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Nu3 Insider Box März 2016

7. April 2016
Today's post will be about a PR Sample Box from Nu3. I decided to write the post in German since this shop is directed towards German customers. But if you want to know any details to any of the below products, please feel free to ask in the comments below. I'll be happy to answer your questions :)

Vor einigen Tagen erreichte mich meine erste Nu3 Insider Box. Vielleicht kennen manche von euch den Nu3 Online Shop für bessere Ernährung ja bereits. Sie bieten eine Reihe von Naturprodukten, Naturkost, Fitnessprodukte und vieles mehr dort an.

Nu3 Insider Box März 2016

Die Nu3 Insider Box ist keine reguläre Subscription Box, sondern eine für Blogger kreierte PR-Sample Box vom online shop nu3. Man konnte unter verschiedenen Themen für die Nu3 Insider Box wählen und ich habe mich für die “Natural Beauty Box” entschieden. Die “Natural Beauty Box” enthält eine ausgewogene Mischung an Kosmetikprodukten und Naturkost bzw Beauty Foods. Schließlich kommt Schönheit ja bekanntermaßen von innen, von daher ist es auch wichtig gesunde Lebensmittel zu uns zu nehmen ;)

Nu3 Insider Box März 2016

Enthalten waren in der Nu3 Insider Box März 2016 insgesamt 4 Produkte. Außerdem waren zwei Repeztkarten dabei, die einen dazu inspirieren die zwei Naturkostprodukte auszuprobieren.

Nu3 Insider Box März 2016

Mir ist als erstes das Acai Pulver ins Auge gesprungen. Mittlerweile findet man so viele Rezepte in denen das Pulver verwendet wird und ich war zwar auch immer neugierig, aber getestet hatte ich es bisher noch nicht. Das dunkle Pulver sieht fast schwarz aus, färbt aber dunkelviolett, wenn man es zum Beispiel in Desserts oder Smoothies mischt. Ich hab es direkt in einem Mandelmilch-Erdbeer-Banane-Chiasamen Smoothie ausgetestet und muss sagen, dass die Farbe der Hammer ist. Wenn es jetzt wirklich auch so gesund ist, wie der Ruf der ganzen ‘Superfoods’, dann bin ich damit mehr als zufrieden. Das Pulver wird durch Gefriertrocknen hergestellt und ist ohne Zusatz von Konservierungsstoffen. Das zweite essbare Produkt aus der ‘Natural Beauty Box’ ist “Berry Burst”. Es handelt sich hierbei um Fruchtpulver von verschiedenen Früchten die mit Wasser vermischt werden und so einen Smoothie ergeben. Ich hab es direkt ausgetestet, allerdings muss ich sagen, dass mir weder die Konsistenz noch der Geschmack besonders gefallen hat. Ich denke da nehme ich doch lieber frisches Obst und Gemüse für meinen Shake. Man kann das Pulver allerdings auch dazu verwenden Joghurts und Desserts auszupeppen. Vielleicht wäre das die bessere Anwendung für das Pulver gewesen. Die Zutaten des “Berry Burst” stammen aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau.

Nu3 Insider Box März 2016

Kommen wir nun zu den Naturkosmetika: Zunächst einmal ist mir die große Tube der Lavera Regenerierenden Bodymilk Bio-Cranberry & Arganöl ins Auge gesprungen. Ich mag Lavera Produkte und deswegen habe ich mich besonders darüber gefreut. Die Bodymilk ist für trockene und anspruchsvolle Hauttypen geeignet und enthält Bio-Arganöl, Sonnenblumenöl und Sheabutter. Sie hat einen säuerlichen Cranberry Geruch, der mich allerdings auch an das orientalische Gewürz Sumac erinnert. Ich mag ihn sehr, weil ich bei dem Geruch immer an den Gewürzschrank bei meinen Eltern denken muss. Wie die meisten Naturkosmetika, die auf gewisse Inhaltsstoffe verzichten braucht diese Bodymilk etwas länger um einzuziehen, aber hinterlässt die Haut gepflegt und das reativ lange. Und sie krümmelt auch nicht, was daran liegt dass sie keine Silikone enthält. Das zweite Produkt aus dem Bereich der Naturkosmetik is die Organique Sensitive Haarmaske. Ich hatte bisher noch nichts von dieser Marke gehört, allerdings bin ich sehr angetan davon. Ich benutze die Maske entweder als Spülung oder als Haarkur/maske und sie macht meine trockenen und widerspenstigen Haare richtig geschmeidig und duftet dabei auch noch sehr gut (Magnolien). Die Verpackung, vor allem der Deckel, ist auch wirklich hübsch und etwas Vintage-mäßig angehaucht.

