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asian cosmetics beauty PR Sample review Wishtrend

Review: By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

12. November 2017


I love drinking tea and green tea is one of my favourites! The scent makes me feel awake in the mornings and also I tend to love skincare products containing green tea a lot regarding their scent. A new product from Wishtrend called By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash has just launched and I am so happy to be able to report to you about my experiences on testing this product for the last weeks.

By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

Probably, you know that Wishtrend does not only sell other Korean brands but also has a step in the beauty industry itself. Apart from known brand names Klairs or Jungle Botanics they also have products named under the brand “By Wishtrend”. Well-known products from By Wishtrend are the Vitamin C 21.5 Advanced Serum, Natural Vitamin 21.5 Enhancing Vitamin Mask, or the Mandelic Acid 5% Skin Prep Water which I reviewed not long ago. The latest addition to the By Wishtrend product family is the By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash.

By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash is a cleanser that comes in powder form. In order to make the product ready for cleansing your skin you have to add water or your favourite watery toner to the powder and lather it up. Powder Wash are probably one of my favourite cleansing types for travelling, since the product will never leak and create a mess during transportation if it breaks. The powder wash comes in a pale green plastic bottle which makes it very lightweight and perfectly portable. The packaging is very simple and only shows the product name and some minor description on the backside. The cardboard box has the same green color and simple design, but it contains more thorough information on the sides in Korean and English.

By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

Green Tea

Green tea does not only have health benefits when consumed, but also has many benefits for the skin when applied topically. It contain polyphenols and Vitamins A,C, and E, which have anti-oxidant properties, and so it acts anti-aging and protects the skin from UV damage. Moreover, it also has moisturizing, soothing and smoothening properties on the skin. It is practically an all-rounder and has been used for many years in cosmetics products, especially in the asian region, where drinking green tea and tea in general is a major part of the culture.


By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

Other key ingredients of the By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash are Papain, Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Powder), and Amino Acid Surfactants derived from coconut. Papain is an enzyme that mildly exfoliates your skin and acts as skin conditioner. Baking powder has skin conditioning and exfoliating properties as well. It is more abrasive than papain and suited to help acne-prone skin to get rid of skin troubles. Last but not least, the amino acid surfactants have a weak acidity and moisture retaining properties. The ingredients list in total is not very long and you can find the full english ingredients listed on the cardboard box packaging:

Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Lauroyl Glutamate, Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Powder, Lysine HCL, Proline, Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate, Acetyl Methionine, Theanine, Carica Papaya (Papaya) Fruit Extract, Sorbitol, Papain, Betaine, Cellulose Gum, Citric Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate

You can check the ingredients via COSDNA or Skincarisma to see what the single ingredients are for. The product is free from alcohol, paraben and sulphates. It has mainly brighteing, exfoliating and  anti aging properties and is in generally suited for all skintypes, but it contains corn starch and citric acid. Corn starch can be irritating for acne-prone skintypes and citric acid has to be used with care for sensitive skintypes. I personally have dry skin and didn’t react in a negative way the Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash.

By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

As I said before you have to mix this powder with lukewarm water (or your favourite toner) to lather it up. The Wishtrend description recommends lukewarm water to activate the enzyme properties of the cleanser. Also, it is recommended not to use AHAs/BHAs, highly concentrated Vitamin C, Retinol, etc. together with the product, because the cleanser already contains exfoliating ingredients and you do not want to over-exfoliate your skin. For sensitive skintypes it is recommended to use the cleanser only 2-3 times a week.

By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

First of all, the By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash smells amazing! It has the scent of fresh matcha tea or matcha latte and just is sooo yummy if you are a green tea lover like me. I feel directly refreshed by the scent when I’m using this cleanser. The foam that is created is not a lot, but only a very watery lather, but on the other hand it is not drying on the skin either. The pH I tested was at 7, but it largely depends on your tap water (or toner) in this case. Regarding it cleansing properties I can recommend it as second step cleanser. It won’t do the work as full makeup remover, so I would use an oil cleanser or balm cleanser to remove my makeup first and then use the powder wash. More often I preferred to use this wash in the mornings as only cleanser though! The powder wash will make the skin feel really refreshed, but not dried out. Moreover the skin feels super soft after application and you can feel that it really works with all these exfoliating ingredients.

By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

For me the By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash is perfect as once in a while morning cleanser. Usually, I only use water or cleansing water in the mornings. This powder wash adds some nice exfoliating effects and has an amazing scent that makes you feel awake! Since it contains many exfoliating ingredients people with sensitive skin have to try it out slowly, using it only few times in the week. I can imagine that it will act very positively on people with acne prone skin and make the skin feel smoothened out.

If you are curious about the By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash, too, it usually retails for 22.00 US$ and is available at Wishtrend. But at the moment it is on launching sale until 16th November for only  17.60US$. Keep in mind the friend-referral program from Wishtrend: You can receive a 5 Us$ referral coupon if you use my invitation code 17939205 upon registration and you’ll receive this voucher immediately. There will be a specific field in your registration form called “friends invitation program” where you can put the code mentioned above. This way new customers can safe 5 US$ which is a great possibility to safe some money. Also, Wishtrend has a Free-Shipping Area, were you can find products that can be bought with free shipping. There won’t be any Wishtrend Coupons for this months because of the upcoming Black Friday sales. But there are special prices available for the powder wash in combination with the Vitamin 75 Maximizing Cream and 21.5 Enhancing mask.

