of August 2016

The second promotion code is a special gift: You will receive one free Natural Vitamin 21.5 Enhancing Sheet Mask (value 2.50 US$) by using the code below.

  • All orders, limited offer
  • Only valid until the end of August 2016

Wishtrend Coupons August 2016

I also want to point out some new arrivals on Wishtrend: First, Klairs has launched a new product and it fits right into summer time: The Klairs Mid-Day Blue Sun Lotion with SPF 40/PA++. This sun lotion gives you UV and heat protection and has a light blue, similar to the Klairs Midnight Blue Calmin Cream. Also here a key ingredient is Guaiazulene and you can read more in my review >>here<<.

Wishtrend Coupons August 2016

Another newly launched product is the new and also the first sheet mask by CosRX, the CosRX Holy Moly Snail Mask! This sheet mask contains red ginseng water instead of regular water and snail mucin. The sheet is made from 100% rayon fiber. The Klairs Sun Lotion and this Sheet Mask sound really intriguing and I ordered both of them right away ! I’m really looking forward to try them!

Wishtrend Coupons August 2016

Also, there is a new brand available called Jungle Botanics. There is a Shampoo and Conditioner and a Body Scrub available. I’m testing all three of these products and the reviews will be posted soon as well – just one thing about these: I really like them all!

Wishtrend Coupons August 2016

I would advice you to check out their “Free Shipping Area”, so you don’t have to spend the saved money for shipping costs. They have quite some nice items available there, changing from time to time!

I did a couple of reviews on various Wishtrend products in the past. You might like to check these out, if you are interested in purchasing these:

COSRX Oil-Free Ultra Moisturizing Lotion

COSRX Propolis Light Ampule

Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream

Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin C Serum

Chica y Chico Astazet 4.0

Delight 18 I.U Whitening Cream Glutathione

ElishaCoy Moist Up Hyalurone Ampoule Toner

Skinmiso Pore Corset Serum

Lailly 7 Seconds Make-Up Booster

Pongdang Mulbit Glow BB Cushion

COSRX BHA Summer Pore Minish Serum

COSRX AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner

I’m from Honey Mask

Boutique Bebe Hair Salon Protein Treatment

COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch

ElsihaCoy Aloe & Lavender Mask Sheet

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack and Lip Tint Cleanser

OST C20 Pure Vitamin C21.5 Advanced Serum

Confume Argan Treatment Oil

Pongdang Donkey Milk Emulsion

Klairs Rescue Moisture Kit Part 1 and 2

Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack

CareLab Powerful Pudding Mask

Klairs Gentle Black Deep Oil Cleanser and Sugar Facial Polish

Rojukiss Multi Vita Cleansing Powder

Klairs Rich Moist Soothing Sheet Mask

Damoae Therapy Shampoo and Tonic

Skinmiso Rice Foam Cleanser

Klairs Illuminating Supple BB Cream

O.S.T. Pure Vitamin C20 Serum

Wish Formula Panda Eye Essence Mask

ONL Saladit Essential Juice Sheet Masks

Do you have any favourite item from Wishtrend? What would you love to try from their products?


accessoires Bali Clicks fashion giveaway jewelry PR Sample

Giveaway: Bali Clicks Miffy Key Chain

4. August 2016

You know I’m a sucker for kawaii stuff and since I know that you are, too, I prepared a quick giveaway for you in collaboration with Bali Clicks.

Bali Clicks Miffy Key Chain

Do you know Miffy? It’s the cute rabbit mascot from the Netherlands. Miffy (actually called Nijnthe) is the character of a child’s picture book and quite famous. If you look at Miffy you can also think that it is a Sanrio character, looking at this adorable little bunny.

Bali Clicks Miffy Key Chain

The jewelry and accessories company Bali Clicks designed some of their interchangeable charms, called “clicks” with beautiful motifs of the Miffy series – for children, but also for grown-ups in love with the design.