Nu3 Insider Box März 2016

Die Produkte aus der Nu3 Insider Box März 2016 sind hier erhältlich:

nu3 Acai Pulver

nu3 Berry Burst

Lavera Regenerierenden Bodymilk Bio-Cranberry & Arganöl

Organique Sensitive Haarmaske

Was haltet ihr von den Produkten? Habt ihr irgendetwas davon schon einmal ausprobiert? Ich bin wirklich angetan von meiner ersten nu3 Insider Box und außer dem Berry Burst, der nicht so nach meinem Geschmack war, benutze ich alle übrigen Produkte oft und gerne.

♥ Pin It! ♥

Nu3 Insider Box März 2016

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
food recipes

Energizing Carrot Smoothie

10. March 2016

Only few of you might know that I actually love cooking. Occasionally you will find me post some pictures on my Instagram. And despite my love for food I never posted any recipes on my blog. I want to make Berries in the Snow more versatile, than writing one review followed by the next and maybe you saw some of my recent fashion posts for example. Yet, one of my ideas is to post some recipes from time to time. Please tell me what you think about it? I’ll start of with a very simple recipe, which is my favorite energizing carrot smoothie.

Energizing Carrot Smoothie

I love drinking a smoothie in the morning! I never have been much of a breakfast person. Mostly I’m satisfied with a bowl of cereals and for around 2 years I started to drink smoothies from time to time. I started with the regular green smoothies, made of leafy greens and fruits, but I discovered that this much simpler carrot smoothie just makes me feel more awake in the morning.

Energizing Carrot Smoothie

You only need three simple ingredients for this recipe: apple, ginger, and carrots! Since it can be difficult for a smoothie maker to use carrot you can go with 100% carrot juice, either using a juice extractor or by simply buying some carrot juice. You should try to find a juice without additives, just simple pure carrot juice. Optionally, you might want to add a teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil.

Energizing Carrot Smoothie

Carrots are rich in provitamin A, but it is not so easy for our bodies to resorb it. Provitamin A is used to build up vitamin A. Vitamin A and provitamin A are both fat soluble, so adding some oil helps out body to absorb the vitamin. The oil already helps a lot, but also the smaller the pieces of carrots are, the easier it is for our body to resorb the provitamin A. So, a carrot smoothie with a bit of oil is perfect to get the most out of the carrots.

Energizing Carrot Smoothie

For preparing our energizing carrot smoothie we need to chop all the ingredients and toss them into our blender or smoothie maker. You do not need to peel the ginger, but wash it before use.

Energizing Carrot Smoothie

Start to blend up the ingredients. If you feel the juice is not enough add some more, until your blender has created a smooth and yet liquid consistency.

Energizing Carrot Smoothie

Et voilà, it’s as simple as this! If you like you might sweeten the smoothie with some honey, but I like it as it is. The spiciness of the ginger just gives me that energy I like for breakfast.

Energizing Carrot Smoothie

Do you love self-made smoothies? Hope you like my recipe and I hope to hear some feedback, too! Bon Appétit!

♥ Pin It! ♥

Energizing Carrot Smoothie

asian sweets food Japan Candy Box PR Sample

Unboxing: Japan Candy Box October 2015 and Giveaway

1. December 2015

Another unboxing of the Japanese sweets subscription box, Japan Candy Box ! This is the box for October 2015! This post will be picture heavy again, but at the end of the post you have the chance to win a Japan Candy Box, so it is worth continuing reading! ;) Let’s see what delicious sweets I’ve received this time:

Japan Candy Box October 2015

Japan Candy Box is a Japanese sweets subscription box by Blippo. Apart from the Japan Candy Box they also have the Kawaii Box, which contains cute toy items, stationary, tiny plushies and so on. I’m very happy to be able to show you the Japan Candy Box October 2015! I love to try out sweets and food from different countries and one thing I especially love about Japanese products is the cute packaging design and the little details they include to make the product most enjoyable. Some of the product I knew already, but there were some new and also delicious discoveries, too!

Japan Candy Box October 2015

First of all, this time I really liked the variety of products. It was well-balanced between buiscuits and other sweets. As with the pervious box a DIY Candy was included, which is also a nice thing. The first glance into the Japan Candy Box October 2015 already shows that it is fully packed! It looks super colorful with a variety of packaging designs. The Japan Candy Box contains 10 selected products from Japan. The box comes with a product card listing the names of the 10 products.

