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beauty beauty boxes Glossybox

Unboxing: Glossybox October 2017

15. November 2017


“Home Sweet Home”, that’s the topic of the Glossybox October 2017. And for sure, the colder season makes everybody longing for staying at home as much as possible. I want to share the content of this beauty box with you, which was kindly provided to me by Glossybox

Glossybox October 2017

October has passed so quickly, but yet it is the month when the last heat from summer has vanished and we start to care more about our body and soul and adjust to the colder weather.

Glossybox October 2017

As usual, the Glossybox comes with a mix of different surprise products. The October box includes 6 different products with the focus on body and skincare this time.

Glossybox October 2017

Babor Hydra Plus Limited Glossybox Edition

A special box curated for Glossybox containing 7 ampoules containing hyaluronic acid. I love ampoules and it is always good to have some hyaluronic acid ampoules at hands for dry skin days. Each ampoule contains 2 ml and the set retails for 19,00€. Use the code GLOSSYLOVESBABOR for 15% off until end of the year.

Glossybox October 2017

Merci Handy “Crème de la Crème” Hand Cream

These new hand creams from Merci Handy are available in 4 different scents. I received “Flower Power” in my Glossybox, but the other scents are called “Chérie Cherry”, “New Wave”, and “Hello Sunshine”. I love the hand sanitizers from Merci Handy, so I’m really curious how this hand cream will perform. It retails for 4,90€ and contains 30 ml each tube.

Glossybox October 2017

Dove Shower Cream Coconut and Almond

I love the scent of Dove products and that soapy rich scent combined with coconut and almond is pure heaven for me! I already started using this product and love it so much, with the rich foam and the scent that reminds me of summer. 250 ml retail for 2,99€.

Glossybox October 2017

Pixi by Petra Brow Tamer

Although Pixi is hyped all over the internet by almost everybody I must confess that this is the first ever Pixi product I own. That makes me especially excited! This brow tames and fixes your eyebrows and keeps them in shape for the day. It is free from parabens, fragrances and free from animal testing. 4,5 ml retail for 14,20€.

Glossybox October 2017

Sans Soucis Moisture Deep Moist Depot Sleeping Beauty

This night cream and sleeping mask is a highly nourishing cream containing hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and peptides. The protective barrier of the skin is strengthened and the skin is moisturized. This jar is a travel sized product, but the full-sized product containing 50 ml retails for 32,00€.

Glossybox October 2017

Montagne Jeunesse Foot Bath and Lotion

Last but not least, some spa for your feet instead of your face. Montagne Jeunesse is well-known for their masks and sheet masks. I never tried any of their foot or hand products though. This bath and lotion combination retails for 1,79€ for each sachet.

Glossybox October 2017

This box really makes it easy to give yourself some pampering time during the transition to colder weather. I like how it contains products for the body, face, hands and feet, so you have a real all-round spa experience here. All of the products are useful, too, and will find their way sooner or later into my routine.

Glossybox October 2017

Glossybox is available as flexible subscription for 15 € per month. There are also other subscription options available, like a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month subscription for 14,50 €, 13,50 €, or 12,50 € per month, respectively. Check out for more information.

How do you like the content of the Wanderlust Edition?


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Glossybox October 2017

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty review Sanicare

Unboxing: Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

10. November 2017


Two things first: This post will be picture-heavy, and it will be in German. Sorry, for my international readers, but if you have any specific questions to any of the products let me know and I will translate and answer.

Passend zum Herbst und Beginn der Erkältungszeit möchte ich euch heute die Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box vorstellen. Ihr kennt Sanicare noch nicht? Dann wird es aber höchste Zeit! Sanicare ist eine Versandapotheke und seit einiger Zeit bieten sie eine Apotheken-Box an, ähnlich zu den bekannten Beauty Boxen, nur allerdings nicht nur um sich äußerlich schön zu machen, sondern um auch von innen gesund zu sein.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Die Sanicare Box erscheint alle drei Monate und sie enthält 5-7 Überraschungsprodukte und dazu noch Proben von ausgewählten Apothekenprodukten. Dabei werden die Produkte natürlich entsprechend der Jahreszeit ausgewählt und helfen einem im Alltag bei kleineren Wehwehchen oder einfach dabei sich besser und gesünder zu fühlen.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Die Sanicare ist dabei keine Abo box, sondern man bestellt sie immer einmalig. Der Preis liegt bei 21.95 € inklusive Versandkosten und soll in der Regel einen Warenwert von über 60€ enthalten. Hört sich vielversprechend an? Dann schauen wir mal was in der Herbst Box alles enthalten ist, damit ihr euch auch ein Bild davon machen könnt.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Wie die meisten Überraschungsboxen enthält die Sanicare Box eine Karte auf der die Produkte aufgelistet sind. Die Box selber kommt im herbstlichen Design in einem Beeren-Ton und ist bis oben hin prall gefüllt:

