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beauty beauty boxes PR Sample Rossmann

Unboxing: Schön Für Mich Box August 2018

25. September 2018


Today's post will be about a PR Sample Box from Rossmann. I decided to write the post in German since this box is directed towards German customers. But if you want to know any details to any of the below products, please feel free to ask in the comments below. I'll be happy to answer your questions :)

Ich bin zwar spät dran mit diesem Unboxing, aber ich wollte euch trotzdem noch schnell den Inhalt der Schön Für Mich Box August 2018 zeigen, bevor der Monat vorbei ist. Vielen Dank an Rossmann für das PR Sample ihrer Beauty Box an der Stelle.

Schön Für Mich Box August 2018

Die Schön Für Mich Box ist eine limitierte Beauty Box von der Drogeriekette Rossmann und erscheint monatlich. Sie ist gefüllt mit Produktneuheiten aus dem Sortiment von Rossmann, und ist für sehr erschwingliche 5 Euro erhältlich. Um eine der begehrten Boxen zu erhalten muss man an einem Gewinnspiel teilnehmen, bei dem 5000 Gewinner ausgewählt werden, die die Box dann zu dem Preis erhalten.

Schön Für Mich Box August 2018

Wie bei den bisherigen Boxen auch, sind die Produkte aus der Box immer der jeweiligen Jahreszeit und dem Monat angepasst. Wie bei der Juli Box geht es auch hier um den Sommer! Die Box kommt daher auch mit dem selben Design der Juli Box und macht Dank der Palmen Urlaubsstimmung. Abgesehen von den Produkten enthält jede Box eine Broschüre mit der Beschreibung zu den Produkten und Gutscheinen für Rabatt auf einige der beigefügten Produkte, falls man das Produkt nachkaufen möchte. Das finde ich wirklich toll an der Box allgemein.

Schön Für Mich Box August 2018

Die Schön Für Mich Box August 2018 enthält diesmal ganze 10 verschieden Produkte und ist wieder mal bis zum Rand gefüllt. Es sind sowohl Pflegeprodukte für den Körper, aber auch Makeup enthalten und bringen viel Abwechslung in den Inhalt der Box.

Head & Shoulders Supreme Feuchtigkeit Anti-Schuppen Shampoo

Dieses Anti-Schuppen Shampoo enthalt Arganöl und ist besonders Feuchtigkeitsspendet. Zusatzlich wirkt es gegen Schuppen. Das Shampoo wurde speziell für Frauen entwickelt und ist auf deren Bedürfnisse abgestimmt.

Wilkinson Intuition Fab

Diesen cleveren Rasierer von Wilkinson habe ich schon vor der Box in Verwendung gehabt. Er hat 5 beidseitig ausgerichtete Klingen und kann somit in beide Richtungen rasieren.

Frei Öl Deobalsam

Ich hatte schon lange kein Roll-On Deo mehr in benutzung, aber dieses Deo ohne Aluminiumsalze gefällt mir sehr gut. Es ist sanft und enthält Salbeiöl und Schachtelhalm Extrakt und wirkt so antitranspirant. Zusätzlich enthält es einen anto-bakteriell wirksamen Zink-Komplex.

Wingbrush Starter Set

Ich habe diese Zahnzwsichenraumbürste noch nicht ausprobiert, aber ich bin schon gepsannt darauf. Angeblich geht so die Pflege für die Zahnzwischenräume besonders schnell und trotzdem sanft.

Lacalut White & Repair

Diese Zahnpoasta hat eine spezielle Wirkstoffkombination die die Zähne pflegt und Remineralisiert und trotzdem die Zähne aufhellt. Geschmacklich ist sie schonmal sehr mild und angenehm.

Enerbio Fruchtriegel Kokos

Kokos ist immer perfekt für den Sommer und bringt zusaätzlkiche Urlaubsstimmung.Und für zwischendurch und unterwegs sind solche Riegel auch perfekt!

