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asian cosmetics beauty review

Review: Etude House Collagen Moistful Cream

12. April 2013
Here is a review for Etude House Collagen Moistfull Cream. Like Etude House’s Flower Moistful Cream I got a whole bunch of samples from my previous ebay haul.
Here is what they write on Etude House’s web page for the full-size jar. They also provide a describing image which in Korean:

Product Description
Fight for the dryness!! Firming moisture cream with baobab tree and collagen extract improving your dermal structure leaving tight and moist skin.
Baobab Tree + Collagen combination improves dermal structure and moisture retention.

Here is a picture from one of the samples I used. The texture is the same like Etude House Flower Moistful Cream, a gel-like structure that absorbs really quickly into the skin.

When I tested the Etude House Flower Moistful Cream I really liked the flowery smell of the cream. Personally, I don’t like the smell of the Collagen Moistful cream so much as I liked the other one. Except for this both products are similar. You don’t need a lot of product for covering your face and the face really feels soft afterwards and not sticky or greasy. It didn’t make any problems combined with a BB cream on top of it and it didn’t look greasy at all. I have dry skin and this cream works perfectly for me. I can’t say anything for the effect of the collagen, I think you have to use it on long-term to see any effects.

If I would decide between this one and Etude House Flower Moistful, I would buy the Flower Moistful Cream because I absolutely loved the scent, that’s why I only rate it 4/5. Nevertheless, in quality both creams are similar.
60 ml in a jar together with a 20 ml bottle of Etude House Collagen Moistful First Essence cost around US$16 at ebay (here).