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Antall Bei Reizhusten und Heiserkeit Liquidsticks

Diese Liquidsticks enthalten Wirkstoffe aus 3 pflanzlichen Extrakten und schützen die Schleimhäute und lindern so den Reizhusten und die Heiserkeit. die verwendeten Extrakte sind Lichen islandicus, Althaeae radix und Verbasci flos. Die Packung enthält 20 x 5 g und kostet 12,95€.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Aspecton Immun Trinkampullen

Vitaminen, Spurenelementen und pflanzlichen Extrakte liefert hier speziell ausgewählte, bedarfsgerechte Nährstoffe zur Unterstützung des Immunsystems. Die Trinkampullen enthalten Vitamine C, D und E und schützen so Zellen vor oxidativem Stress und unterstützen zusätzlich die normale Funktion des Immunsystems. Zudem enthalten sie wertvolle Spurenelemente – Zink, Selen und Molybdän, die den Abbau bestimmter Proteinbausteine regulieren und oxidativem Stress entgegenwirken. Dazu kommen hochwertigen Pflanzenextrakte aus Cistus, Traubenschalen und Tomaten, die ebenfalls als Radikalfänger für die Immunabwehr agieren. Die Packung enthält 7 Trinkampullen und kostet 14,99€.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

H&S Bio Minze-Mandarine Aromatherapie Filterbeutel

Dieser Tee riecht nicht nur besonders gut sondern schmeckt auch noch. die ätherischen Öle der biologisch angebauten Duftpflanzen stimulieren die Riechzellen in derNasenhöhle und können dadurch auf Stimmung und Gemütslage einwirken. Die Teemischung besteht aus: Pfefferminze, Zitronengras, Mandarinenöl, Zimt, Zitronenöl, Orangenblüten, Grüntee, und Zitronengrasöl, alles aus biologischem Anbau. Die Packung enthält 20 Teebeutel, die für 3,95€ verkauft werden.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Kneipp Badekosmetikum Erkältung Eukalyptus

Was gibt es erdumspannenderes als ein wohliges und warmes Bad, wenn man sich unterkühlt und kränklich fühlt?! Die Kneipp Badekristalle enthalten einen hohen Anteil an naturreinem Thermalsolesalz. Die natürlich reine Sole ist frei von chemischen Zusätzen und Umwelteinflüssen und enthält Spurenelemente und Mineralsalze, die  wichtige Funktionen im Stoffwechsel erfüllen. Dazu kommt wertvolles ätherisches Eukalyptusöl, welches ein angenehmes Aroma entfaltet und bei einer nähernden Erkältung besonders wohltuend wirkt. Jedes der Beutel enthält 60g und kostet 1,35€.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Miradent Xylitol Drops Zuckerfrei Melon

Xylitol Drops wurden speziell für die erweiterte tägliche Mundpflege entwickelt. Statt Zucker wird hier Xylitol verwendet, welches die Zahnoberfläche pflegt und  die Wiedereinlagerung entzogener Mineralbausteine in den Zähnen unterstützt. Damit wird die Zahnhärtung gefördert und der Schutz vor Säuren verbessert. 60g kosten 3,99€.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Primavera Atmewohl Nase Frei Stick

Aromatherapie für unterwegs mit dem Nase Frei Stick von Primavera. Der Duft aus Eukalyptus, Fichtennadel und Pfefferminze ist so im praktischen Stick unterwegs immer mit dabei. Der Stick kommt in einem verschweißten Beutel um die ätherischen Öle zu schützen und ein frisches Produkt zu garantieren. Der Stick kostet 7,80€ und hat mindestens eine 12 wöchige Duftwirkung.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Vigantolvit 2000 I.E Vitamin D3 Weichkapseln

Seit der Entdeckung von Vitamin D Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts konnte gezeigt werden wie wichtig  dieses Vitamin für den Erhalt gesunder Knochen ist und zur Erhaltung einer normalen Muskelfunktion beiträgt. Zudem unterstützt Vitamin D den Zellteilungsprozess und trägt auch zur normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei. Außerdem hat es positive Effekte während der Monaten mit weniger Sonnenstunden (September bis April), oder wenn man viel in geschlossenen Räumen arbeitet. Auch wenn man Sonnenschutz benutzt sollte man Vitamin D ergänzend einnehmen. Die Packung enthält 60 Kapseln und kostet 8,99€.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Salviatop Madaus Mund- und Zahngel

Salviatop Madaus enthält Öle aus sechs Heilpflanzen Minze, Salbei, Fenchel, Thymian, Nelke und Kamille, die Gesunderhaltung von empfindlichen Zähnen und Zahnfleisch fördern und beugt zudem leichten Entzündungen vor. Das zunächst flüssige Salviatop Madaus wird nach dem Zähneputzen aufgetragen und wandelt sich bei Speichelkontakt zu einem lang haftenden Gelfilm. Es beugt so wirksam einer bakteriellen Plaque-Bildung und deren Folgen – Karies und Parodontitis – vor. Die Tube enthält 10 ml und kostet 4,49€Eine der beigefügten Proben war passenderweise die Isla Med Hydro.

Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Bach RR Original Kaugummi

BACH RR Original Kaugummis enthalten nur natürlichen Aromen, einen extra langanhaltendem Spearmint-Geschmack und die Original Bach-Blütenmischung und sind somit ein genussvolle Begleiter für emotional aufregende Situationen. Die Packung enthält 25 Stück und kostet 4,95€. Eine weitere Probe waren die Isla Med Hydro Halsbonbons.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box


Ebenfalls war eine Probe des Thermacare Rücken Wärmeumschlags enthalten, der sogar schon zum Einsatz kamen und wirklich sehr lange warm gehalten hat. Die ebenfalls beigefügten Yaya Bären waren allerdings schnell verspeist.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box


Ebenfalls befand sich eine Probe des Neo Ballistol Hausmittels in der Sanicare Box. Ein Allround Pflegemittel für den ganzen Körper.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box


Und zu guter letzt noch der Tigerbalm Nacken- und Schulterbalm zur Massage im Nacken und Schulterbereich und lösen der Spannungen.


Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box


Puuh, das nenne ich mal eine randvoll gefühlte Box. Ich muss sagen, dass ich den Inhalt auch wirklich toll finde und jedes Produkt davon wird definitiv zum Einsatz kommen. Besonders froh bin ich über die Vitamin D Kapseln, da ich sonst im Winter wirklich ziemlich träge bin und ich von vielen gehört habe, dass Vitamin D dann super hilft. Aber auch sehr praktisch sind die ganzen Produkte gegen und vorbeugend zu einer Erkältung….Ich bin wirklich positiv begeistert von der Box und finde, dass auch das herbstliche Thema sehr gut gewählt und umgesetzt wurde. Ich fühle mich zumindest gewappnet für die nächste Erkältungswelle!

Ihr könnt die Sanicare Box >>hier<< bestellen und es gibt sie sowohl als einzelne Box, als auch im zweier Paket oder als Jahresabo.

Kanntet ihr die Sanicare Box bereits? Könntet ihr euch vorstellen euch so eine Box mit Produkten aus der Apotheke zu bestellen?

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Sanicare Bye Bye Erkältung Box

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
Barbara Box beauty PR Sample

Unboxing: Barbara Box No. 3 / 2017

12. October 2017


The third box of the newly launched Barbara Box arrived at my doorsteps a while ago and I would love to share the content with you again. I loved the concept and the products in the boxes so far, and if you live in Germany and love subscription boxes with a good mix of products you might love this, too. If you missed my other unboxings you can head over >>here<<. The third Barbara Box is dedicated to cozy autumn moments to share with your best friends:

Barbara Box No. 3

The Barbara Box ambassador is also the donor of the name, a German celebrity called Barbara Schöneberger. The box is not only advertised by her, but also she selects the products. The topic of the boxes revolve around “Girls Night” with your best friend(s)and contain food, drinks, beauty, decoration, games…so as you see the Barbara Box seems to be very versatile.

Barbara Box No. 3

The box is not a monthly box but is released every three months and comes together with a print of the Barbara magazine, a magazine curated by Barbara Schöneberger aswell and addressing women in their 30s.

Barbara Box No. 3

All boxes I received so far were heavy and full of products. I’m always surprised about the weight when I receive the parcel from the post. This time the box contained 8 different products which I want to show you below:

Barbara Box No. 3

Baileys Iced Coffee Latte

This newly launched Iced Coffee Drink came twice, so you can share it with your best friend on the next occasion. It combines the taste of Baileys with Arabica- and Robusta Coffee and milk. Each can contains 200 ml and retails for 2.49 US$.

Barbara Box No. 3

Dr. Grandel Hyaluron Moisture Flash Ampoules

A deep and intense micro hyaluronic acid treatment, which supplies the deeper layers of the skin with hydration. The package contains 3 ampoules containing 3 ml each, which retail for 14.90€.

Barbara Box No. 3

Wilco Classic Jojoba Nailcare Pen

This pen is perfect to be taken along with you in your bag. It helps to nourish your nails with jojoba oil, vitamins and keratin. It is super easy to use and even has replacement tips included. The pen retails for 6.95€.