What is your impression on the By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash? Have you tried powder washes before?

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By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.


beauty review Sanicare

Unboxing: Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

10. November 2017


Two things first: This post will be picture-heavy, and it will be in German. Sorry, for my international readers, but if you have any specific questions to any of the products let me know and I will translate and answer.

Passend zum Herbst und Beginn der Erkältungszeit möchte ich euch heute die Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box vorstellen. Ihr kennt Sanicare noch nicht? Dann wird es aber höchste Zeit! Sanicare ist eine Versandapotheke und seit einiger Zeit bieten sie eine Apotheken-Box an, ähnlich zu den bekannten Beauty Boxen, nur allerdings nicht nur um sich äußerlich schön zu machen, sondern um auch von innen gesund zu sein.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Die Sanicare Box erscheint alle drei Monate und sie enthält 5-7 Überraschungsprodukte und dazu noch Proben von ausgewählten Apothekenprodukten. Dabei werden die Produkte natürlich entsprechend der Jahreszeit ausgewählt und helfen einem im Alltag bei kleineren Wehwehchen oder einfach dabei sich besser und gesünder zu fühlen.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Die Sanicare ist dabei keine Abo box, sondern man bestellt sie immer einmalig. Der Preis liegt bei 21.95 € inklusive Versandkosten und soll in der Regel einen Warenwert von über 60€ enthalten. Hört sich vielversprechend an? Dann schauen wir mal was in der Herbst Box alles enthalten ist, damit ihr euch auch ein Bild davon machen könnt.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Wie die meisten Überraschungsboxen enthält die Sanicare Box eine Karte auf der die Produkte aufgelistet sind. Die Box selber kommt im herbstlichen Design in einem Beeren-Ton und ist bis oben hin prall gefüllt:

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Antall Bei Reizhusten und Heiserkeit Liquidsticks

Diese Liquidsticks enthalten Wirkstoffe aus 3 pflanzlichen Extrakten und schützen die Schleimhäute und lindern so den Reizhusten und die Heiserkeit. die verwendeten Extrakte sind Lichen islandicus, Althaeae radix und Verbasci flos. Die Packung enthält 20 x 5 g und kostet 12,95€.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Aspecton Immun Trinkampullen

Vitaminen, Spurenelementen und pflanzlichen Extrakte liefert hier speziell ausgewählte, bedarfsgerechte Nährstoffe zur Unterstützung des Immunsystems. Die Trinkampullen enthalten Vitamine C, D und E und schützen so Zellen vor oxidativem Stress und unterstützen zusätzlich die normale Funktion des Immunsystems. Zudem enthalten sie wertvolle Spurenelemente – Zink, Selen und Molybdän, die den Abbau bestimmter Proteinbausteine regulieren und oxidativem Stress entgegenwirken. Dazu kommen hochwertigen Pflanzenextrakte aus Cistus, Traubenschalen und Tomaten, die ebenfalls als Radikalfänger für die Immunabwehr agieren. Die Packung enthält 7 Trinkampullen und kostet 14,99€.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

H&S Bio Minze-Mandarine Aromatherapie Filterbeutel

Dieser Tee riecht nicht nur besonders gut sondern schmeckt auch noch. die ätherischen Öle der biologisch angebauten Duftpflanzen stimulieren die Riechzellen in derNasenhöhle und können dadurch auf Stimmung und Gemütslage einwirken. Die Teemischung besteht aus: Pfefferminze, Zitronengras, Mandarinenöl, Zimt, Zitronenöl, Orangenblüten, Grüntee, und Zitronengrasöl, alles aus biologischem Anbau. Die Packung enthält 20 Teebeutel, die für 3,95€ verkauft werden.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Kneipp Badekosmetikum Erkältung Eukalyptus

Was gibt es erdumspannenderes als ein wohliges und warmes Bad, wenn man sich unterkühlt und kränklich fühlt?! Die Kneipp Badekristalle enthalten einen hohen Anteil an naturreinem Thermalsolesalz. Die natürlich reine Sole ist frei von chemischen Zusätzen und Umwelteinflüssen und enthält Spurenelemente und Mineralsalze, die  wichtige Funktionen im Stoffwechsel erfüllen. Dazu kommt wertvolles ätherisches Eukalyptusöl, welches ein angenehmes Aroma entfaltet und bei einer nähernden Erkältung besonders wohltuend wirkt. Jedes der Beutel enthält 60g und kostet 1,35€.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Miradent Xylitol Drops Zuckerfrei Melon

Xylitol Drops wurden speziell für die erweiterte tägliche Mundpflege entwickelt. Statt Zucker wird hier Xylitol verwendet, welches die Zahnoberfläche pflegt und  die Wiedereinlagerung entzogener Mineralbausteine in den Zähnen unterstützt. Damit wird die Zahnhärtung gefördert und der Schutz vor Säuren verbessert. 60g kosten 3,99€.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Primavera Atmewohl Nase Frei Stick