Bali Clicks Miffy Key Chain

Bali Clicks is inspired by the Hindu traditions and symbols and the natural materials available in Bali, like wood, glass, shells and so on. The designed clicks can be removed and attached to bracelets, key chains, bags which are compatible to the clicks. They have a huge amount of different motifs and styles and I’m sure everybody can find something to their liking.

Bali Clicks Miffy Key Chain

What I really like about the brand concept of Bali Clicks is that they contribute into strengthening the employment and working conditions of local artisans in Bali, so you can even do something good for the people living in Bali and putting their effort into these products.

Bali Clicks Miffy Key Chain

As you can see, the materials used for the Bali Clicks Miffy Key Chain are mainly wood and leather. The wooden clicks are hand painted and very pretty! The key chain comes packed in a jute bag.

Bali Clicks Miffy Key Chain

I’m proud any happy that I can offer you a giveaway in collaboration with Bali Clicks! By taking part into the giveaway form below you can take part and win a Bali Clicks Miffy Key Chain. It is not a huge giveaway, but it is sure something special and I think it is important to support brands like Bali Clicks being socially and environmentally engaged and aware. The giveaway is ope internationally! Please also do take a look at their online page. The key chain retails for 19.95 € there.

Bali Clicks Miffy Key Chain

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck everybody!

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing/giveaway purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics beauty Honeysu Official PR Sample review

Review: Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp

2. August 2016

A Korean brand that was really in focus for many kbeauty bloggers in the last year was Whamisa, a natural cosmetics brand using certified organic ingredients for their products. The brand was hard to purchase outside Korea first but more and more online retailers started selling their products. Honeysu is one of the first retailers in Europe (based in Belgium) selling Whamisa products and I was more than happy to be asked to review a bunch of Whamisa masks. Eventually, you saw the picture on Instagram I posted. Today, I will tell you about my impression of the Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp, whereas next time I’ll be focussing on their hydrogel masks:

Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp

The Korean brand Whamisa is relatively young and was founded in 2010 as certified natural cosmetics brand. Their key ingredients focus on plant based fermentation extracts. The brand name is written in Chinese characters which have the meaning of flowers and beauty and the use of four key components of natural materials in their products.  The attractive ingredients are combined with a beautiful packaging design in light colors. Some of the products are decorated with flower illustrations.

Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp

The Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp is quite a special mask because it is not a soaked cotton sheet or regular hydrogel, but it is made from 100% sea kelp, which is the reason why this mask has a green color. The mask is purely made of natural ingredients and consists in 90.37 % of organic ingredients. I want to point out some of the ingredients of this mask below:


Kelp is not only healthy for eating, but also does it have benefits for the skin. It is rich in antioxidants and minerals and thereby benefits the skin in terms of anti-aging. In how far a mask sheet made of kelp influences the skin is not clear, since usually the effectiveness is correlated with the procession of the kelp, eg. by using the extract.

Lactobacillus/ Aloe Maculata (?) Ferment Extract

I’m a bit irritated about having Aloe maculata here instead of the commonly used Aloe Vera (Barbadensis). Aloe Maculata is a aloe plant growing in South Africa.  The gel of this plant forms foam with water, which is why it is used as soap. It produces a yellowish gel, which has similar properties like aloe vera, so it is primarily moisturizing and antibacterial/ anti-inflammatory. I also read that Aloe maculata is more resistant to higher salt concentrations, so maybe this is one of the reasons why using this, since sea kelp is used for the sheet mask. I wrote Whamisa an email asking about the Aloe and hopefully they will reply and tell me whether there is a specific reason in using this Aloe specimen instead of the more commonly used Aloe Vera (also confusing: the import label says Aloe Maculata, whereas the official page of Whamisa in its English translation says Aloe barbadensis). Ferment filtrate is nutrients-rich. It contains many vitamins, amino acids and proteins and helps to improve the moisture level of the skin.

Licorice Extract

Licorice extract is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and skin-conditioning properties and brightening. It is also used for fragrance in some cosmetics.

You will find the other ingredients listed on COSDNA, and you will discover that most of them are plant derived extracts and oils. I love the ingredients lists in total!

Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp

The Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp is targeting wrinkles and dull and swollen face. But not only: it also improves the smoothness of the skin and the moisture level and has been tested by Gyoung Hee University. The sheet mask is divided into two parts, an upper part and lower area, folded between plastic sheets. The sheet mask has a marine green color and feels like soaked paper, kind of thin and slimey. The first thing to discover is the scent it has: it smells very strongly of algae (it is 100% kelp, so do not expect anything else :D) and if you are sensitive towards these kinds of scents you will probably have a hard time to leave this on your face. Since I have a salt water fish tank myself I was well prepared and kind of used to the scent, although it is surely not my favorite scent for skincare. The kelp sheets were soaked thoroughly with a yellowish, sticky essence. They are so nicely soaked, that the lower part of the mask kept sliding off my face. I can advice you to put this sheet mask on and lie down, so it will stay on your face and you will have some time to relax. Generally, I would advice you to use this mask in the evening, since the yellow essence tends to make the skin a bit yellowish at first and needs some more time than other sheet masks to absorb. Once it absorbs it definitely leaves a tacky and tighter feeling on the skin and seems to brighten up the skin. It also gives a nice glow and feels moisturzing. I didn’t experience any irritations while using this mask.

Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp

Whamisa totally has four different sheet masks. The  Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp mask is one of them. Furthermore there are three different hydrogel sheet masks available, which I will review in a couple of days as well. Don’t they look beautiful together?

Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp

I do like the Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp and it has been my first kelp mask and my first Whamisa product in the same time. I can also understand the raving of many bloggers about this sheet mask. The scent of the mask is something special though, which might put you off if you do not like the strong algae scent. It also does have a superb ingredients list and all the products are labelled whether they are certified or not. I wish that more brands will take such a way of labelling more serious. My only tiny downside is the price, since Whamisa products are more expensive than other Korean brands. On the other hand the high price is justified by the origin of the ingredients. After all it is up to you whether to want to spend more money and know where your ingredients are from that you are putting on your face, or you prefer the cheaper versions – which I didn’t try, so I cannot compare it for you here (Whamisa was the first kelp mask I got to know, but is no secret that Tonymoly came up with a kelp mask, too).

You can get this mask from the Belgian online retailer Honeysu for 12 €  9 US$ sale until supplies last (Yes, the price is for one mask and yes, it is really expensive compared to other sheet masks)! They ship within Europe quite affordably and most important super fast- but they also ship to other countries (higher shipping costs though). Honeysu doesn’t carry many brands, but they focus on products with non-harmful ingredients. I must say I really like the looks of the shop and I love their Instagram account. The pictures posted are always so beautiful! For my readers from the US you can get this mask from Amazon, too (14.88 US$).


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Whamisa Organic Facial Mask Pack Sea Kelp

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.


beauty éclat perfumes PR Sample review

Dupe Alert: Éclat Perfumes

27. July 2016

The moment you receive a super luxurious and expensive perfume as a gift and you fall in love with it, only to discover that you cannot use it everyday because it is too painful for your wallet to repurchase it. Does this sound familiar to you?! I had this experience quite a lot so usually I have two kinds of perfumes: the everyday perfume, with an okay to nice scent, but affordable to repurchase, and the special occasions perfume, which are my favorite scents and super expensive…what a shame! Everyone should be able to afford their favourite scents for everyday use. And this is exactly what Éclat Perfumes make possible! I was totally amazed to hear that they create and offer the twins of known perfumes for a small price, but how similar would they be and how would they actually compare?! One of my favorite perfumes is Thierry Mugler’s Angel. I adore the sweet scent and the recognition of this perfume and it has been my favorite for years now. I got the chance to take a closer look at Éclat Perfumes No. Called “Blue Star”, which is a dupe for “Angel” according to other bloggers and by the hint through the name.

Éclat Perfumes

Éclat Perfumes is located in Germany and their perfumes are made in Germany too. Obviously, they also ship to Germany, but also within Europe. They have a variety of 330 different perfumes and if you just browse through the world-wide web you will find lists of the perfumes and their famous sisters and brothers. Yes, they also offer perfumes for men and not only for women!