Japan Candy Box October 2015

The first product I spotted were the Pocky Panda Cookie Sticks. First of all: I really like Pocky! Second, I ordered these Pocky sticks a while back and already did really like the taste. These are chocolate biscuits sticks covered with white chocolate and biscuit crumbles. Delicious!

Japan Candy Box October 2015

The Puccho Awawawa Ball Candy in Awa-Grape taste are candy balls with grape taste covered in sherbet powder. The sherbet powder tingles as soon as you put it into your moth and dissolves. I do not like these kind of shwerbet powder sweets, so I could not eat more than one of these balls. The name “Awawawa” comes from the sound that you make when you eat these candy balls by the way :D

Japan Candy Box October 2015

Coris Strawberry Whistle Candy reminded me of my childhood! We had these candies in the past too. You can blow through the hole in the candy and it will make a whistling sound. The packaging contains a small, cute box. Inside this box there was a adorable cat-shaped paper clip.

Japan Candy Box October 2015

I love mango taste in sweets and I was super happy about the Puccho Mango Chewy Candy. The taste of these candies is nice and not too artificial. Unlike the most chewing candy there are small bits of candy and fruit inside the Mango Chewy Candy.

Japan Candy Box October 2015

The Meiji Mini Candy Pack contains small candies which reminded me a bit of mints. The packaging is sweet! I had the Meiji Kotsubu Chocolates in my previous box and like that one there is a letter on the backside of the packaging. You can learn the English alphabet while eating these :D. Oh, and as I mentioned before, this box contained a Kracie Popin’ Cookin’ DIY Takoyaki Set. I didn’t try it out yet, but these DIY miniature food kits seem to be super fun!

Japan Candy Box October 2015

Meiji Juice Gummies showed me again that I do not like grape taste in gummies. These are made with 100 % fruit juice with no artificial colors or flavors, but to me they taste super artificial! This is definitively not my cup of tea.

Japan Candy Box October 2015

Spotting a small pack of Lotte Koala March Biscuits made me happy again! I love these cute biscuits and these stawberry filled Koala March Biscuits were so delightful! Unfortunately, the bag is so small :D

Japan Candy Box October 2015

The next two items are also biscuits and both have an adorable packaging but were not known to me yet: The Bourbon Petit White Chocolate Stuffed Cookies were super delicious! These bite sized cookies are filled with white chocolate between the two biscuits! I ate them directly after I took the pictures for this post.

Japan Candy Box October 2015

And the last product from Japan Candy Box October 2015 are the Takeda Tamago Boro Egg Cookies. These soft biscuits remind me of sponge finger biscuits and melt when inside your mouth. The packaging is soooo cute!

Japan Candy Box October 2015

My impression on the Japan Candy Box for October 2015 is positive! I liked this box even better than the box I received in June, because it was more balanced between biscuits and candies.  There were also new products for me which I didn’t know so far. If you are interested in your own Japan Candy Box  you can make a monthly subscription for this box. You can choose between several options: either to order only one box, to order three boxes (3 months subscription), 6 boxes (6 months subscription) or 12 boxes (1 year subscription). Each box retails at 19.90 US$. For the 6 months and the 12 months subscription you pay a bit less per box. Now, if you have reading so far you’ll probably be curious for the giveaway. Here it is: You can win a Japan Candy Box of you own sponsored by Japan Candy Box. For entering the giveaway please take part with help of the Rafflecopter gadget below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway is open internationally! Good luck to everybody! ♥

Japan Candy Box - The Sweetest Monthly Japanese Candy Subscription Box

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
brandnooz box food

Unboxing: Brandnooz Box Oktober 2015

3. November 2015
Today's post will be about a food subscription box called Brandnooz Box, which is available for German resitents only. Therefore I decided to write the post in German, too. But whoever wants to know any details, please feel free to ask in the comments below.

Es ist zwar etwas ungewohnt einen post auf deutsch zu verfassen, aber hier ist mein Eindruck von der Brandnooz Box für Oktober 2015. Falls ihr die Box selber bestellt, aber noch nicht bekommen habt warne ich euch an dieser Stelle vor, denn ich werde in diesem Post den Inhalt der Box verraten (obwohl der Inhalt auch schon auf der offiziellen Seite zu sehen ist XD). Also, Spoiler-Gefahr!

