For our first content post for the Asian Beauty Blogparty we decided to talk about our skincare problems and how we try to tackle them. If you already did take a closer look at our ID cards we already mentioned our concerns but today I’m going more into details on how I try to beat…

Compared to many other people I might be more or less lucky with my skin, since I do not have many skin troubles and I also do not have very sensitive skin either. MY main concern is that my skin is dry, especially on my cheeks and it gets worse in winter when the climate gets cold and I can only bare to take hot showers. I know that super hot showers make my skin even worse, but it is something I cannot change :’D
I can however change my skincare routine that it fits to my dry skin. This is the first of my methods in order to tackle my skincare concerns! Apart from the regular moisturizers I love to use sleeping packs and sheet masks. Also, a drop or more of a ampoule mixed with the moisturizer is great. Same goes for facial oils. On very dessery-dry skindays I love using pure argan oil on my face.
For my age I also look quite young, which is because I do not use heavy makeup a lot and I do not have many wrinkles yet, BUT: as a matter of fact wrinkles are only a matter of time. I have few fine lines under my eyes, some smilelines, too, and one short line on my forehead. My first and utmost important step for preventing aging is using sunscreen! I use sunscreen for my face EVERY day since I started to try the first asian sunscreens. I never really was much into western sunscreens because they tend to be heavy and greasy and just make you feel like you have some thick layer on your face. I used to use daily moisturizers with some sunprotection though. But since I’m so fond of japanese sunscreens at the moment I do not mind to do this additional step of slathering on a sunscreen before applying my bbcream.
Another important thing to keep the skin healthy and young is cleansing it properly in the evening…sometimes I’m too lazy, just like anybody else, but I regret it the next morning already. Another ingredient which is important when trying to prevent aging is retinol or skincare products containing retinol derivates. I just got into this recently, so this is still my way to go…
So, these are my skincare concerns and the ways I’m trying to tackle them. What are your concerns and your skincare remedies?
If you are curious about the other bloggers skincare concerns and their way to handle it click on the links below! You will probably find something which matches your skintype, too.
Sophie from MapleTreeBlog
Michele from Beautyfindsforme
Julie from PDXBeautiful
Amy from PeepingPomeranian
Deborah from Adoredee
And if you want to know more about us check out my introduction post >>here<<!

Huhu! :)
Ich bin gerade auf der Suche nach koreanischen Seren, die als Hauptwirkstoff Retinol enthalten.Ist ‘ne ziemliche Aufgabe, der Stoff scheint nicht gerade populär in Korea zu sein (warum auch immer).
Ich habe in der Vergangenheit bereits Paula’s Choice Resist Serum benutzt und aktuell nehme ich abends noch die Borabit Ampoule von Missha. In letzterem Produkt ist aber verschwindet wenig Retinol drin. :-/
Hast du noch Ideen und Empfehlungen?
Miss Kay <3
Ich suche auch momentan nach solchen Seren und mir ist das auch aufgefallen mit der Beliebtheit. Von Chica y Chico gibt es eine Retinol Crème, allerdings wird nicht spezifisch gesagt welches Retinol (Derivat) es ist. Ich mochte die Creme. Ansonsten außer der Missha Borabit habe ich auch noch nix gefunden. Wollte jetzt von La Roche Pose Redermic R testen. Ist aber nicht koreanisch.
I used to have dry skin but now I have oily skin T_T the Winter is coming though so I’m suspecting my skin might go back to being dry again, so I’m glad to have read this article . The adding ampoule to your moisturiser part is something to note especially, thank you~ ^^