It’s been a long time since my last circle lens review, but today I’ll show you another pair of lenses, Dueba Crystal.i Grey, which were send to be by Lensvillage. If you’d like to read about my opinion on these lenses please feel free to continue reading :D Also, I finally managed to sign up for a proper Email subscription list. I’d be happy if you’d join it :) You can find the link on the right side of my blog.
The lenses came in a cute vial with a comic drawing on it. I received a cute animal lens case together with these lenses. This time I received a grey hippo lens case, which I don’t had until know ^_^ Yeiii!
These lenses are also available in other colors like blue, green, brown, pink and violet. Here are the properties for the lenses:
Diameter : 14.2 mm
Water Content : 38%
Base Curve : 8.6 mm
Life Span : 1 Year Disposal
The design is very simply and only consists of black and grey dots. It is nothing special, but looks nice with dark eyes, although I’d wish that it blended in more towards the inner part.
These lenses were a bit uncomfortable, because after one hour I discovered that my eyes feel dried. But when using eye drops you can extend the wearing time.
Enlargement is clearly visible, but it doesn’t look unnatural. All in all this is in my eyes the perfect size for my eyes, making them pop out but not looking like an alien on the same time.
I received my lenses with standard shipping and it arrived after 3-4 weeks. This is not the fastest shipping I experienced with standard shipping, but neither the slowest. The lenses were packed securely in bubble wrap plastic and they came with a cute animal shape lens case.
Despite that these lenses were a bit uncomfortable I could wear them on my work. The design is simple, but it shows a nice enlargement of the eyes. I personally prefer more comfy lenses, but these are not that bad as you can see from my total rating below.
You can buy these lenses at Lensvillage for US$ 19.50. Check out the facebook page, too:
Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by, which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.

- lives in Germany
- is 29 years old
- loves drawing, reading, writing
Oh very cute circle lens, very natural and pretty!
Thanks a lot, dear ♥ :)
They look nice on you! :) I thought they would be larger than 14.2 mm so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the number.
Thanks for the review. :D
Thank you!:D Except of that they were abit to uncomfortable they are nice lenses. Thanks for commenting! ♥
They look very pretty on you!
Thank you, Karen ♥
I’ve never purchased circle lenses before. I have a habit of rubbing my eyes too often. But wow, the packaging is so incredibly cute!
The colour is also nice. Blue yes look good on you!
Thank you! Sometimes I would love to rubb my eyes while wearing lenses. This is probably the worst part of it XD thanks for reading ♥
The colour is so beautiful ^^
恵美より ♥
Thank you ♥
Love the result on your eyes! Unfortunately, it’s not comfortable enough :/
I agree, it is really a pitty :( Thanks for reading ♥
Nice blog :) I want to ask you if you wanna follow each other? I would be glad! Have a nice day.
Fashion gets Fierce.
Thanks for reading my blog. sure we can follow each other :)
[…] the Dueba Crystal.i Blue Circle Lenses. I reviewed the grey ones of these before >>here<<, so if you are curious check out the review I did back then. I wear my regular contact […]
[…] the Dueba Crystal.i Blue Circle Lenses. I reviewed the grey ones of these before >>here<<, so if you are curious check out the review I did back then. I wear my regular contact […]