The BNTnews beauty box for August came with another Daeng Gi Meo Ri Shampoo to try: Daeng Gi Meo Ri Look At Hair Loss True Shampoo. This shampoo targeting hair protection and scalp care would not be that kind of shampoo I would select personally for my dry hair, but nevertheless, I was willing to give it a try.
The name of the brand and product sound very long and complicated to someone with no Korean language knowledge, but the brand name Daeng Gi Meo Ri can be translated in this way:Daenggi is a traditional Korean ribbon which is tied to the braided hair of unmarried Korean women. Meori means simply hair in Korean. I reviewed the Daeng Gi Meo Ri Ja Dam Hwa The First Scalp and Hair Cleansing Treatment and the Oriental Special Shampoo before, and like the previous products this Korean shampoo works on your hair by using oriental medicine inspired ingredient, like traditionally used herbs, roots and flowers. In contrast to the previously reviewed products, the design of the Daeng Gi Meo Ri Look At Hair Loss True Shampoo is much more simple and modern. A pitty, since I love the super elegant and pretty design of the other two products. The Daeng Gi Meo Ri Look At Hair Loss True Shampoo comes in a pale blue bottle and looks almost medical. The 500 ml bottle doesn’t come with a pump either, but a regular opening.
Since Daeng Gi Meo Ri is not well known outside of Korea it is hard to get more informationa about the ingredients of this shampoo. But I can tell you about the details I know: The Daeng Gi Meo Ri Look At Hair Loss True Shampoo is supposed to deliver energy and vitality to hair and scalp through Chinese Medicine issued ingredients such as white ginseng, cynanchum, coix, Russian iris and pomegranate. It moisturizes dry scalp with aloe extracts and avocado oil, plus leaves a refreshing feeling with menthol. It creates a creamy foam while lathering it up, which is generated by natural surfactants used. These help to eliminate wastes on scalp, too. Most important, the Daeng Gi Meo Ri Look At Hair Loss True Shampoo doesn’t contain silicones. The shampoo is dermatologically tested and Korean FDA approved. According to the description on the bottle it is suited for oily scalp types…Wait! Oily scalp? When I read about the point that it is suited for oily scalp types I was worried that this shampoo will not be suited for me. My scalp is normal, but my hair is dry and frizzy, espcially in the ends. In advance I used a hair treatment on my end after using the shampoo. I discovered the shampoo foams up nicely and has a pleasant creamy scent, which is not ginseng-y like the other two Daeg Gi Meo Ri products I tried. My hair didn’t feel dry while washing it neither. Moreover, it has a cooling feeling on my scalp, probably due to the menthol. My hair was also managable after washing and I could comb through it without any problems of tangled hair. I discovered though, that when my hair has dried down I kind of have the feeling that the hair is weightened down, especially near my scalp. After one day the top hair looks greasy already and I have to wash the hair again. Usually, my hair looks that way after two days, if it looks that greasy at all.
I don’t know if the heavyness of the Daeng Gi Meo Ri Look At Hair Loss True Shampoo is due to the point that my hair has gotten used to the Daeng Gi Meo Ri Oriental Special Shampoo, which is making my hair feel drier, or if it is the richness of the shampoo itself. Although it states that it contains aloe extracts and avocado oil it still is recommened for oily scalp types, so I doubt it is too rich after all. Since I don’t have any hair loss yet (luckily) I cannot discuss that point, but I like the fact that it doesn’t contain any silicon and the cooling effect it has on the scalp. The scent is pleasant, too, and the foam feels nice and creamy on my hair…I hope my hair will adjust to that shampoo, because I would love to use it for a longer time and see if it works for me. Yet, compared to the Oriental Special Shampoo I like the Daeng Gi Meo Ri Look At Hair Loss True Shampoo better. The retail price should be similar to the Oriental Shampoo, but I couldn’t find it online available, yet.
This product was provided to me by BNTnews for reviewing. Don’t forget to visit the other BNTGirls Kim, Bella, Mary, Celine, Alene, Joanne, Chermaine, , Mitha, and Blair and check out their reviews for the August BNT Beauty Box. And visit BNTnews for the latest Korean news and trends:
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Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
I saw that Kim had issues with the last shampoo from them, with an itching scalp.
Did you have any issues with this one at all?
I’m really interested in trying their products but after hearing about the scalp itching I’m a little weary. My hair is one of my favorite features and I am terrified of screwing it up.
Luckily, I didn’t have any itchy scalp or other problems with it apart from my hair is not suited perfectly for this shampoo. Still this one was better than the other Daeng Gi Meo Ri Shampoos I received.
This one sounds divine! If you have a snap of the ingredients list, I could give the translation a go.
I have it. I could send it to you if you like?
Really? Yes I’ll take you up on the offer! Can you tweet or DM me a snapshot? Thank youuuuu!! :D :D
How is it with hair loss? I’d love more information about it since I have been looking for a product that works for hair loss.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any hair loss, which is why I cannot rate the product for it. Still my favorite product for making my hair feel fuller is the Damoe Hair Therapy I reviewed earlier. Maybe you want to check out this one instead?
Did this shampoo help with hair loss? I’d like more information about it.
I’m so wary of this brand now after my itchy scalp experience! But even for dry hair, oily scalp is a no no, I feel so self conscious of it. Glad you liked this one more than the Oriental one though!
I can imagine that you are wary of it now. And until you do not know what ingredient caused your troubles I would not use the products. Luckily, I didn’t have any problems with itchy scalp…:/
Looks like a nice shampoo
Thanks for your review
Thanks for commenting dear ♥