Unboxing: Glossybox July 2013 Le Grand Bleu Edition

Hello :)
On Saturday my Glossybox for July arrived. Topic for this month’s box is “Le Grand Bleu”-Edition. I was surprised how fast it arrived. they announced on Friday that they start delivering and on Saturday it arrived. Also the design was different again this time. The box is a bright blue with motifs from the sea and it makes you dreaming about sitting at the beach and listeneing to the ocean. ♥ They really did a great job with the design this time. It is also the first time since I subscribed, that I got a Glossy Magazine. The boxes before, there was always some other magazine or stuff.

Now, here is what I got this time *drumroll*

Boots Laboratories Optivá Moisturizing Serum (24.50 € / 30 ml – full size product)
Emite Make Up Lash Curler (23.00 € – ‘full size’)
Figs & Rouge Lip Balm Cherry Blossom (5.90 € / 12,5 ml – full size product)
LCN Handcream (9.10 € / 50 ml – sample sized product)
Nails Inc Brook Street Nail Polish Coral (13.00 € / 10 ml – sample sized product)

I’m much more pleased with this box than I was last month. I’m happy about the lash curler, because I don’t own one. Also, I was curious about the Figs & Rouge Lip Balms for some months now.
Nailpolish is always useful, although the color is more pink than coral (I’d prefer coral, but I use the pink nevertheless :D ). I’m curious about the moisturizing serum, although at the moment I have enough Serums and stuff like this to try out. The least exciting product is the handcream, but it is travel size, so I’ll put it into my bag in two weeks ( btw: I’m going to vacations in august, yeeiiii :D ).
As a gift the box contained a sample of Lolita Lempicka perfume called L de Lolita Lempicka”, which was a highlight for me. I always wanted to try a Lolita Lempicka perfume and here it is! And it smells sweet and georgeous! *_* I love it! ♥

Here are the product descriptions (unfortunately in German):
Boots Laboratories Optivá Moisturizing Serum
Das feuchtigkeitsspendende Serum zieht bis in die tieferen Hautschichten ein und unterstützt die Zellerneuerung. Es reduziert Zellschädigungen durch freie Radikale und verhindert gleichzeitig Reizungen. Glycerin und Sheabutter spenden Feuchtigkeit und pflegen die Haut bis zu 24 Stunden. Das Serum zieht schnell ein, hat eine angenehme Textur und fettet nicht. Dermatologisch getestet und ohne Parabene. 
Emite Make Up Lash Curler
Für den perfekten Augenaufschlag steht Ihnen diese Wimpernzange als treuer Helfer zur Seite. Das speziell geformte Design passt sich allen Augenformen an, ohne Ihr Make-up zu verwischen. Das Silikon-Gummi-Pad der Scheren federt übermäßigen Druck ab, sodass die Wimpern einen natürlichen Schwung erhalten.

Figs & Rouge Lip Balm Cherry Blossom
Eine rundum Pflege für strapazierte Lippen bietet dieser Liebling der Beauty-Redaktion. Das Wunderprodukt für die Lippen besteht zu 100% aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und sorgt für einen sanften Farbschimmer mit zartem Duft. Eine der begehrten Tuben in den Sorten Mocha Orange, Coco Rose und Cherry Blossom finden Sie auch in Ihrer GLOSSYBOX. 
LCN Handcream
Erste Hilfe für beanspruchte Sommerhände! Um alltäglichen Strapazen gezielt entgegenzuwirken, spendet die reichhaltige Handcreme Feuchtigkeit und bindet diese langfristig. Die hochwertigen Inhaltsstoffe pflegen die Hände, ohne zu fetten. Das Ergebnis: schöne und gepflegte Hände zu jeder Jahreszeit. 
Nails Inc Brook Street Nail Polish Coral
Der leuchtende und extrem glänzende Nagellack von Nails Inc sollte bei Ihrem sommerlichen Strand-Look keinesfalls fehlen. Seine langanhaltende Formel verleiht Ihren Nägeln ein optimales Finish. In strahlendem Koralle ist er in diesem Jahr ein farblich maritimes Sommer-Highlight. 
Lolita Lempicka “L de Lolita Lempicka”
Der neue Duft L de Lolita Lempicka nimmt Sie mit in eine Welt der Legenden und Mythen. Zart salzige, orientalisch-frische Akzente und eine Vanille-Holz-Basisnote bieten ein besonders sinnliches Dufterlebnis eingeschlossen in diesem bittersüßen Parfum. Lassen Sie sich entführen!  


And here are all the products together in a picture ^_^

Conclusion: I’m really happy with this months box, especially since I was so dissapointed last month. I hope Glossybox keeps on improving their boxes and I really like the idea of differently designed boxes (although I like the pink boxes, too). Also, this box really helped me to decide on a new perfume :D


If you want to try GlossyBox by yourself, just go to their web page (here). They have different kind of boxes, too. 


♥ You can follow me on bloglovin’facebook or since recently on instagram :D ♥

Frl. Schnee: - lives in Germany - is 29 years old - loves drawing, reading, writing

View Comments (12)

  • Uwahhh *_* fräulein lucky you haha those product look so good <3 and Lolita lempicka perfume sample is definitely a highlight of the box haha. Can't wait for your reviews on those products ^^


    • I'm really happy about it, too! I'll do my best to keep up with the reviews. There is so much on my to do list :D
      Thanks for commenting!♥

    • It's a nice pink shade and it is really opaque with only one stroke. I already tried it out and am wearing it atm. :D Thanks for commenting ♥

    • This time it was really a nice box. Especially since I never had a classic lash curler :D now I can try it XD

  • Eine sehr schöne Box, das Design ist ein Träumchen!
    Den Inhalt finde ich wirklich nicht zu verachten, allerdings kann ich mich für diese Boxen nicht so richtig begeistern, irgendwie ist ja doch immer was falsches drin.

    • Das design ist diesmal echt gelungen. Der Inhalt auch, aber du hast recht, manchmal hat man auch richtig unnötige Dinge darin. Aber bisher konnte ich immer alles was ich nicht brauchte an meine Mutter abgeben :D

  • Wow, what great stuff!! Thanks for reviewing Glossybox, I've been thinking about getting into Subscription boxes and Glossybox really caught my eye. Looks like this one is a GOOD one!


    Fauunzies Finds ♡

    • Sometimes you really get nice products, like this time. But I had not so great boxes too. But I decided to test it for a year and have a look if it is worth to continue. :) thanks for commenting ♥

  • We are also supposed to get the Figs & Rouge in the USA Glossybox!! I love Lolita Lempicka perfume, too, but when I sent it to myself from Korea the bottle broke and all my perfume leaked out. I need a replacement! Overall, it looks like you got a great box. I hope mine arrives soon.

    • I hopr you'll like the lipbalm of figs & rouge. The flavour cherry blosdom is really nice.
      Oh, what a pitty it your perfume broke ;_; which one did you have?

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