Max Factor Colour Elixir Cushion

Diese neue Lippenpflege von Max Factor kombiniert Vitamin E, hochwertige Öle und Candelillawachs zur Pflege der Lippen mit sanften Farbpigmenten.Die Farbintensität kann dabei durch mehrmaliges auftragen sogar noch gesteigert werden. Und Dank des soft-Touch-Prazisions-Applikators ist er perfekt für unterwegs und kann auch ohne Spiegel aufgetragen werden.

Revlon Volumazing Mascara Blackest Black

Auf diesen Mascara freue ich mich besonders. Eine cremige Formulierung mit pflegenden Wachsen sollen dramatisches Volumen schenken ohne zu verwischen oder zu verklumpen. Zusätzlich wird 24 Stunden Halt versprochen. Der wird bei mir als nächstes getestet!

Alterra Rainbow Highlighter

Der Alterra Rainbow Highlighter kommt nicht nur mit der gewohnten Naturkosmetik-Qualität daher, sondern enthält auch noch Bio-Hibiskus, Bio-Holunder, und Bio-Passions-Blumenextrakt für einen zarten Glow in Regenbogenfarben.

Rival De Loop Ultra Gel Nail Colour

Diese Nagellack Formel soll einen Plumping Effekt haben und so Volumen verleihen. Dazu kommt hohe Deckkraft und ein angesagter 3D Finish im Gel-Look.

Schön Für Mich Box August 2018

Wie findet ihr den Inhalt der Schön Für Mich Box August 2018? Einige Produkte habe ich schon in Verwendung, wie das Deo, Shampoo, den Rasierer, und die Zahnpasta. Ich freue mich aber auch schon die Zahnzwischenraumbürste zu testen und auf den Mascara von Revlon freue ich mich auch. Nagellack, Lippenpflege und der Rainbow Blush werde ich wohl nicht verwenden, weil ich davon schon genug selber in Verwendung habe. Trotzdem ist für mich die Schön Für Mich Box immer noch eine sehr günstige und schöne Alternative zu anderen Beauty Boxen zu einem unschlagbaren Preis!

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Schön Für Mich Box August 2018

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty beauty boxes Rossmann

Unboxing: Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

23. August 2018


Today's post will be about a PR Sample Box from Rossmann. I decided to write the post in German since this box is directed towards German customers. But if you want to know any details to any of the below products, please feel free to ask in the comments below. I'll be happy to answer your questions :)

Vor einigen Wochen erhielt ich die Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018 und ich stelle euch heute den Inhalt einmal näher vor. Vielen Dank an Rossmann für das PR Sample ihrer Beauty Box an der Stelle.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Die Schön Für Mich Box ist eine limitierte Beauty Box von der Drogeriekette Rossmann und erscheint monatlich. Sie ist gefüllt mit Produktneuheiten aus dem Sortiment von Rossmann, und ist für sehr erschwingliche 5 Euro erhältlich. Um eine der begehrten Boxen zu erhalten muss man an einem Gewinnspiel teilnehmen, bei dem 5000 Gewinner ausgewählt werden, die die Box dann zu dem Preis erhalten.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Natürlich sind die Produkte aus der Box immer der jeweiligen Jahreszeit und dem Monat angepasst. Für Juli ging es natürlich um Strand, Sonne und Urlaub und die Box hatte ein perfekt abgestimmtes Design dazu.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Abgesehen von den Produkten enthält jede Box ein Schön Für Mich Magazin und eine Broschüre mit der Beschreibung zu den Produkten und Gutscheinen für Rabatt auf einige der beigefügten Produkte, falls man das Produkt nachkaufen möchte. Das ist übrigens auch etwas was ich wirklich toll an der Schön Für Mich Box allgemein finde.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Die Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018 enthält insgesamt 9 verschieden Produkte und ist somit wirklich randvoll gefüllt.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Odol -Med3 Samtweiß Zahnpasta

Zahnpasta kann man immer gebrauchen, ob zuhause oder auf Reisen. Die Micro Pearl Technologie reingt die Zähne und entfernt Verfärbungen schonend, ohne den Zahnschmelz zu beschädigen.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Duschdas Duschgel Ich Fühl Mich Traumhaft