Barbara Box No. 3

Erwin Müller Walk-Frottier Guest-Towel “Tübingen”

What’s better than to be offered a soft and cozy towel when staying over at a friend’s place?! This towel is perfect, small and very soft. Perfect for your beauty routine, as well. It retails for 3.50€.

Barbara Box No. 3

Barbara Box Mug

Autumn and Winter are usually the seasons when people drink a lot of hot beverages like tea. So mugs are always very useful to have at hands. This mug retails for 11.90 US$.

Barbara Box No. 3

Messmer Cake Teas

And of course a mug would not be complete without some proper tea for it. My box contained the Messmer Cake Tea variation with Strawberry Cheesecake Taste. Perfect to share with your friends. One pack containing 18 tea bags retails for 2.19€.

Barbara Box No. 3

Ultrasun Overnight Summer Recovery Mask

This sleeping mask contains hyaluronic acid and brown algae for moisturizing and refreshing the skin after a sunny autumn walk…unfortunately our autumn has not been really sunny yet. Still this mask sounds nice to use. 50 ml retail for 39.00€.

Barbara Box No. 3

Tropicai coconut chips “Crispy Cacao”

These coconut chips are really addictive! ME and my boyfriend ate it right away and couldn’t stop. It is so delicious! The coconut flavour together with the cocoa and the coconut flower sugar is a perfect combination. 120g retail for 2.98€

Barbara Box No. 3

Another versatile box containing some beauty products, drinks, and snacks. My favourite items this time were the sleeping mask and the coconut chips. From the three boxes I received so far this is not my favourite (No.1 is still my favourite box so far), but it is still a good variety and the value is nice as well. Barbara Box is released every three months, which makes it even more appalling in my opinion. The box retails for 29.95 €, but there are also options for a yearly or half-year order with 4 or 2 boxes, respectively. Considering the prize of the included products in the boxes so far it makes up far the retail price definitely. I’m really curious how they will continue in the future.

How do you like the autumn edition of the Barbara Box?

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Barbara Box No. 3

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty beauty boxes Glossybox

Unboxing: Glossybox September 2017

9. October 2017


It is time for some unboxings again :D Today, I have the German Glossybox September 2017 for you. The box was kindly provided to me for reviewing purpose by Glossybox

Glossybox September 2017

The Glossybox of September has the wonderful topic “Wanderlust”. I fell in love with box at first sight because instead of the regular pink boxes you get from Glossybox, this time the box had a beautiful dark green color, that fits perfectly to the topic and the fall season. Also the included Glossy magazine fits to the topic, which a beautiful photography from nature, making us long for some long and peaceful walks through the forests.

Glossybox September 2017

The box includes 6 different products this time reaching from decorative makeup to skin and body care.

Glossybox September 2017

Bang Beauty Cream Color

This vegan and cruelty-free cream eyeshadow has a bronze color containing sparkle. It really pops up when applied to the eyes and the bronze color is very suited for the fall season. The description says that it also can be used on the lips or as blush (fullsize, 3.5g retails for 23.00US$). You can get 25% discount until end of November using the code GLOSSY25 on the official site.

Glossybox September 2017

Babor Liquid Eye Liner

This product was not listed in the Glossy Magazine, and also it is the product which I won’t be using. It is a dark blue colored eye liner. Since I’m only wearing black and brown eyeliners this will be given away for sure (fullsize, 1ml retails for 22€). You can check out the black liner >>here<<.

Glossybox September 2017

Nutraskin Hyaluron Water

This mist is designed to hydrate and refresh your skin. Apart from Hyaluronic Acid it also contains silver particles (travel-size, 30ml retail for 39.95€).

Glossybox September 2017

Parsa Beauty Detangling Brush

This detangling brush combines boar bristles with plastic bristles in four different heights. Also the handle has additional rubber coating, so it doesn’t slip off your hands. I prefer this to my tangle teezer I had before. Also I love the combination of the plastic bristles and the boar bristles. I feel it combs more thoroughly through the hair (retails for 11.99€). You can get it >>here<<.

Glossybox September 2017

Benefit Cosmetics gogo tint

I was so happy about this product. I love lip tints and the classic benefit tint was my first tint ever. This tint is more pinkish that the original, but it is as awesome as ever. Perfectly to use on lips and cheeks and gives you a nice pop of color (travelsize, 10ml retail for 33€). Check out benefit tints >>here<<.

Glossybox September 2017

Rituals The Ritual Of Ayurveda Natural Dry Body Oil

This body oil was this months goodie and is a hit to the new Glossybox Special Edition dedicated to the “The Rituals Of Aryuveda”. I love the products from Rituals for their unique and divine scent and aromas. This body oil was really a nice surprise to have as additional item in the box (travel size, 100ml retail for 19.50€)- Check out the products from this line >>here<<.