Brandnooz Box Oktober

Dies ist das erste Mal das ich eine Produktbox von Brandnooz teste. Die Brandnooz Box ist eine monatlich bestellbare Box mit einer Auswahl an neu erschienenen und beliebten Lebensmitteln. Die Boxen kosten 12.99 € und versprechen einen Gesamtwarenwert von mindestens 16 €. Mit dem Bestellen der Brandnooz Box geht man ein monatlich kündbares Abo ein. Die Brandnooz Box Oktober 2015 steht unter dem Motto: “Gesund und munter ist das Leben bunter”. Passend dazu ist die Oktober Box mit 8 Produkten gefüllt:

Brandnooz Box Oktober

Wie man an der Übersicht erkennen kann, besteht der Großteil der Box aus süßen Produkten, wie Kekse, Bonbons und Marmelade. Dazu gibt es eine Flasche alkoholfreien Sekt, Salami-Sticks und Müsliriegel und -kräcker. Eine Produktkarte mit der Beschreibung zu den Produkten ist auch vorhanden:

Brandnooz Box Oktober

Folgende Produkte befanden sich in der Brandnooz Box Oktober 2015:

Pickstick Ungarischer Snack – 1,79 €/60 g

Diese Salami-Sticks haben mir sehr gut geschmeckt. Ich bin generell ein Fan von solchen Salami Snacks, aber diese waren sehr mild und weich im Geschmack im Vergleich zu den härteren und meist auch gröberen Salami-Sticks anderer Hersteller. Danach werde ich mit Sicherheit weiter Ausschau halten.

Zentis Heimische Früchte – 1,89 €/250 g

Diese Konfitüre aus Bodensee Äpfeln mit Vanille passt perfekt zur Jahreszeit und ist mit Sicherheit die perfekte Marmelade für Apfel-Liebhaber. Ich persönlich mag lieber Beeren-Marmeladen, aber meine Mutter hat sich sehr darüber gefreut.

Loacker Classic Vanille – 1,19 €/90 g

Diese Waffeln mit vanilliger Milchcreme ist sehr knusprig und wirklich lecker. Ich finde, dass der Vanille-Geschmack ganz gut hervor kommt und die Milchcreme im Geschmack aber nicht zu schwer überdeckt. Wer solche Waffeln mag sollte sie auf jeden Fall mal austesten.

Brandnooz Box Oktober

Rotkäppchen Alkoholfrei – 3,99 €/0,75 l

Ich trinke Sekt eigentlich gar nicht oft, und hier haben wir die alkoholfreie Variante des beliebten Rotkäppchen Sekts. Vielleicht mische ich mir ein paar alkoholfreie Cocktails mit diesem Sekt.

CLIF Bar White Chocolate Macadamia Nut – 1,99 €/ 68 g

Ich habe diese Riegel von CLIF jetzt schon öfter gesehen, aber der Preis hat mich immer davon abgehalten einen dieser Haferriegel zu probieren. Weiße Schokolöade und Macadamia Nüsse wäre sogar auch meine persönliche Wahl gewesen, daher habe ich mich richtig darüber gefreut. Geschmacklich gefällt er mir auch gut und ist deutlich weniger süß als andere Haferriegel.

Ricola Extra Stark Honig-Zitrone und Schweizer Kirsche – je 2,49 /65 g

Wenn ich erkältet bin hole ich mir immer die Hustenbonbons von Ricola. Daher sind diese zwei Tüten perfekt für die anbrechende Erkältungszeit. Diese Hustenbonbons haben einen flüssigen Kern und schmecken sehr erfrischend. Mir persönlich gefallen die Honig-Zitrone Bonbons vom Geschmack besser.

Brandnooz Box Oktober

Griesson Keks Geknusper – 1,49 €/ 130 g

Diese dünnen Brownie-Kekse sind super lecker und können immer mal wieder Zwischendurch genascht werden. Sie sind richtig schokoladig und erinnern auch wirklich an Brownies-nur eben knuspriger. Sehr lecker!

Dr. Karg’s Cranberry & Kokos 1,99 €/200 g

Dieses süße Knäckebrot mit Cranberry und Kokos ist ein super Snack für Zwischendurch. Man kann es auch zerbröseln und mit Milch essen, habe ich aber noch nicht ausprobiert. Definitiv ein etwas gesünderer Snack als die Brownie-Kekse.


Insgesamt eine gelungene Auswahl! Man kommt auf einen Gesamt-Warenwert von 19.31 €.