Dieses Duschgel mit dem bezaubenden Seepferdchen Motiv duftet nach frischen Früchten und zarten Blüten. Fühlt sich nach dem perfekten Sommerduft an.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Revlon Colorstay Overtime Lipcolor

Diese Lippenfarbe verspricht bis zu 16 Stunden auf den Lippen zu bleiben und kommt mit einem klaren Topcoat für feuchtigkeitspendenden Glanz. Es gibt insgesamt 8 verschiedene Farben, die ich demnächst hier vorstellen werde. Leider haben sie mich nicht überzeugt. Dazu aber später mehr.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Fusswohl Mousse-To-Oil Pflegeschaum

Eine einzigartige Textur, die trockene Füße super pflegt. Sie enthält einen 5-fach Öl-Komplex aus Marulaöl, Mandelöl, Babassusöl, Jojobaöl, und Sonnenblumenöl. Ich habe sie bereits benutzt und finde sie super. Besonders jetzt im Sommer war sie sehr hilfreich gegen die trockene Haut.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Neutrogena Hydrogel Maske

Die Neutrogena Hydrogelmaksen enthalten eine Flasche Serum konzentriert auf eine Maske. Die Maske ist zweiteilig aufgebaut und bietet somit eine bessere Passform. Es gibt sie in vier Varianten. In meiner Box war die Pure Boost Maske enthalten.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Alterra Nagellack

Der Nagellack von alterra hat eine 5-Free Formulierung und enthält zudem Arganöl zur Pflege. Ich hatte mal eine andere Farbe der Marke und kann mich erinnern, dass ich sie sehr gerne benutzt habe, bis mir die Flasche zerbrochen ist.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Nivea Soft Feuchtigkeitscreme Mix Me Berry Charming

Es gibt insgesamt drei Sorten dieser duftenden Nivea Soft Mix Me Cremes: Berry Charming, Chilled Oasis und Happy Exotic. alle hören sich nach perfekten Düften für den Sommer an und können miteinander gemixt werden und so einen persönlichen Lieblingsduft generieren.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Sunozon Hydro Gesichtscreme LSF 30

Diese feuchtigkeitspendende Sonnencreme für das Gesicht fühlt sich angenehm an und kann auch als Grundlage für Makeup verwendet werden. Die Verpackung ist praktisch für unterwegs.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Nivea Micellair Skin Breathe Expert Reinigungstücher

Diese Reinigungstücher mit sind zum einen perfekte Reisebegleiter, zum anderen entfernen sie selbst wasserfestes Make-Up.Auch für den Alltag perfekt und effektiv.

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Wie findet ihr den Inhalt der Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018? Für mich kamen einige der Produkte wie gerufen. Besonders gut haben mir der Fusswohl Pflegeschaum und die Mizellen Reinigungstücher von Nivea gefallen und sind in regelmäßiger Nutzung. Und für den Preis von 5 Euro ist diese Box meiner Meinung nach unschlagbar!

Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

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Schön Für Mich Box Juli 2018

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty PR Sample Rossmann

Review: Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon

3. November 2017


Using brow pencils on your eye brows makes such a difference in your whole appearance and yet many people here in Germany do not dare to use them, because they fear it could appear to much like painted. Together with the Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolors I reviewed previously I also received all shades of the Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon from the German drugstore Rossmann. I think you might be interested in the swatches for these brow crayons, because they could be really an opinion if you want a very subtle and natural look!

Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon

As I said in my last Revlon post, I’m happy to have Revlon back in German drugstores. After many years of abstinence people can now  buy Revlon products in the German drugstore chain Rossmann .Welcome back, Revlon!

The Colorstay Brow Crayons are thick brow crayons containing wax, that melt down to a powdery finish when applied. They are supposed to be waterproof and last for 24 hours.