Glossybox September 2017

The content of the September box was nicely selected. My favourites are the detangling brush, the benefit tint and the Rituals oil. I will not be using the eye liner though. I also think that blue is not a good selection for fall season. Nevertheless, all together I’m happy.

Glossybox September 2017

Glossybox is available as flexible subscription for 15 € per month. There are also other subscription options available, like a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month subscription for 14,50 €, 13,50 €, or 12,50 € per month, respectively. Check out for more information.

How do you like the content of the Wanderlust Edition?


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Glossybox September 2017

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
Allgemein beauty beauty boxes InStyle

Unboxing: InStyle Box Summer Edition 2017

12. September 2017


Let’s have another unboxing of a summer themed box before it has passed completely :D I’m happy to have the chance to show you the content of the InStyle Box Summer Edition 2017, which was provided to me for reviewing purpose. Like the Instyle Box I showed last time >>here<<, also this box was packed heavily with awesome products in my opinion. This post will be picture-heavy due to the loads of products that were included, my apologies in advance >_<

InStyle Box Summer Edition

As the name already suggest this box is dedicated to summer and to products that bring us in a summer mood and are useful during this season. And as if they knew, they already predicted the ups and downs of summer in Germany. You must know that the weather here is not really reliable in summer, so our beauty routine has to be adapted to every possible situation :D

InStyle Box Summer Edition

That said I will start with the beauty products first:

OGX Argan Oil of Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner

These travel sized bottles of the OGX Argan Oil of Morocco Shampoo and Conditioner are perfect for vacation. I already bought them last year and liked the products a lot. They make the hair smooth and manageable even in dry climate. They contain argan oil of Morocco, which also protects the hair from UV rays and heat damage, by giving deep nutrition. I used both of these during my vacation and it was the perfect size for the 2 weeks showering daily. These are available from your drugstore or amazon. The fullsize retails for around 8 €.

InStyle Box Summer Edition

Douglas Make-Up Mattissim Lipstick

The Mattissim Lipstick by Douglas comes in the summer color called “Senorita”, an orange hued red shade. This liquid lipstick has a velvet matte texture without stickiness. A soft doe-foot applicator helps to create your look. I love the lid, which is covered in black velvet. It retails for 9.99 €.

InStyle Box Summer Edition

Aqua Colonia Pink Pepper & Grapefruit

Solid soap becomes very handy during vacation time. Usually, I’m using liquid soap at home, but the benefit of having solid soap that cannot spill inside your luggage is definitely a plus here. The Aroma Soap from Aqua Colonia in Pink Pepper and Grapefruit is a perfect scent for warm weather. The spiciness of the better together with the freshness of grapefruit make a perfect combination. The soap retails for 7.38€.

InStyle Box Summer Edition

Treaclemoon Soft Watermint Rain

I have resisted to buy this new line called Watermint Rain from Treaclemoon for weeks, since it released and luckily the InStyle Box contains the Body Milk of this line. This refreshing body milk is absorbed quickly into the skin and is easily to spread. I love the packaging design with the mint color and the mushrooms. You can get the products from your local drugstore or amazon (around 10 €).

InStyle Box Summer Edition

Comodyness Urban Cosmetics Self-Tanning Body Glove

I need to try this yet but is sounds very interesting, since it is a glove and not a spray or cream. It is free from parabens and allergens and promises a natural and uniform body color for all skincolors. Maybe I can get rid of my tan lines with this glove. One piece retails for 5 €. You can get a set of 3 for 15 €.

InStyle Box Summer Edition

L’Oréal Botanicals Fresh Care Geranium Glow-Elixir

A perfect fit, considering the fact that I received shampoo and conditioner from Botanicals Fresh Care in my previously unboxed Barabara Box! The product comes in a spraying bottle and contains oil from Geranium, soy and coconut to help your hair fix its glow. The products from Botanicals are without parabens, silicons and dyes. The spray can be used on toweldry hair or in between. It retails for 9 €.

InStyle Box Summer Edition

Avon Mark. Gel Shine Nail Enamel

This nail polish from Avon gives your nails a gel-look without the need of an UV lamp. The shade “Fabulous” is a dark pink, perfect for summer. There are 33 colors available for the Mark. Gel Shine Nail Enamels.

InStyle Box Summer Edition

Vandini Hydrating Face Mask

This Face Mask containing hyaluronic acid and caviar helps to retain hydration of the skin and makes your skin smoother and plumped. Each sachet can be used for two applications. I haven’t tried products from Vandini yet but I’ve heard good things about it. Looking forward to try this mask. This mask retails for 6€.

InStyle Box Summer Edition

Let’s turn to the fashion and accessories products from the box:

Rapunzel of Sweden Magic Rubberbands

I love these kind of curly hairbands. And since you never can have enough hairbands I was super happy to see 5 colors of these included in the box. The brand Rapunzel of Sweden was new to me, but they are popular for hair extensions in Sweden. The set of 5 retails for 3.99€.