Aromatherapie für unterwegs mit dem Nase Frei Stick von Primavera. Der Duft aus Eukalyptus, Fichtennadel und Pfefferminze ist so im praktischen Stick unterwegs immer mit dabei. Der Stick kommt in einem verschweißten Beutel um die ätherischen Öle zu schützen und ein frisches Produkt zu garantieren. Der Stick kostet 7,80€ und hat mindestens eine 12 wöchige Duftwirkung.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Vigantolvit 2000 I.E Vitamin D3 Weichkapseln

Seit der Entdeckung von Vitamin D Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts konnte gezeigt werden wie wichtig  dieses Vitamin für den Erhalt gesunder Knochen ist und zur Erhaltung einer normalen Muskelfunktion beiträgt. Zudem unterstützt Vitamin D den Zellteilungsprozess und trägt auch zur normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei. Außerdem hat es positive Effekte während der Monaten mit weniger Sonnenstunden (September bis April), oder wenn man viel in geschlossenen Räumen arbeitet. Auch wenn man Sonnenschutz benutzt sollte man Vitamin D ergänzend einnehmen. Die Packung enthält 60 Kapseln und kostet 8,99€.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Salviatop Madaus Mund- und Zahngel

Salviatop Madaus enthält Öle aus sechs Heilpflanzen Minze, Salbei, Fenchel, Thymian, Nelke und Kamille, die Gesunderhaltung von empfindlichen Zähnen und Zahnfleisch fördern und beugt zudem leichten Entzündungen vor. Das zunächst flüssige Salviatop Madaus wird nach dem Zähneputzen aufgetragen und wandelt sich bei Speichelkontakt zu einem lang haftenden Gelfilm. Es beugt so wirksam einer bakteriellen Plaque-Bildung und deren Folgen – Karies und Parodontitis – vor. Die Tube enthält 10 ml und kostet 4,49€Eine der beigefügten Proben war passenderweise die Isla Med Hydro.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Bach RR Original Kaugummi

BACH RR Original Kaugummis enthalten nur natürlichen Aromen, einen extra langanhaltendem Spearmint-Geschmack und die Original Bach-Blütenmischung und sind somit ein genussvolle Begleiter für emotional aufregende Situationen. Die Packung enthält 25 Stück und kostet 4,95€. Eine weitere Probe waren die Isla Med Hydro Halsbonbons.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box


Ebenfalls war eine Probe des Thermacare Rücken Wärmeumschlags enthalten, der sogar schon zum Einsatz kamen und wirklich sehr lange warm gehalten hat. Die ebenfalls beigefügten Yaya Bären waren allerdings schnell verspeist.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box


Ebenfalls befand sich eine Probe des Neo Ballistol Hausmittels in der Sanicare Box. Ein Allround Pflegemittel für den ganzen Körper.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box


Und zu guter letzt noch der Tigerbalm Nacken- und Schulterbalm zur Massage im Nacken und Schulterbereich und lösen der Spannungen.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box


Puuh, das nenne ich mal eine randvoll gefühlte Box. Ich muss sagen, dass ich den Inhalt auch wirklich toll finde und jedes Produkt davon wird definitiv zum Einsatz kommen. Besonders froh bin ich über die Vitamin D Kapseln, da ich sonst im Winter wirklich ziemlich träge bin und ich von vielen gehört habe, dass Vitamin D dann super hilft. Aber auch sehr praktisch sind die ganzen Produkte gegen und vorbeugend zu einer Erkältung….Ich bin wirklich positiv begeistert von der Box und finde, dass auch das herbstliche Thema sehr gut gewählt und umgesetzt wurde. Ich fühle mich zumindest gewappnet für die nächste Erkältungswelle!

Ihr könnt die Sanicare Box >>hier<< bestellen und es gibt sie sowohl als einzelne Box, als auch im zweier Paket oder als Jahresabo.

Kanntet ihr die Sanicare Box bereits? Könntet ihr euch vorstellen euch so eine Box mit Produkten aus der Apotheke zu bestellen?

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Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty Catrice Cosnova review

Review: Catrice Aqua Ink Lip Liner & Aqua Ink-In-Gloss

6. November 2017


Earlier this year there have been several product launches from Catrice Cosmetics that were quite appalling to me because their inspirations came from asian beauty products. I talked about the Catrice Lip Cushion before and today I will show you the Catrice Aqua Ink Lip Liner and Catrice Aqua Ink-In-Gloss:

Catrice Aqua Ink

Catrice therefore called out for the term “asianification”, which means the creation of products that are inspired by the technology and ingredients used in the asian beauty industry. Some inspirations come from the very popular cushion products, but also lip tints which are super popular in Korea. I own two Catrice Aqua Ink Lip Liners and a Gloss from their Aqua Ink collection, and I will share the swatches and my impression on these products with you today.

Catrice Aqua Ink

Catrice Aqua Ink Lip Liner

The Catrice Aqua Ink Lip Liners are lip liners with a felt-type ball-shaped applicator. These lip liners are creating a semi-permanent tint effect and are water-based according to their description. The lip liners are available in 6 shades and are vegan, too.