The Crayons are available in 4 different shades:

305: Blonde

310: Soft Brown

315: Dark Brown

320: Soft Black

Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon

As you can see from the swatches below (from left to right: 305, 310, 315, 320) the color payoff of the crayons is very soft and powdery. Although it is a crayon it has a very subtle and powdery finish. The colors are perfect to create a soft look. The brightest color 305 barley shows up on my skin, so it may be a great choice for very pale skintypes and fair hair. Even soft brown will be a good option for many people with blonde or light brunette hair. In terms of staying power the swatches are resistant to rubbing, too. I couldn’t check if they last for 24 h yet though.

For me personally, having black and dense eye brows, these crayons are too soft in terms of color payoff. On the other hand I’d say that these are perfect for beginners in terms of eye brow make up, because the soft and powdery finish doesn’t show errors too much. If you never have used any brow pencil you definitely have to try out one of these!

The Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon is available for 6.39 € at Rossmann (currently on sale from 7.99 €).

Are you using brow pencils or crayons?

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Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty PR Sample review Rossmann

Review: Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

14. October 2017


A while ago I received an amazing package containing all 15 colors of the new Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor by the German drugstore Rossmann. I want to share my impression and the swatches of all 15 shades with you today:

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

I remember years ago that the brand Revlon was available in German drugstores. Then, suddenly, the brand was taken off the German market. Many people who loved that brand had to get the products from this brand during vacation in other countries or order from abroad. This year the German drugstore Rossmann announced the relaunch of Revlon in Germany. Welcome back, Revlon!

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

As the name says, the Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor is a gel formula lipstick containing hyaluronic acid for moisturizing the lips. They glide on very smoothly and don’t feel drying on the lips, rather they feel very lightweight on the lips. Furthermore, they have a nice shine that they leave on the lips and yet have a good pigmentation. If you are scent sensitive I have to tell you though, that these lipsticks have a fruity and noticeable scent (mango nd whipped vanilla according to the description).

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

I will start with the nude colors of the available shades from top to bottom:

700 “Sand”: a light beige shade and the nudest color of the lipsticks

705 “Dawn”: a dusty rose color

710 “Desert”: a pink-brown shade

715 “Arabica”: a brownish, rusty shade

720 “Pink Cloud”: a light girly pink color

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

Despite being the nude colors from the range all colors show up nicely and look different from one another. My favourite here is Arabica since it fits perfectly for the autumn season.

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

The next shades are in the bright reds and pinks from top to bottom:

725 “Sunset”: a dark coral shade with great pigmentation

730 “Tropical”: A vibrant ad bright pink

735 “Garden”: a darker, pigmented pink

740 “Coral”: a bright and vibrant coral shade

745 “Rhubarb”: a pigmented cherry red

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

From these colors “Sunset” and “Rhubarb” are my favourite colors.

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

The last 5 swatches are the darker berry shades from top to bottom:

750 “Lava”: a classy and beautiful red shade

755 “Adobe”: a dark red shade

760 “Vineyard”: a mauve color

765 “Blossom”: a vibrant purple shade

770 “Twilight”: a dark purple shade

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

This is the color range I love the most shades from. Favourites are “Lava”, “Adobe”, and “Vineyard”.

As you can see there is so much versatility in the shades and despite the shiny and lightweight formula the color pay-off of all the shades is visible and shows up nicely. My personal favourites are from the darker shades, simply because pale pink colors don’t suit me much and the lighter shades don’t show up nicely because of my natural lip color. I really love the feeling when applying the lipsticks because they glide so nicely and leave a pretty sheen on the lips as well. They do not last forever though, but at least fade away nicely. The Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor comes in a slim pen-size and retails for 10.99€. 

What do you think about the color selection? Which is your favourite color?