InStyle Box Summer Edition

Levi’s Pins

Levi’s is not only a brand for denim, but also do they now offer pins. After the comeback of patches on clothing pins seem to be the next big thing to decorate your favourite jacket. The box included two pins from Levi’s.

InStyle Box Summer Edition

Flamingo Luggage Tag

Another of my favourites from this box: I love this flamingo luggage tag. It was my perfect companion during my travel and I had it attached to my suitcase all time during the weeks in Mexico.

InStyle Box Summer Edition

The food item in the summer box was Corn Chico Popcorn Magic Mix. I love popcorn, and this one was no exception and gone in a minute :D

InStyle Box Summer Edition

What I really like about the InStyle Box is the versatility and the thorough magazine with the information. The magazine also includes a bunch of coupons for various online shops and even a Starbucks Coupon. The box really has a great value for  its price. The Box is available on for 29.90€ and comes with 3 e-paper versions of the InStyle magazine. The InStyle Box is released every three months.

What are your thoughts on the products from this box? Let me know in the comments below :)


InStyle Box Summer Edition

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by and which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.




Allgemein Barbara Box beauty beauty boxes PR Sample

Unboxing: Barbara Box No. 2/2017

19. August 2017


I talked about the newly launched Barbara Box earlier this year and I loved the concept and the products so much and was totally convinced about this new concept of box. If you missed my first unboxing you can head over >>here<<. Today I will show you the content of the second Barbara Box, dedicated to beautiful summer moments that you can share with your best friends:

Barbara Box No. 2

The Barbara Box ambassador is also the donor of the name, a German celebrity called Barbara Schöneberger. The box is not only advertised by her, but also she selects the products. The topic of the boxes revolve around “Girls Night” with your best friend(s)and contain food, drinks, beauty, decoration, games…so as you see the Barbara Box seems to be very versatile.

Barbara Box No. 2

The box is not a monthly box but is released every three months and comes together with a print of the Barbara magazine, a magazine curated by Barbara Schöneberger aswell and addressing women in their 30s.

Barbara Box No. 2

Let’s see what we have inside the summer-themed second Barbara Box:

Barbara Box No. 2

First of all the box was super heavy and I discover quickly what was the reason behind it. There was drink included: Ramazzotti Aperitivo Rosato together with Schweppes Indian Tonic Water. Enough to make two Summer Drinks and it was really delicious and refreshening, too.

Barbara Box No. 2

Summertime is also usually the time when we neglate our skincare, because we don’t want to put too many products on our face. Yet the box includes Tavana The Pearl High Performance Boost Day Cream to remind us that the skin still needs some pampering.

Barbara Box No. 2

But it is not only our face we have to care about, but also our hair and body. For haircare the box comes with the new L’Oréal Botanicals Fresh Care Camelina Shampoo and Conditioning Balm. This new line contains botanical ingredients and no silicons, parabens, or dyes. Camelina oil helps to smoothen and detangle frizzy hair.

Barbara Box No. 2

For the body we have the Rituals Cosmetics Express Your Soul Shower Oil, a limited edition that comes in a green/yellow colored bottle for extra summer vibes. The design was created by MadC. I haven’t used it yet, but oil sounds like a perfect treat for dry summer skin.

Barbara Box No. 2

Barbara Box No. 2

My personal highlight was a delicate lucky bracelet from iCrush which was included in the box. This Mandela bracelet is symbolizing harmony and can be used by yourself, or you can give it to a friend to celebrate your friendship.

Barbara Box No. 2

As extra there was a Barbara magazine included and post cards with fun slogans. I personally preferred the post cards from the first box because I loved the black and white design.Last but not least a makeup pouch was included, perfect for summer time and travel season! It says “Kriegsbemalung”, which means “war paint” in English.

Barbara Box No. 2

A total of 9 products including the magazine and the postcards. Although the first box contained more products in total, this box has a very good value. While the last box also contained some food and a game, this one focused on skincare/body/spa. I like that the content was different from the previous box and I’m still convinced that this subscription box is one of the most versatile boxes I’ve tested so far.

Barbara Box No. 2

Barbara Box is released every three months, which makes it even more appalling in my opinion. The box retails for 29.95 €, but there are also options for a yearly or half-year order with 4 or 2 boxes, respectively. Considering the prize of the included products in the first two boxes it makes up far the retail price definitely. I’m really curious how they will continue in the future. How do you like the second Barbara Box?

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Barbara Box No. 2


Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty beauty boxes Glossybox

Unboxing: Glossybox May 2017

13. June 2017


After my positive re-discovery of the Glossybox I was more than happy when I received another box in May, although I didn’t expect any box at all. Here is my unboxing of the German Glossybox May 2017:

Glossybox is a monthly beauty subscription box containing a selection of 5 beauty and wellness products packed in a box and delivered to your doorstep. The box was founded in 2011 and has spread in over 10 countries all over the world.