Catrice Aqua Ink

I have shade 050 ” Don’t Copy My Poppy” and 060 “I Feel InspiRED Today”, the two boldest shades from the collection. The Catrice Aqua Ink Lip Liners come in a pencil shape in a sleek black design with adjusted colors for the cap and bottom of the pen. They feel smoother than a regular felt pen upon application, but swatch very vibrant. Once applied the color is rub proof and doesn’t budge. But if you do not fade them out right after application, they will start to bleed out while freshly applied. Once dry they do not bleed out any longer but stay at place.

Catrice Aqua Ink

The difference between the colors of the two shades is not very huge once I apply them on my lips. Below you can see the two colors applied to my lips. On the right side I applied 050 and on the left side I applied 060. The finish of the lip liner is matte and it gives a very long-lasting stain on your lips. It will fade after eating and drinking all day long, but the hint of color will still be visible on your lips.

Catrice Aqua Ink

Catrice Aqua Ink-In-Gloss

The second lip product is the Catrice Aqua Ink-In-Gloss, and as you can tell from the name already, it is a gloss which gives a semi-permanent stain to the lips. Similar to the Lip Liners this product is water-based and vegan. It comes in 4 different shades. Moreover, it has a lightweight finish and contains Glycerin and feels moist on the lips and doesn’t dry them out.

Catrice Aqua Ink

This here is the shade 020 “Jump Into The Red River”, a classic red shade again. Typically for a gloss it comes with a angled sponge applicator. Surprisingly, the swatched product is super vibrant in color and not what you expect a gloss to be. Unlike the lip liners this product doesn’t dry down matte but stays glossy and moist on the lips. Also this stain is very long-lasting and despite fading out throughout the day by drinking and eating it will still leave a hint of color on your lips.

Catrice Aqua Ink

Below you can see some pictures of the two products on my lips again. The upper one is the Catrice Aqua Ink Lip Liner in shade 060. What you can see in this picture is, that this dark red shade is quite tricky upon application, because it tends to appear patchy if not applied with a lightweight hand. The second point is, that you have to be careful on the borders of your lips in order to avoid feathering. I start to use it inside out when I’m using it on my whole lips. I wouldn’t use it only to frame my lips though. The lower picture shows the Catrice Aqua Ink-In-Gloss. Apart from having a very good pigmentation for a glossy product this gloss might accentuate dry areas of your lips. For a best result it would be important to exfoliate your lips before applying (which is generally a good rule to follow, and shame on me because I always end up to forget it).

Catrice Aqua Ink

The Catrice Aqua Ink lip products might not be perfect, but they are generally a very affordable and long-lasting choice. Both products have really great staining properties, but need some time to get the perfect way of applying them without patches or feathering…but, once you know how to deal with these minor points they are a great choice for every day, especially if you are not the type of person who runs to the toilet to reapply lipstick every 2 hours.

The Catrice Auqa Ink Lip Liner retails for 2,99€.

The Catrice Auqa Ink-In-Gloss retails for 3,49€.

Did you try any of these products?

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Catrice Aqua Ink

beauty PR Sample Rossmann

Review: Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon

3. November 2017


Using brow pencils on your eye brows makes such a difference in your whole appearance and yet many people here in Germany do not dare to use them, because they fear it could appear to much like painted. Together with the Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolors I reviewed previously I also received all shades of the Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon from the German drugstore Rossmann. I think you might be interested in the swatches for these brow crayons, because they could be really an opinion if you want a very subtle and natural look!

Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon

As I said in my last Revlon post, I’m happy to have Revlon back in German drugstores. After many years of abstinence people can now  buy Revlon products in the German drugstore chain Rossmann .Welcome back, Revlon!

The Colorstay Brow Crayons are thick brow crayons containing wax, that melt down to a powdery finish when applied. They are supposed to be waterproof and last for 24 hours.

The Crayons are available in 4 different shades:

305: Blonde

310: Soft Brown

315: Dark Brown

320: Soft Black

Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon

As you can see from the swatches below (from left to right: 305, 310, 315, 320) the color payoff of the crayons is very soft and powdery. Although it is a crayon it has a very subtle and powdery finish. The colors are perfect to create a soft look. The brightest color 305 barley shows up on my skin, so it may be a great choice for very pale skintypes and fair hair. Even soft brown will be a good option for many people with blonde or light brunette hair. In terms of staying power the swatches are resistant to rubbing, too. I couldn’t check if they last for 24 h yet though.

For me personally, having black and dense eye brows, these crayons are too soft in terms of color payoff. On the other hand I’d say that these are perfect for beginners in terms of eye brow make up, because the soft and powdery finish doesn’t show errors too much. If you never have used any brow pencil you definitely have to try out one of these!

The Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon is available for 6.39 € at Rossmann (currently on sale from 7.99 €).

Are you using brow pencils or crayons?