Éclat Perfumes

The packaging of the Éclat Perfumes is simple and sleek and looks elegant. I think that a bunch of these will really look pretty together, but unlike their pricier idols they do not come with differently shaped bottles. All perfumes have the same shape and packaging. On the other hand this is probably also one of the reasons these perfumes are so much more affordable. The price for a bottle containing 55 ml is usually at 19.95 €!

Éclat Perfumes

Let’s see how the perfume performs, since this is the main reason why we buy our beloved perfumes: the scent! I’m showing you Éclat Perfume No. 16 called “Blue Star”. This oriental and sweet perfume has these notes:

top note:     bergamot, jasmine, cassia, coconut, mandarin, melon, cotton candy

middle note: apricot, blackberry, honey, jasmine, lily of the valley, orchid, peach, plum, rose, red berries

base notes: amber, caramel, musk, patchouli, chocolate, tonka bean, vanilla

As I said, this perfume is the sibling of Thierry Mugler’s Angel. You will find that even the notes above are the same in both products! After applying it on my skin I was totally convinced by the Éclat Perfume: it is hard to tell which one is the perfume from Éclat and which one is the original. Even in terms of lasting power the Éclat Perfume is as strong as the perfume from Thierry Mugler. I’m amazed!

Éclat Perfumes

Would I recommend trying out Éclat Perfumes?! Definitely! If you have a chance to get your hands on one or the other perfume you will be amazed how similar this perfume is to your favorite brand- at least it works for No.16, which I tested and compared here. Some of the names of the perfumes make it easy to guess which is their sibling perfume, like “Blue Star”, but for others it is more hard to detect. You can try to give it a search first, or check out other blogs. This perfume has become my everyday perfume and I love it so much! I definitely plan on buying other perfumes from Éclat Perfumes. You can obtain this perfume from Éclat Perfumes for 19.96 €.

What is your favorite perfume and would you consider to buy the dupe by Éclat Perfume if they have it?

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Éclat Perfumes


Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics bbcosmetic beauty PR Sample review

Review: VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes

26. July 2016


For someone who never uses eyeshadow and always has wondered how the eyeshadow of other people is looking good even after a long night out eyeshadow primers will reveal a whole new world. I had the same experience when I tried my first primer and suddenly all the world around eye makeup and eyeshadow made sense. I’m happy to be able to introduce to you the VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes, which was offered to me by BBCOSMETIC for reviewing purpose. This primer is one of the most famous ones in Korea.

VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes

VDL is a Korean brand by LG Household & Healthcare. The sleek and modern design of their products is unmistakable and is surely part of their popularity. Especially the primer from VDL have a very good reputation (I also bought the VDL Lumilayer Primer for the face, but I didn’t review it yet). The VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes comes in a sleek cardboard packaging. Yet you will find reflective elements on the cardboard box and their colorful reflexions make it appear really modern and trendy. The primer itself comes in a square and simple tube, reminding me of brands like MAC and NARS.

VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes

On the cardboard box you will find the descriptions in Korean and English. The ingredients are also available on COSDNA (Thanks to Evelyn :*) if you are interested in looking them up. Using the VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes is really simple, since it comes with a sponged applicator tip. The light beige fluid is applied thinly on the lid and blended in with the fingertip. You have to wait for a short time for the product to absorb before you can continue to apply the eyeshadow on top. It is advertised to be used on oil-free lids, so be sure to blot the skin.

VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes

As you can see from the swatch above the VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes has a glossy finish. Therefore, when applying eyeshadow they appear more vibrant and pigmented than without. Also it helps to make powdery eyeshadow containing shimmer or glitter to appear more prominent. The VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes does a good job in that it really makes the eyeshadow colors pop. In terms of long-lasting it gives the eyeshadow a boost, too, but you have to be sure to apply on the dried primer. Also, for oily lids the lasting-power is reduced. I have the feeling that it is less lasting than the matte eyeshadow primers, like the one from essence cosmetics for example.

VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes

The VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes is a pretty descent eye shadow primer and I see why it is so popular. I really like how it brings out the colors of the eyeshadow and makes especially the shimmery ones look super great. It also helps to prevent the settling of the eyeshadow into the lines. In terms of long-livity of the used eyeshadow, it definitely does extend the wearability of eyeshadow, but not as much as other eye primers do. This might also be related on the grade of oiliness your eyelid has. I received this primer from BBCOSMETIC, but it is out of stock there at the moment. But they have a bunch of other products from VDL also worth a look. You can also use the voucher Q2C8JX9N45R3O  in order to get 10 % discount on BBCOSMETIC.


If you want to try the VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes you can get it here:

W2Beauty for 16.83 US$ 15.98 US$ 14.90 €

Testerkorea 12 350 Won (~13 US$)

What do you think of this primer for eyes? What is your favorite eyeshadow primer?


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VDL Expert Color Primer For Eyes


Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian sweets food PR Sample TokyoTreat

Unboxing: TokyoTreat – Japanese Candy Subscription Box

26. July 2016

I’m always curious about snacks and candy from different countries and I love trying them out. Japan is known for candy curiosities and especially fun packaging of their candies and snacks and therefore they are the ones I love most to try. There is a fairly new Japanese Candy Subscription Box around called TokyoTreat and I’m glad I was provided with one of their awesome boxes to share my opinion with you:

Tokyotreat - Japanese Candy Subscription Box

TokyoTreat is a monthly subscription box service located in Japan and delivering handpicked candies and snacks directly from Japan. The range of their snacks and treats reaches from sweet to savory and the best part is that they have free worldwide shipping for their subscription boxes.

Tokyotreat - Japanese Candy Subscription Box

They have differently priced and sized boxes for subscribing. The smallest and also cheapest retails for 14.99 US $ and contains 5-7 full-sized japanese candies and snacks. The medium  (called regular) sized box contains 8-12 full-sized candies and snacks and a DIY Candy Kit for 24.99 US $. Lastly, there is the premium option for 34.99 US $ containing 13-17 candies and snacks , one DIY Candy Kit, 1 drink and one special item, which can be a drink, Gachapon Toy or Premium DIY Kit.

Tokyotreat - Japanese Candy Subscription Box

The TokyoTreat box I received is the one from April and it is the Premium box containing all the possible products you would have received (including the products from the small and regular box). The box is also the first anniversary celebrations box on the same time containing a total amount of 15 products! I will divide the products into the box categories, so you will get a better overview of how the boxes are structured.

Tokyotreat - Japanese Candy Subscription Box

TokyoTreat Small

Let’s start with the 6 products which would have been included in the small-sized subscription box: Meiji’s Plum Pati-Chan, Crunchy Panda Z , Karamucho Hot Chili-Flavored Chips, Calbee BBQ Flavored Sapporo Potato Snacks, Raw Ramune Candies, and Meiji’s Pucca Chocolate. The variety reaches from sweet to sour and savory and shows a good variety in Japanese candy.

Tokyotreat - Japanese Candy Subscription Box

The Pucca Choco Biscuits by Meiji were the first product I tried. I love chocolate and biscuit! These biscuits are shaped like sea creatures. The inside of the biscuit is filled with smooth chocolate cream filling. I really enjoyed these because they were not overly sweetened, but nicely balanced in their taste.

I learned that Calbee are Japan’s leading makers of potato snacks. The BBQ Flavored Sapporo Potato Snacks are one of their newer releases. These fluffy potato chips remind me of potato chips from Germany called Pom-Bär, except for the additional BBQ flavor. The potatoes used here are from the Sapporo region of Japan though.

Have you heard of Ramune?! This drink gas been really popular in Japan these days. On the Japan day in Düsseldorf this year it was available everywhere. The Raw Ramune Candies are candies with the taste of this drink. They are supposed to be sweet, fizzy, refreshing cubes of candy and you can even freeze them in the fridge. I didn’t try the drink because I’m fearing that this will be to sweet and I didn’t try the candy either because of that fear…maybe I’m brave enough today XD…same for the Meiji’s Plum Pati-Chan…I didn’t try this Plum flavored candy yet, but they are supposed to be tiny candy crystals with a frizzy effect.

