Berries In The Snow is a personal blog on beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. When I started my beauty blog back then I wanted to help people like me, who were searching for new products, especially Korean or Japanese. I had been trying a couple of products before I started my blog and I enjoyed reading the few reviews that existed, but mainly it was trial and error. I want to share my experiences on the various products I’ve tested with everybody who is interested. What started out as a beauty only blog slowly grew and now I’m trying to write more diverse about all the topic which I’m interested in, like fashion or food.

All the products mentioned or reviewed on this blog have been bought my my own money, unless it is stated otherwise in the text. You will find a short paragraph at the botton of the posts which have been sponsored. Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter to me whether the product is bought by myself or provided by a company, since I will always write about my personal and honest opinion on each and every product. This does not mean that you have to share my opinion, and especially it does not mean that a product I tested (especially a skincare product) will react or act in the same way for you as it did for me. Please, keep in mind that we have different skintypes, different tastes, different point of views…
All images on this blog are taken by myself and owned by “Berries In The Snow” unless stated otherwise. You may use my pictures and text with my permission, but you are requiered to credit and link to my site.
Feel free to contact me or take a look at my media kit!

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