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Revlon Colorstay Brow Crayon

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics bbcosmetic beauty PR Sample review

Review: 9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

21. October 2017


Roses are the queens of all the flowers, and that’s for a good reason. Since the ancient times these flowers have been used for therapeutic benefits. The rose essential oils are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants antibacterial and therefore widely used in cosmetics products. I’m one of those rose-loving people when it comes to skincare and I’m really happy that BBCOSMETIC introduced me to the 9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment:

9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

9Wishes is a Korean beauty brand which was unknown to me before. If you look at their official site you will also see that have a small range of beauty products and that the page is relatively new, so I guess the brand is quite new as well. The products have a sleek and pretty design and make me curious to try more.

9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

The 9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment comes in a pale pink cardboard box with English and Korean description written onto. It doesn’t look especially fancy, but very simple. But inside you will discover the beautiful bottle containing the product and on my first glance I fell in love it! Look at that gorgeous pump bottle with rose-gold cap. And the treatment has even a pale pink color contains bits of rose petals (I guess) in it! 

9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

The 9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment is supposed to maximize the skin’s natural night-time renewal process and uses their special oil encapsulation technology for it. Although it is targeting the night-time renewal of the skin it can be used in the mornings and evenings on your cleansed face before using your moisturizer.

9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

The ingredients of the treatment are listed below:

Rosa Damascena Flower Water, Water, Methylpropanediol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Acrylates/C10-30 Akyl Acrylates Crosspolymer, Argnine, Polyglyceryl-4 Caprate, Caprylyl Glycol, Beeswax, Allatoin, sh-Decapeptide-9, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Powder, Ethylhexylylglycerin, Butylene Glycol, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Propanediol, Jadminum Officinale (Jasmine) Oil, Geranium Maculatum Oil, Centella Asiatica Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Artemisia Vulgaris Extract, Vaccinum Angustifolium (Blueberry) Fruit Extractm Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract, Rose Canina Fruit Oil, Punica Granatum Fruit Extract, Ficus Carica (Fig) Fruit Extractm Morus Alba Fruit Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Nut Extract, Pentylene Glycol, Glycerin, Rose Flower Oil, Cl 77491, Aspalathus Linearis Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Hydrolysed Glycosaminoglycans, Hydrolysed Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate Crosspolymer, Hyaluronic Acid

9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

You can see that there are various plant-based ingredients and especially a lot of rose extract and oils. The product is alcohol-free, sulphate-free and paraben-free. Apart from rose it contains a lot of Hyaluronic Acid for moisturizing, but also macadamia oil. Further more it contains Licorice Extract, which is one of my favourites. At the moment I’m trying a new tool for ingredients analytics and it is quite nice and I can recommend you to have a look at it: it is called Skincarisma and you can find the analysis of the 9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment >>here<<. 

9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

As you can see from the ingredients this treatment is especially suited for dry skintypes, but also contains some ingredients that promote wound healing. Since it contains jasmine oil and geranium oil people with sensitive skintypes should keep in mind whether they react to these ingredients or not. According to COSDNA and Skincarisma the ingredients are safe to use, only the jasmine oil has to be noted for sensitive people.

9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

The 9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment is a gel type essence with a rose scent. Despite of the oils the application feels moist and watery and the product absorbs very quickly into the skin. The pink particles dissolve while rubbing the essence into the skin. Once absorbed there is no trace of oiliness or stickiness noticeable.

9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

The glow and shimmer that you see on the picture below is only visible during the short moment while it absorbs. Afterwards there is no glow left on the skin, but it fully absorbs and leaves the skin matte, leaving only the rose scent behind. The skin feels hydrated on the area where you apply the essence.

9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

You only need one or two pumps of the product to cover your face and in the time I’ve been using it I never had a bad reaction. Of course everyone is different, so be sure to check the ingredients before using and make a patch test on another part of your body if you know that your skin could react to it.

9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

I’m completely happy with the 9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment and I feel sad that there is only one-third left in my bottle. I received this essence from BBCOSMETIC where it retails for 19 US$ and is on saleYou can use the code Q2C8JX9N45R3O for a chance of 10 % off your order, too! You can also get the 9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment on for 35.20US$.

Did you hear about the brand 9Wishes? Have you tried any of their products? What do you think about roses as ingredients in cosmetics?

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9Wishes Rose Hydrating Capsule Treatment

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.


beauty PR Sample review Rossmann

Review: Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

14. October 2017


A while ago I received an amazing package containing all 15 colors of the new Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor by the German drugstore Rossmann. I want to share my impression and the swatches of all 15 shades with you today:

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

I remember years ago that the brand Revlon was available in German drugstores. Then, suddenly, the brand was taken off the German market. Many people who loved that brand had to get the products from this brand during vacation in other countries or order from abroad. This year the German drugstore Rossmann announced the relaunch of Revlon in Germany. Welcome back, Revlon!

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

As the name says, the Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor is a gel formula lipstick containing hyaluronic acid for moisturizing the lips. They glide on very smoothly and don’t feel drying on the lips, rather they feel very lightweight on the lips. Furthermore, they have a nice shine that they leave on the lips and yet have a good pigmentation. If you are scent sensitive I have to tell you though, that these lipsticks have a fruity and noticeable scent (mango nd whipped vanilla according to the description).