I did try the Crunchy Panda Z biscuits though! As I said, I love chocolate and biscuits and on top they are shaped like cute panda faces. And they are delicious, too! These biscuits are made by the famous Japanese snack manufacturer Kabaya.

Lastly, there is another bag of potato chips. These are Chili flavored and from the thin and crisp kind of chips: The Karamucho Hot Chilli Chips. These had a nice taste, too, and similar to the chips in the western world.

Tokyotreat - Japanese Candy Subscription Box

TokyoTreat Regular

For the Regular TokyoTreat box there is a DIY Green Tea Mochi Kit included. In addition to the products from above there are these products, too: Baby Star Bonito Kelp Udon, Carrot Chopped Rice Cake, Lotte’s Koala March (Seasonal): Custard Pudding Flavor, and Scissor-Cut Grilled Seaweed.

Tokyotreat - Japanese Candy Subscription Box

I didn’t try the DIY Green Tea Mochi Kit yet, although from all the DIY kits I received in the past I’m really curious about this one because it contains green tea! Maybe worth to spend some minutes on preparing it?!

One if the products is even a tiny meal: the Baby Star Bonito Kelp Udon! It us an instant noodle meal. It comes with a flavour sachet full of classic udon noodle soup seasonings (including bonito fish extract and seaweed extract) and vegetable garnishes that add extra flavour and texture. I planned to bring this to work with me, let’s see if I like Bonito and Kelp taste.

The Carrot Chopped Rice Cake are tiny crunchy rice crisps packed in a carrot shaped packaging. It doesn’t have any carrot taste though, simply sweetened Rice puffs- a nice snack.

If you have followed me for a while you will know that I love Lotte Koala March biscuits. The regular sized TokyoTreat box came with a limited edition of these adorable biscuits: Custard Pudding flavor! A nice and new taste, although the strawberry and chocolate flavours are still my favorite.

The last product for the regular box are the Scissor-Cut Grilled Seaweed Pieces. This is quite a snack with tradition. the bits of salted roasted seaweed have a wasabi flavour and are quite crisp. For seaweed lovers this snack is ideal.

Tokyotreat - Japanese Candy Subscription Box

TokyoTreat Premium

We are almost at the end. Here are the products which were included in the Premium Box in addition to the products above: Baby Star Yakisoba Sauce Flavor,  a Hello Kitty Purse, Chocolate Monaca, and as a special the limited Pepsi Sakura.

Tokyotreat - Japanese Candy Subscription Box

It seems there has been a real hype about the limited edition Pepsi Sakura. This pale pink colored drink has a sweet sakura taste and fits perfectly to spring. It was a bit to sweet for me, but still interesting to try.

I loved the Chocolate Monaca biscuits. The waffle biscuit was filled with a chocolate cream and rice crisps and it was quite filling and satisfying, too. 

The Baby Star Yakisoba Sauce Flavor noodle snack is quite popular in Japan. It is a combination of bit sized ramen noodles and savory Yakisoba flavor and has a nice taste all in all. Perfect for an in-between snack.

The last one is the special item. My box included a Hello Kitty Purse.  A Doraemon purse was also included in some other boxes instead. A nice little extra merchandising add-on to complete this amazing TokyoTreat Box!

Tokyotreat - Japanese Candy Subscription Box

Phew, that was a lot of pictures and writing. I hope some of you made it through to the end XD. All in all, the TokyoTreat Subscription box is a versatile Japanese candy and snack box with a good variety of products. some of the products are even seasonal and limited and rarely available, even if the brand itself is known in western countries, too, like the Lotte Koala Biscuits and the Pepsi. I also do love the three options which are provided for the box. You can decide for yourself how many candy you want to try and whether you like to have a DIY kit and drinks included or not. There is also a members monthly roulette were you can win a lucky box filled with all kinds of japanese merchandising, which is really a nice add-on.

If you are interested in TokyoTreat visit their webpage, their instagram, or their facebook page.

What is your impression of the TokyoTreat subscription box?

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.