Brandnooz Box Oktober

Eine gelungene Box, wenn auch mit einem hohen Anteil von süßen Produkten. Eventuell hätte man statt zwei Packungen Ricola Hustenbonbons auch nur eine Packung und dafür noch etwas herzhaftes in die Box packen können. Der Gesamtwert von 19.31 € ist allerdings toll, wenn man bedenkt dass man für all diese Produkte auch irgendwie Verwendung findet und nur 12.99 € zahlt. Wenn ihr an einer Brandnooz Box interessiert seid könnt ihr euch auf ein Bild von dem Angebot an Boxen machen. Nur jetzt und nur für kurze Zeit gibt es jetzt zu jeder Bestellung der Brandnooz Box über die Aktionsseite eine GRATIS Cool Box Dezember dazu! Verwendet dazu einfach den Gutschein-Code GBACBD bei eurer Bestellung über den Link.

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
food PR Sample

Review: BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly

10. August 2015

I love sweets, but when thinking of sweets I usually do not crosslink it to beauty, since usually eating too many sweets turns out to be the complete opposite of beautifying yourself. BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly is supposed to be a compromise, since it is made from natural ingredients and contains collagen, coenzym 10 and aloe vera to beautify ourselves from within while eating sweets :D

BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly

BeautySweeties was not know to me until I received the BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly Bears for reviewing purpose by the German drugstore dm. BeautySweeties uses traditional confectionary recipes to produce their sweets and selects natural ingredients in combination with of super-fruits and the beauty-ingredients coenzyme Q10, aloe vera, collagen or biotin. The fruit jelly bears I show you here are gluten-free, fat-free, lactose-free, without artificial aroma, without preservatives, and without articifial colors. The BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly Bears contain 20 % fruit juice, 6% fruit bits, coenzyme Q10, aloe vera and collagen. 

BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly

Each bag of BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly Bears contains 6 different kinds of fruit jelly bears, which have their own taste each: lemon, raspberry, strawberry, pear, orange and peach. When I opened up the bag the fruity scent was the first to notice. The fruit jelly bears are soft in their texture and they contain bits of fruits inside, when you look closely.

BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly

The taste of the different fruits was clearly recognizeable and though all sweets and also the fruit jelly here is made of sugar it tastes more like juice and is not overly sweet. I could not help myself and ate all the BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly Bears at once. The taste was really delicious!

BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly

Of course, despite the fact that it is the first time I encountered beautifying sweets, I have to point out that this doesn’t mean that you are eating something healthy. This is still a sweet and contains sugars. Nevertheless, the idea to eat sweets which contain beneficial ingredients is really nice and the quality of the BeautySweeties Fruit Jelly Bears was nice, too. The taste was not overly sweet, but really fruity, and the scent was not artificial but like real fruit juice. BeautySweeties and their concept of a “Lifestyle Confectionary” is definitively interesting, and an alternative for those of you you have a bad conscience after eating the regular fruit gummie bears. BeautySweeties are available in many countries and you can take a look at their official site for more details.

♥ If you have time feel free to join my two giveaway! ♥

KawaiiBoxGiveaway JapanCandyBox_June2015_1

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian sweets food Japan Candy Box PR Sample

Unboxing: Japan Candy Box June 2015 and Giveaway

23. July 2015

This unboxing is not about a beauty box this time, but about a Japanese sweets subscription box, the Japan Candy Box June 2015! This post will be quite picture heavy, but at the end you have a chance to win a Japan Candy Box so it is worth continuing reading.

Japan Candy Box June 2015

Japan Candy Box is a newly launched Japanese sweets subscription box by Blippo. Apart from the Japan Candy Box they also have the Kawaii Box, which contains cute toy items, stationary, tiny plushies and so on. I’m very happy to be able to show you the Japan Candy Box June 2015, since it contains some really yummy Japanese sweets and almost all of them were unknown to me before:

Japan Candy Box June 2015

The first glance into the Japan Candy Box June 2015 already shows that it is fully packed with sweets! Everything is so colorful and I can spot directly the Japanese passion for cute packaging designs. The Japan Candy Box contains 10 selected products from Japan.

Japan Candy Box June 2015

The product which jumped into my eye first was the Kabaya Frog Gummies. I’m in love with that frog face on the packaging and the tiny polliwogs on its side :D The Japan Candy Box June 2015 either contained the frog version or the fish version of these gummies, showing how the frog or the fish grows up from egg to adult animal. I love the idea of having a teaching effect with your sweets and I never saw similar themed gummies here in Germany. The Kabaya Frog Gummies are purple and green gummies with a light sugar dusting. They smell and taste very artificially fruity and sweet. Although a bit too sweet for my tasting, they are a super adorable gift, because of the cute and creative design and concept.