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

I will start with the nude colors of the available shades from top to bottom:

700 “Sand”: a light beige shade and the nudest color of the lipsticks

705 “Dawn”: a dusty rose color

710 “Desert”: a pink-brown shade

715 “Arabica”: a brownish, rusty shade

720 “Pink Cloud”: a light girly pink color

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

Despite being the nude colors from the range all colors show up nicely and look different from one another. My favourite here is Arabica since it fits perfectly for the autumn season.

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

The next shades are in the bright reds and pinks from top to bottom:

725 “Sunset”: a dark coral shade with great pigmentation

730 “Tropical”: A vibrant ad bright pink

735 “Garden”: a darker, pigmented pink

740 “Coral”: a bright and vibrant coral shade

745 “Rhubarb”: a pigmented cherry red

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

From these colors “Sunset” and “Rhubarb” are my favourite colors.

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

The last 5 swatches are the darker berry shades from top to bottom:

750 “Lava”: a classy and beautiful red shade

755 “Adobe”: a dark red shade

760 “Vineyard”: a mauve color

765 “Blossom”: a vibrant purple shade

770 “Twilight”: a dark purple shade

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

This is the color range I love the most shades from. Favourites are “Lava”, “Adobe”, and “Vineyard”.

As you can see there is so much versatility in the shades and despite the shiny and lightweight formula the color pay-off of all the shades is visible and shows up nicely. My personal favourites are from the darker shades, simply because pale pink colors don’t suit me much and the lighter shades don’t show up nicely because of my natural lip color. I really love the feeling when applying the lipsticks because they glide so nicely and leave a pretty sheen on the lips as well. They do not last forever though, but at least fade away nicely. The Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor comes in a slim pen-size and retails for 10.99€. 

What do you think about the color selection? Which is your favourite color?

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Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
Barbara Box beauty PR Sample

Unboxing: Barbara Box No. 3 / 2017

12. October 2017


The third box of the newly launched Barbara Box arrived at my doorsteps a while ago and I would love to share the content with you again. I loved the concept and the products in the boxes so far, and if you live in Germany and love subscription boxes with a good mix of products you might love this, too. If you missed my other unboxings you can head over >>here<<. The third Barbara Box is dedicated to cozy autumn moments to share with your best friends:

Barbara Box No. 3

The Barbara Box ambassador is also the donor of the name, a German celebrity called Barbara Schöneberger. The box is not only advertised by her, but also she selects the products. The topic of the boxes revolve around “Girls Night” with your best friend(s)and contain food, drinks, beauty, decoration, games…so as you see the Barbara Box seems to be very versatile.

Barbara Box No. 3

The box is not a monthly box but is released every three months and comes together with a print of the Barbara magazine, a magazine curated by Barbara Schöneberger aswell and addressing women in their 30s.

Barbara Box No. 3

All boxes I received so far were heavy and full of products. I’m always surprised about the weight when I receive the parcel from the post. This time the box contained 8 different products which I want to show you below:

Barbara Box No. 3

Baileys Iced Coffee Latte

This newly launched Iced Coffee Drink came twice, so you can share it with your best friend on the next occasion. It combines the taste of Baileys with Arabica- and Robusta Coffee and milk. Each can contains 200 ml and retails for 2.49 US$.

Barbara Box No. 3

Dr. Grandel Hyaluron Moisture Flash Ampoules

A deep and intense micro hyaluronic acid treatment, which supplies the deeper layers of the skin with hydration. The package contains 3 ampoules containing 3 ml each, which retail for 14.90€.

Barbara Box No. 3

Wilco Classic Jojoba Nailcare Pen

This pen is perfect to be taken along with you in your bag. It helps to nourish your nails with jojoba oil, vitamins and keratin. It is super easy to use and even has replacement tips included. The pen retails for 6.95€.

Barbara Box No. 3

Erwin Müller Walk-Frottier Guest-Towel “Tübingen”

What’s better than to be offered a soft and cozy towel when staying over at a friend’s place?! This towel is perfect, small and very soft. Perfect for your beauty routine, as well. It retails for 3.50€.

Barbara Box No. 3

Barbara Box Mug

Autumn and Winter are usually the seasons when people drink a lot of hot beverages like tea. So mugs are always very useful to have at hands. This mug retails for 11.90 US$.

Barbara Box No. 3

Messmer Cake Teas

And of course a mug would not be complete without some proper tea for it. My box contained the Messmer Cake Tea variation with Strawberry Cheesecake Taste. Perfect to share with your friends. One pack containing 18 tea bags retails for 2.19€.

Barbara Box No. 3

Ultrasun Overnight Summer Recovery Mask

This sleeping mask contains hyaluronic acid and brown algae for moisturizing and refreshing the skin after a sunny autumn walk…unfortunately our autumn has not been really sunny yet. Still this mask sounds nice to use. 50 ml retail for 39.00€.

Barbara Box No. 3

Tropicai coconut chips “Crispy Cacao”

These coconut chips are really addictive! ME and my boyfriend ate it right away and couldn’t stop. It is so delicious! The coconut flavour together with the cocoa and the coconut flower sugar is a perfect combination. 120g retail for 2.98€

Barbara Box No. 3

Another versatile box containing some beauty products, drinks, and snacks. My favourite items this time were the sleeping mask and the coconut chips. From the three boxes I received so far this is not my favourite (No.1 is still my favourite box so far), but it is still a good variety and the value is nice as well. Barbara Box is released every three months, which makes it even more appalling in my opinion. The box retails for 29.95 €, but there are also options for a yearly or half-year order with 4 or 2 boxes, respectively. Considering the prize of the included products in the boxes so far it makes up far the retail price definitely. I’m really curious how they will continue in the future.