As mostly, the Glossybox comes in its signature pale pink box and is beautifully packed inside with a ribbon. It contains the so-called Glossy Magazine for the month of box containing all the information about the products that were added in the boxes.

The topic of the Glossybox for May 2017 was “Wild At Heart”. May is the start of summer and outdoor time and therefore it’s the perfect month to show our wild and rough styles at the next outdoor event. Therefore, Glossybox supplies us with skincare and makeup products.

Glossybox May 2017

Although the magazine says that the box contains 5 of the products which are mentioned in the magazine I spotted 6 products in my box. The products that I received are super versatile reaching from hair to body, over to makeup.

got2b Dry Shampoo

There was the option to receive the got2b dry shampoo for volume or for extra freshness. My box contained the blue version for volume. I love and use a lot dry shampoo, especially for camping and festivals…or when I cut my bangs. It is nice to see that more brands start to launch their dry shampoos after there were hardly any brands 10 years ago. Now there are all kinds of scents and colors and brands available. I still have my dry shampoo from batiste in use, but I’m looking forward to try this one from got2b.

full-size product (200 ml) retails for 3.99 €

Ultrasun Anti-Age SPF30

This cream combines anti-aging and sunscreen in one product and protects your face from UV rays this summer. It is a mild sunscreen sold at the pharmacy and contains no perfume, mineral oil, PEG/PGG, emulators, silicon, ethylhexylmethoxicinnamate, octocylene, butylmethoxydibenzoylmethan, aluminium and aluminium compounds, and preservatives. The sunscreen is water-resistant too, leaves a slightly greasiness, but all in all absorbs relatively fast. I would recommend it for people who are especially on the look for a sunscreen that avoids the mentioned ingredients.

full-size product (50ml) retails for 24,00€

travel size (25 ml) retails for 13,00 € and was included

Dr. Severin Women Original Body After Shave Balsam

This is probably my favorite product from the box and I’m so sad that it is only a travel-sized version of it. This gel can be applied on the parts of your body that you have shaved or depilated to remove body hair. It contains Witch Hazel, Menthol and Rosemary and helps to calm down the skin and make it soft. Oh, and it is vegan, too.

full-size product (200ml) retails for 33,10€

The box included a travel sized tube containing 30 ml

Rodial Glamolash Mascara XXL

This lash maximizer enhances the volume of your lashes and gives a pitch-black color on top. The included travel size fits perfect into your bag. The included waxes nourish your lashes and keep them smooth and soft.

full-size (13 ml) retails for 26,50 €

travel size was included

Absolute New York Pure Metal Veil

This liquid eyeshadow is available in 6 different shades. The liquid eyeshadows have a metallic shimmer and can be worn as eye-makeup base, solo or even on the lips as highlighter.

full-size (1,5 ml) retails for 8,95 €

The box also came with two extras: the 8×4 Deo “Pure” and a sample of a pad.

Another well-balanced box in my opinion. I really like how this box and the previous one really try to have a versatile range of products. I also like how for this box everything fit into the festival/travel/summer theme. I will definitely use all the products from this box (or have already started using them).

Glossybox is available as flexible subscription for 15 € per month. There are also other subscription options available, like a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month subscription for 14,50 €, 13,50 €, or 12,50 € per month, respectively. Check out for more information.


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Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty beauty boxes Glossybox PR Sample

Unboxing: Glossybox April 2017

7. May 2017


It’s been a long time since my last Glossybox unboxing. I think my last one was in 2014, if I remember correctly. There are so many new beauty boxes and subscription boxes on the market these days that it is hard to decide for a favorite one. Glossybox was probably the first beauty subscription box, at least to my knowledge. I remember how excited I was when I received my first bundle of surprises back then. I’m also happy that I can share their latest box, the Glossybox April 2017, with you today, which was provided to me for reviewing purpose.

Glossybox April 2017

Glossybox is a monthly beauty subscription box containing a selection of 5 beauty and wellness products packed in a box and delivered to your doorstep. The box was founded in 2011 and has spread in over 10 countries all over the world.

Glossybox April 2017

The topic of the German Glossybox for April 2017 was “Frühlingserwachen” (engl: spring awakening) and the products selected for the box are revolving around the first warm sun shine and colorful flowers.

My box contained 6 different product, although I only expected 5. This was a nice surprise! The products were well-balanced between, skincare, bodycare, and make-up and below you can see the content of the box. Unlike with the past boxes there is no product description card any longer, but a small magazine, containing descriptions for all the possible products that were included in the April boxes. Apart from the product information the magazine also includes a recipe and a preview for the next box.