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Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty PR Sample review Rossmann

Review: RdeL Young Fabulous Kit Eye Shadow & Lip Colour Palette

23. February 2017

I received these two beautiful RdeL Young Fabulous Kit Eye Shadow & Lip Colour Palettes in December and I feel really sad that I was not able to show these earlier on my blog. Unfortunatelly this limited edition is not available any longer, but still, because of the beautiful colors and packaging I wanted to make a quick review for it here:

RdeL Young Fabulous Kit

RdeL Young is a brand by the German drugstore branch Rossmann. They have affordable makeup products that target young girls and women. The limited edition “Fabulous Kit” consists of two palettes and a cute sequin makeup bag. The palettes are beautifully designed: they come in metal tins and have a vintage-y flower design in soft colors. I would say from the packaging design this collection is better suited for spring, because it definitely delivers some spring vibes, too!

RdeL Young Fabulous Kit

Both palettes contain nine different shades of either lipstick or eye shadow- On the backside of the tins you will find a short description of the product.

RdeL Young Fabulous Kit

The RdeL Young Fabulous Kit Lip Colour Palette contains nine shades of matte lipstick. The shades vary between pink, coral, berry and red and it really makes a nice selection of lip colours.

RdeL Young Fabulous Kit

The RdeL Young Fabulous Kit Eye Shadow Palette contains 9 shades of eye shadow with matte and shimmer textures. The colour range is taupe/mauve and the shades are really neutral and suited for every day.

RdeL Young Fabulous Kit

Here is a close-up of the RdeL Young Fabulous Kit Lip Colour Palette again. The metal tin comes with a mirror inside the lid, too. It doesn’t contain a lip brush though.

RdeL Young Fabulous Kit

Below you can see the swatches of the nine shades. The application is easy and the texture of the lipsticks is creamy. For the darkest shade called “lovely dark” you have to pay more attention on applying it on your lips because it can get uneven depending on the status of your lips (use lip scrub before). The pigmentation of all the shades is good and clearly visible.

RdeL Young Fabulous Kit

Also the RdeL Young Fabulous Kit Eye Shadow Palette comes with a mirror but no applicators.

RdeL Young Fabulous Kit

The color selection is really pretty and neutral and suited for some every day soft smoked out eye makeup. The colors on the left called “quit rise”, “smooth satin” and “gentle noise” are very light pigmented. “smooth satin” and “gentle noise” are very pretty highlighters though. “quiet rise” on the other hand can be used as base and blending eye shadow. “make me shy” is a matte shade in the selection and also together with “perfect sense” and “trembling dark” the darkest shades from the selection.

RdeL Young Fabulous Kit

All in all, I really love these RdeL Young Fabulous Kit Eye Shadow & Lip Colour Palettes and considering the price of 3.49 € they had they were really a steal! The color range of the lipstick palette is super versatile and the colors of the eye shadow palette are neutral and suited for an every day makeup, but also for a more smokey eye. The design of the metal tins with the vintage flower illustrations is super beautiful and therefore I just say: thumbs up! Did you get your hands on this limited edition? What do you think about these palettes? Let me know in the comments below :)

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty PR Sample review Rossmann

Review: Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition

22. January 2017

It was such a beautiful surprise to see this parcel containing all the wonderful products from the Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition on my doorstep some time ago and I’m happy to show you all the products in more detail today:

Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition

Alterra is a natural cosmetics brand by the German drug store Rossmann. The products are free from synthtic fragnances, preservatives and dyes, and alos free from silicon oils and derivates. Moreover the products are free from paraffin, PEG, -propyl, -alkyl and other components of the petrochemistry. The use of basic ingredients makes the brand suited for all skintypes, and especially for sensitive skintypes.

Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition

Apart from skincare they also have a range of makeup products and occasionally limited editions. The Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition was released for the festative season (Christmas and New Years Eve) and perfect for the cold season the products were infused with natural argan oil to help protect you from the harsh and cold weather. The packaging design of this limited edition is also beautiful, with golden stars all around! I received 10 makeup products from this Limited Collection reaching from eye makeup, over to lip makeup and nail polish.

Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition

Alterra Golden Wish Sparkling Lip Gloss

The Alterra Golden Wish Sparkling Lip Glosses in Red Glamour and Golden Glamour provide moisture and a hint of color to your lips. They contain small glitter particles that make your lips sparkle lightly. I’m personally not a lip gloss lover because they tend to be to sticky for my liking, but enjoyed the brownish-red color of “Red Glamour”. “Golden Glamour” was almost like a clear lip gloss on my lips.

Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition

Alterra Golden Wish Multicolour Bronzer and Rouge

These two are my favorite products from the Alterra Golden Wish LE and you might have seen them a couple of times in my Instagram feed already! I use the Alterra Golden Wish Multicolour Bronzer in shade “Glory Bronze” as contouring powder and the Alterra Golden Wish Multicolour Rouge in Shade “Glory Wish” as blush. Both products are nicely pigmented and create lovely colors. I also love the marbled motifs in the pans. Thumbs up for these two beauties!

Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition

Alterra Golden Wish Lip Butter

Your best companion during winter for dry and flaky lips are lip balms and butters. The Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition comes with two different lip butters called “Frosty Fruit” (red) and “Vanilla Cookie”(clear). The red lip butter has a very light hint of red, but mainly both of these lip butters are moisturizing and a great treat for your chapped lips. The downside is, that they have to be applied by your fingers.

Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition

Alterra Golden Wish Black Velvet Mascara and Sparkling Mascara

These are my second favorite products from the collection. Although it says that the Sparkling Mascara contains glitter particles you don’t see any difference between the two mascaras while worn (in the picture I’m wearing the Alterra Golden Wish Black Velvet Mascara on the left eye and the Alterra Golden Wish Sparkling Mascara on the right. Both mascaras have a a classic bristle brush applicator and feel soft while applying. They have kind of a chocolate scent, which I love! They also show a nice difference on the lashes while wearing. I’m totally happy with these two mascaras.

Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition

Alterra Golden Wish Nail Colour 

These two nail polishes from the LE ae classic colours for christmas called “Red Wish” and “Golden Wish”. Both nail polishes contain tiny glitter particles and really look pretty on the nails. You need at least two layers of polish to have an opaque finish. They are not the most long-lasting nails, but the colours are lovely nevertheless and they are easy to apply, too.

All together I really like the Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition. I love the fact that they are infused with argan oil and there are some products from this LE that I use quite frequently. I love the mascaras and the contour and blush, especially. How do you like this limited edition?

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Alterra Golden Wish Limited Edition

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty beauty boxes Rossmann

Unboxing: Rossmann Schön für Mich Box June

25. June 2015

When I received the Rossmann Schön für Mich Beauty Box June I was super excited about it, since the previous Schön für Mich box in May was surprisingly good, and I started to unwrap the package eagerly! Rossmann Schön für Mich Box is a monthly beauty box by the German drugstore company Rossmann. The beauty box contains some of the Rossmann beauty brands, but also other known drugstore brands. Let’s see what I received in June:

Rossmann Schön für Mich Box June

Another beautifully designed box with purple flowers! These boxes are so pretty and definitively nothing to throw away afterwards! Inside the box the product description card with the same flower print is waiting to be opened.

Rossmann Schön für Mich Box June

The Rossmann Schön für Mich Box was pretty heavy again and filled completely with products. There were a total of ten different products inside, a mix of Rossmann beauty products and known drugstore brands. For the price of 5 € these boxes are amazing!

Rossmann Schön für Mich Box June

Again, all the items are fullsized products and apart from the product description you’ll find discount coupons for all the products, if you want to repurchase them.

Rossmann Schön für Mich Box June

Here are the products I received with the Rossmann Schön für Mich beauty box June:

Isana Dry-Shampoo

This dry shampoo is from the Rossmann brand Isana. I like dry shampoo a lot, especially in summer for camping or festivals. Or simply if you have bangs and don’t want to wash the hair every day. This one will definitively be used.

Kneipp Showering Balm Almond-Blossom

I had the almond blossom body oil from the same line and I’m addicted to the scent! I’m very happy about this shower gel and it really feels hydrating on the skin, too!