How do you like the autumn edition of the Barbara Box?

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Barbara Box No. 3

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics beauty review

Review: Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream

11. October 2017

We all know how delicate our skin around the eyes is, and it is also the first area where we will observe fine lines and wrinkles. Therefore, it is important to use moisturizer around your eyes, even in younger ages. My current eye cream is the Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream, which I heard many positive things about prior to my bought. After testing this cream for the past months I would like to share my impression with you.

Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream

Innisfree is an eco-friendly Korean skincare and makeup brand focusing on natural ingredients from Jeju island and recycle packaging. The design of their products is simple and neat and nicely reflects the ideology of the brand. Innisfree products are usually free from harmful ingredients. They belong to the Amore Pacific group.

Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream

Innisfree has different lines for their skincare products. The Orchid line with its purple packaging design is dedicated to total care. It contains Jeju Orchid as a key ingredient, which is rich in antioxidants and thereby acts anti-aging. The Jeju Orchid Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream makes your skin smoother, more healthy and elastic and also improves the skin tone.

Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream

The  Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream comes in a jar containing 30 ml, which is a lot! Although I’m already using this for months I’m still in the top quarter of the jar. Since the area around our eyes is not that large you only need a bit every day. It would be great if Innisfree comes up with a tube version of this product because it guarantees a more hygienic use of the product.

Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream

Ingredients of the Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream

The ingredients of the eye cream are listed on the cardboard box and also on the official Innisfree page. You can also find the ingredients listed on COSDNA and Skincarisma:


The product is free from parabens, sulfates, alcohol, and EU allergens. It has brightening functions by using arbutin, and anti-aging properties due to the adenosine. Caffeine will revitalize and there are a bunch of plant-based ingredients included, too!

Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream

The Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream has a thick cream formula with a floral scent. It clings to the skin when you apply it and feels very nourishing, but also has a cooling feeling to it. It absorbs very quickly, once patted in and leaves a very light tackiness at first, but does not feel sticky. The tackiness disappears after some moments as well and leaves the skin with a more firm and elastic touch. It does not cause any problems with makeup applied on top once it is absorbed and feels lightweight, too.

Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream

I started to use this cream on my lids as well for some months because I had the feeling that the skin there was starting to lose its elasticity. At first, it was a strange feeling to have cream applied above the eyes, but once it dries down you will not feel it any longer. In my experience, the skin above my eyes now feels much better than it did before. Also in general, this eye cream provides enough nourishment and moisture to make the lines less visible and the skin more elastic.The skin feels very smooth after applying the cream.

Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream

If you are looking for a nourishing and anti-aging eye cream I can recommend you the Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream. I feel that it has improved my skins elasticity and gives it the right amount of hydration and moisture. If you are sensitive towards scents you won’t be liking this eye cream, though: the floral scent is noticeable and lingers for a while. I’m personally very happy with my purchase and I can only confirm the other positive reviews about this cream. I bought the Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream from Beautytap, but there are also other suppliers for this product:

Beautytap for 24US$ (check out my Coupons & Discount page for special deals and codes)

Beautytap for 24US$ (15% off coupon upon registration)

Beautytap for 24US$ 

Did you try any products from the Innisfree Orchid line? What is your favorite eye cream? I will definitely consider to try out more products from this skincare line.

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Innisfree Orchid Eye Cream

beauty beauty boxes Glossybox

Unboxing: Glossybox September 2017

9. October 2017


It is time for some unboxings again :D Today, I have the German Glossybox September 2017 for you. The box was kindly provided to me for reviewing purpose by Glossybox

Glossybox September 2017

The Glossybox of September has the wonderful topic “Wanderlust”. I fell in love with box at first sight because instead of the regular pink boxes you get from Glossybox, this time the box had a beautiful dark green color, that fits perfectly to the topic and the fall season. Also the included Glossy magazine fits to the topic, which a beautiful photography from nature, making us long for some long and peaceful walks through the forests.

Glossybox September 2017

The box includes 6 different products this time reaching from decorative makeup to skin and body care.

Glossybox September 2017

Bang Beauty Cream Color

This vegan and cruelty-free cream eyeshadow has a bronze color containing sparkle. It really pops up when applied to the eyes and the bronze color is very suited for the fall season. The description says that it also can be used on the lips or as blush (fullsize, 3.5g retails for 23.00US$). You can get 25% discount until end of November using the code GLOSSY25 on the official site.

Glossybox September 2017

Babor Liquid Eye Liner

This product was not listed in the Glossy Magazine, and also it is the product which I won’t be using. It is a dark blue colored eye liner. Since I’m only wearing black and brown eyeliners this will be given away for sure (fullsize, 1ml retails for 22€). You can check out the black liner >>here<<.