Japan Candy Box June 2015

The second item catching my attention was the Popin’ Cookin’ Neri Candy Land DIY Kit. Now, this is something I’ve seen before online and I was really curious about these DIY Kits were you can shape the candy to your desire. I will keep that for a special occasion to decorate some birthday cake or similar. That’s also the perfect present for kids, since I can imagine that it is really fun to create some animals first and than to eat the yummy candy.

Japan Candy Box June 2015

The Yaokin Sour Paper Candy is a thin and long slice of gummie. It has cola flavor and a sour sugar coating on top. I love cola flavored candy and there are very many of them in Germany. You can buy these sour paper candies in candy stores here, but I’ve never seen them packed in a single packaging…neither with such a cute design :D The taste of these is similar to the ones available in Germany.

The Pokemon Pikachu Pretzels are similar to the famous Pocky sticks. The biscuit sticks are covered in a white cream and sprinkled with biscuit crumbles. The packaging is a dream for Pokemon lovers. On the backside you even have a picture with hidden changes you have to find. Is there an English name for that game? These pretzle sticks taste nice and are not much different from Pocky sticks as far as I have tried.

Japan Candy Box June 2015

The tiny cardbox of the Meiji Kotsubu Chocolates is so adorable, displaying strawberries on one side and the tiny bunnies on the other side. You can even learn the English alphabet with these. Mine is dedicated to the letter E with “ear” as example. The tiny chocolate are as adorable as the packaging and consist of a regular part with chocolate and a strawberry flavoured pink part. The quality of the chocolate is not comparable to for example “Milka” or other German or Swiss chocolate, but they are a nicely flavored little sweet treat for in-between.

Japan Candy Box June 2015

My favorite sweets from the Japan Candy Box June 2015 were the Lotte Koala March Biscuits. Unfortunately, they came without the usually cute cardboard box, but they came in the plastic bag, which has koala faces printed on. These Koala biscuits are also available here and I love them. I ate all of them the moment it arrived :D A pity there are only so few per packaging :D They also remind me of my childhood, because I remember that I had them often back then :D Each of the Koala shaped biscuits has another koala motive printed on. The biscuits are filled with chocolate and they are really delicious and quite popular in Japan.

Japan Candy Box June 2015

Then there was a Dorayaki Japanese Hotcake included in the Japan Candy Box June 2015. These traditional Japanese sweets are filled with sweet bean paste. The taste is a bit unusual for someone who never ate bean paste, but it is not the weirdest. The Marukawa Fusen Bubble Gum on the other hand is a tiny box containing four small bubble gums with orange flavor. The bubble gums have the typical consistency of children’s bubble gums, which taste strong at the beginning, but loose their taste quickly. The small balls look like miniature oranges though :D

Japan Candy Box June 2015

Another flavored bubble gum is the Meiji Petit Bubblegum. This box of grape flavored tiny bubble gum pieces is quite fun. Depending on the amount of the bubble gums you take you can get more bubble gum and even make some bubbles. The flavor is again very strong at the beginning, but gets less quickly, so you have to add more of the bubble gum bits. Additionally, the packaging design is very cute again.

Japan Candy Box June 2015

Last but not least, the Puccho Mixed Fruit Chewy Candy: I like chewing candies, but this was new to me, since it contains pieces of fruit gummy within. The taste is quite diverse in that way.

Japan Candy Box June 2015

Each Japan Candy Box comes with a product card listing the products included in the box. You can also check Japan Candy for unboxings of the previous candy boxes. My impression on this Japanese candy box is quite positive, since it contained a nice variety of different sweets. Also, most of them were new to me, which was a plus, too.

Japan Candy Box June 2015

Japan Candy Box is a monthly subscription box. You can choose between several options: either to order only one box, to order three boxes (3 months subscription), 6 boxes (6 months subscription) or 12 boxes (1 year subscription). Each box retails at 19.90 US$. For the 6 months and the 12 months subscription you pay a bit less per box.

Now, if you have reading so far you’ll probably be curious for the giveaway. Here it is: You can win a Japan Candy Box of you own sponsored by Japan Candy Box. For entering the giveaway please take part with help of the Rafflecopter gadget below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway is open internationally! Good luck to everybody! ♥

Japan Candy Box - The Sweetest Monthly Japanese Candy Subscription Box

Japan Candy Box June 2015

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.