Rival de Loop Eyebrow Pencil

This is a brand by Rossmann, too. I’m not a fan of western brow products so far and this is no exception. I like the included brush, but the pencil is too pigmented in order to give a natural look.

Colgate Max White One Optic Toothpaste

I didn’t try this one yet, but I tried other Colgate toothpaste and liked using them. I guess this one will be similar..and you’ll always in need of toothpaste :D

RdeL Young Million Dollar Lips 

A lip lacquer from the Rossmann brand RdeL Young. The color is a pretty cherrypink, which is the color I would have selected from the color options available. One can never have enough lip products :D

Sun Ozon Sunmilk Sensitive SPF 25

This waterproof, fragnance-free sunmilk by Rossmann comes just in time…I’m still waiting for the weather to warm up finally (it is almost Juny and we are still below 20°C! :'( ). It contains Jojoba Oil for dry skintypes, so I’m especially curious how it will be when using it on my skin.

Nivea In-Shower Cleansing Cream and Makeup Remover

I was super excited about this one, because I hate it when my eye makeup is not removed completely why taking a shower in the evening. It is a mild cleanser and it leaves the skin not dryx after using it, but it is not the greatest makeup remover unfortunately.

Aok Daily Moisturizing Cream

This moisturizing cream contains grape extract and plant hyaluron and is supposed to be moisturizing for 24 hours. Looks like an interesting moisturizer, hopefully it will provide enough moisture for me.

Dove Compressed Deo Spray

Usually, I’m buying this deo spay when I’m out of deo, so it is great to have it in this box. The compressed size looks perfect for taking it along in the handbag and/or travelling.

For your Beauty Traceless Hair Ring

Similar to Invisibobble, Rossmann has their own traceless hair ring. They have a good quality and I’m very happy with them and use them daily :D

Rossmann Schön für Mich Box June

I can only repeat myself at this box: although the Rossmann Schön für Mich Box contains only drugstore products the price of 5 € is really great. All the products are fullsized and the box is filled up completely. The box design is pretty, too. All in all, a great value for a fair price! If you love drugstore brands, you will like the Rossmann Schön für Mich beauty boxes, too. The boxes each month are limited though and they are raffling each month to select the persons who will be able to get it. For more information check out facebook. If you are curious for any specific product from this box leave a comment and I will try to write a review.

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty beauty boxes

Unboxing: Rossmann Schön für Mich Beauty Box May

21. May 2015


A few days ago I posted on Instagram that I received the Rossmann Schön für Mich Beauty Box for May, which is a monthly beauty box by the German drugstore company Rossmann. The beauty box contains some of the Rossmann beauty brands, but also other known drugstore brands.

rossmann sfm box

I must say that I love the beautiful packaging of the box. It fits nicely to the month and the feeling of spring and summer. I will definitively keep the box for storing some of my makeup products (I’m working hard to get rid of all the products I’ve hoarded, but somehow there are always new products I’m intrigued to try :’D).

rossmann sfm box

Similar to other beauty boxes, you’ll find a product description card inside. It is beautifully wrapped with a pink ribbon.

rossmann sfm box

I was surprised how heavy the box was, but a glance at the product description card revealed, that this beauty box was filled with really a lot of products! Considering the price of 5 € this is really amazing!

rossmann sfm box

And even more surprising was, that all the items were fullsized products! The first thing I saw, were the two new Nivea creams I spotted during my last visit of a local drugstore. I even had the new Nivea Care Face and Body cream in my hand and was thinking about buying it that day. Luckily, I didn’t, since I can now try it anyways :D Another item I was thinking about buying recently was the Max Factor Pastell Compact Blush, which is included in this box, too!

rossmann sfm box

Here are the products I received with the Rossmann Schön für Mich beauty box May:

Isana young cleansing line

Isana was named Synergen before. This is a drugstore brand by Rossmann. The box contained a cleansing water, a softpeeling, cleansing tissues and an eye makeup removing cleansing gel. The product line has a light pink color and reminds of Johnson & Johnson’s beauty products (called “bebe” in Germany). I’m looking forward to try the eye-makeup-removing cleansing gel especially.