Glossybox September 2017

Nutraskin Hyaluron Water

This mist is designed to hydrate and refresh your skin. Apart from Hyaluronic Acid it also contains silver particles (travel-size, 30ml retail for 39.95€).

Glossybox September 2017

Parsa Beauty Detangling Brush

This detangling brush combines boar bristles with plastic bristles in four different heights. Also the handle has additional rubber coating, so it doesn’t slip off your hands. I prefer this to my tangle teezer I had before. Also I love the combination of the plastic bristles and the boar bristles. I feel it combs more thoroughly through the hair (retails for 11.99€). You can get it >>here<<.

Glossybox September 2017

Benefit Cosmetics gogo tint

I was so happy about this product. I love lip tints and the classic benefit tint was my first tint ever. This tint is more pinkish that the original, but it is as awesome as ever. Perfectly to use on lips and cheeks and gives you a nice pop of color (travelsize, 10ml retail for 33€). Check out benefit tints >>here<<.

Glossybox September 2017

Rituals The Ritual Of Ayurveda Natural Dry Body Oil

This body oil was this months goodie and is a hit to the new Glossybox Special Edition dedicated to the “The Rituals Of Aryuveda”. I love the products from Rituals for their unique and divine scent and aromas. This body oil was really a nice surprise to have as additional item in the box (travel size, 100ml retail for 19.50€)- Check out the products from this line >>here<<.

Glossybox September 2017

The content of the September box was nicely selected. My favourites are the detangling brush, the benefit tint and the Rituals oil. I will not be using the eye liner though. I also think that blue is not a good selection for fall season. Nevertheless, all together I’m happy.

Glossybox September 2017

Glossybox is available as flexible subscription for 15 € per month. There are also other subscription options available, like a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month subscription for 14,50 €, 13,50 €, or 12,50 € per month, respectively. Check out for more information.

How do you like the content of the Wanderlust Edition?


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Glossybox September 2017

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
asian cosmetics beauty PR Sample review W2Beauty

Review: SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist

8. October 2017


When it comes to mists I’m really more of the lazy type. I know how refreshing the feeling is when you spritz some good quality mist on your face and sometimes I use mists as replacement of my toner. I must admit that I was primarily intrigued by the packaging design of the SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist, which was provided to me for reviewing purpose from Beautytap. But it was also another chance for me to try to use mists more often in my skincare routine.

SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist

SanDaWha is a natural cosmetics brand from Korea. Its products are free from mineral oils, free from alcohol, free from animal based ingredients, synthetic perfume and fragrance free, and free from artificial pigments and artificial preservatives. From the high quality plant-based ingredients Camellia flower is their key ingredient. Camellia japonica is a member of the tea family and grows naturally in Korea and Japan, where it is also known by the name “Dongbaek” (Korean) or “Tsubaki” (Japanese). The oil from the Camellia flower is widely used in asian cosmetics and has moisturizing properties.

SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist

The SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist is a multi-purpose mist designed for refreshing and relaxing you, but also as replacement for toner, or even to be used as makeup-fixer. Also, if you need some glow and fresh-up throughout the day this mist does a good job.

SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist

The SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist comes in a beautiful pinkish-red spraying bottle made from hard plastic and a red metallic part around the cap. It contains 80 ml and is the size of my hand regarding its height. Maybe you would not consider it travel friendly in size, but it is definitely not heavy or too large either. The backside of the bottle contains English and Korean descriptions of how to use the product and what it is, but the ingredients are only listed in Korean. Yet, I found the English ingredients listed on Beautytap:

Camellia japonica Flower Extract (92.52%), Licorice root extract, Green tea extract, Pea protein, Pea extract

You can also check Skincarisma for the ingredients analysis. As you can see the list is short and to the point. Exactly what I want a mist to be like. The main part of the mist is the Camellia japonica flower extract, which gives the product also its name. The licorice, green tea and pea extracts are a plus.

SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist

Oh, and look at this little detail on the cap of the mist! A single Camellia flower! So beautiful, isn’t it?

SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist

The mist comes out very finely when you push down the nozzle. First, you will recognize a nice flowery scent of the Camellia flower, which is lightweight and not overpowering. A hint of the scent will remain, but it won’t be really noticeable too much any longer once the product is absorbed and dried down. It absorbs very fast and doesn’t leave a sticky scent, neither a film. Of course, a mist always feels refreshing and relaxing once you apply it on your face. I love to use them on hot summer days. In winter, a mist replaces either my toner, or I use it to fix my makeup, especially if it is very powdery or matte and I want some glow instead. This mist works well for that, since it is a very fine mist.

SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist

If you are one of those people who use mists very frequently and love that refreshing feeling throughout the day the SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist could be a nice choice. I love the fact that it contains only very few ingredients and all of them are plant-based. That means it is vegan and doesn’t contain any additives. Since it doesn’t contain any preservatives though, you have to keep in mind to use it up quickly before it gets bad. The mist is also very fine, which makes it suitable for fixing makeup.

At Beautytap the SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist retails for 16 US$.

You can also check out the Discounts & Coupon Page for saving some bucks.

Do you love mists? And are they part of your daily skincare routine?

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SanDaWha Camellia Flower Hydrating Mist

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.