Nivea Men cream

This is the men’s version of the widely known Nivea cream. It comes in a dark blue tin to look more appaling to men and has a more man- and aftershave-ish scent. The consistency is less thick than the Nivea cream and not that greasy.

Nivea Care face and body cream

This new version of the Nivea cream is a simple but effective moisturizing cream and suited for body and face. It absorbs faster and is less greasy than the standard Nivea cream. Is anyone interested in a comparison?

Essence perfume #mymessage-luck

There are different versions of this perfume in the may boxes. My version displays a clover and is called “luck”. A sweet-fresh but light scent.

bebe Young Care (Johnson’s) Smoothie Shower Gel

The card says the box contains a body lotion, but I received a shower gel. I think the boxes either contain the body lotion or the shower gel. Nevermind, the scent is amazing! And I was curious about this new line before anyways.

Palmolive Aroma Sensations Feel Glamorous Shower Gel Peeling

This is a shower gel and a peeling on the same time. The scent is fruity and really perfect for spring and summer. And peeling your body is important, too. I cannot wait to try this today :)

Max Factor Pastell Compact Blush

This pretty blush in shade “seductive pink” is my favourite blush at the moment. It looks like a natural warm pink color on my cheeks and is a perfect daily useable blush.

rossmann sfm box

I’m super happy about this box and I think that it contains great value for a fair price. If you love drugstore brands, you will like the Rossmann Schön für Mich beauty boxes, too. The boxes each month are limited though and they are raffling each month to select the persons who will be able to get it. For more information check out facebook. If you are curious for any specific product from this box leave a comment and I will try to write a review.

beauty review Rossmann

Review: 007 For Women Eau de Parfum

17. April 2015

Hands up, who envys the beautiful women read and seen in James Bond movies and/or books? But don’t worry, recently we can at least smell like one of those beauties. 007 For Women Eau de Parfum was released earlier this year and I was lucky enough to receive a PR sample from Rossmann. I’m surprised that I really do like the scent, although I can be really picky about that. Even more, I fell in love with the velvet beauty case  in which the perfume arrived at my doorstep!

007 For Women Eau de Parfum

007 For Women belongs to the James Bond Fragnances, as you might have guessed from its name. Three James Bond Fragnances for Men have been released so far and there is also one limited edition available, but I didn’t expect them starting to release women perfume, too. I was wrong! According to the product description this perfume “embodies the dangerously seductive nature of the Bond Woman. Conveying the mysterious allure of these enigmatic women, the scent is a modern interpretation of the mysterious oriental fragrances worn by women throughout the last century.”. Sounds promising!

007 For Women Eau de Parfum

The packaging design of the perfume bottle is black and elegant. The neck of the bottle is designed to look like a woman’s neck, the rosegold ring reminds of a necklace. The bottom part of the bottle is shaped like diamond crystal. The scent of the 007 For Women Eau de Parfum consists of these notes:

Top: Bergamot, Black Pepper, Rose Milk

Heart: Blackberry, Gardenia, Jasmine

Base: Black Vanilla, Cedarwood, White Musk

007 For Women Eau de Parfum

The scent is on the sweet and fruity side. Not as sweet as Thierry Mugler’s Angel for example, but there are some similarities in the ingredients like Bergamo and Vanilla. I think it is the Black Pepper giving this perfume a bit of spicey hint, as well as the White Musk. Compared to Angel it is much less intense and has not that super sweetness, but the similarities make it a possible alternative for daily wear.

007 For Women Eau de Parfum

All in all, I’m positively surprised by this perfume! If you like sweet perfumes, which are a bit more on the heavy sideand not sporty or fresh you will like this perfume, too. It is availablein different sizes, reaching from 30 to 100 ml, and what I like especially about it, it will be available for around 25 € for 50 ml in local drugstores…..By the way, do you have any ideas what I should use the beauty case for?

007 For Women Eau de Parfum

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by, which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.