Glossybox April 2017

Merci Handy Hand Cleansing Gel

Merci Handy Hand Cleansing Gel is probably one of the highlights of the box. The small and colorful bottles of the hand cleansing gel/ hand sanitizer fit into a small hand bag and are perfect for taking them along with you. For the application you apply a drop of the gel into your palms and rub it into the skin. The blue pearls inside the gel provide moisture and prevent the drying of the skin. There are seven different versions available: Chérie Cherry, New Wave, Flower Power, Oh my Lemon, Lollipop, Coco Rico, and Black Vanilla. I received Black Vanilla in my box, which would not have been my first choice, but the scent reminds me of vanilla candy and is not too overpowering. By the way, the size and the blue pearls inside remind me of the hand sanitizer of Nature Republic, which I love!

full-size product (30 ml) retails for 3,00 €

Merci Handy Hand Cleansing Gel

La Roche-Posay Micellar Cleansing Water Ultra

La Roche-Posay Micellar Cleansing Water Ultra is my personal highlight of the Glossybox, although it only comes in a 100 ml travel-size. I’m using cleansing water very frequently and if you have dry skin it is one of the better ways to prevent your skin from drying out and still cleansing it effectively. The cleansing water from La Roche-Posay removes make-up and eye-make-up and also soothes the skin by using thermal water. When using cleansing water you do not need to wash your face afterwards, which makes it a great companion for camping and outdoor vacation. Personally, when I’m using cleansing waters at home, I still use water afterwards.

full-size product (200 ml) retails for 12,50 €

travel-size product (100 ml) retails for 6,90 €

La Roche-Posay Micellar Cleansing Water Ultra

Icona Milano Beautyfing Touch Mattyfing Primer Base

Icona Milano Beautyfing Touch Mattyfing Primer Base is a paraben- and scent-free primer with a creamy formula. It reduces the appearance of pores and wrinkles, evens out the skin-tone and prepares the skin for the upcoming make-up. The weightless and resident-free formula is perfect for spring and summer and doesn’t make your skin feel greasy.

full-size product (30 ml) retails for 24,50 €

Icona Milano Beautyfing Touch Mattyfing Primer Base

n.6 Beauty Experience Colour Studio Super Gloss

n.6 Beauty Experience Colour Studio Super Gloss is a long-lasting and moisturizing gloss with a soft texture and five different available vibrant colours. It has an applicator made from natural hair and is supposed to last up to 6 hours. I’m not the type that wears lip gloss a lot, so I didn’t try this product yet, but the vibrant orange colour (shade 2 “Techno Orange”) that was included in my box looks like a nice colour for spring.

full-size product (6 ml) retails for 14,90 €

n.6 Beauty Experience Colour Studio Super Gloss

Betty Barclay Fragrances Pure Pastel Mint Cream Shower

Betty Barclay fragrances Pure Pastel Mint Cream Shower makes your skin soft and refreshes with a floral fruity scent. It moisturizes the skin and keeps it silky soft. The product included was a 75 ml travel-sized tube. I’m looking forward to take this with me on my next short vacation.

full-size product (150 ml) retails for 10,75 €

Betty Barclay Fragrances

Kneipp Pampering Cream Oil Peeling

The 6th product that was added as an extra was the Cream-Oil Peeling from Kneipp. I’ve wanted to try this peeling since they released it in winter, but I always forgot to bring one sachet from the drug store along with me. Perfect thing that this was included in my Glossyboy now. I’m looking forward to try this one soon. This vegan sugar-based peeling removes dead skin cells and moisturizes and nourishes the skin in the same time. It is free from preservatives, paraffins, silicone and mineral oils and free from animal testing, too.

full-size product (40 ml) retails for 1,49 €

Kneipp Verwöhnendes Creme-Öl-Peeling

How do you like the content of the Glossybox for April 2017? There are some products which I’m really excited to try, like the cleansing water, the hand sanitizer, and the peeling. The other product from my box were okay, but nothing that I would have bought on my own. The total value of the products lies around 56 € which is far more than the prize you pay for a box. Considering the value this box was amazing, especially if you are new into skincare/beauty products and in need of the products shown here. For me personally, the primer and the gloss, which make the most value of the box are nothing that need necessarily at the moment. There were other variations of the products for the April box which would have been more suiting for me personally, but since it is a surprise box, you never know what’s inside. That’s part of the surprise after all.

Glossybox is available as flexible subscription for 15 € per month. There are also other subscription options available, like a 3 month, 6 month or 12 month subscription for 14,50 €, 13,50 €, or 12,50 € per month, respectively. Check out for more information.


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Glossybox April 2017

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
beauty beauty boxes InStyle

Unboxing: InStyle Box Spring Edition 2017

15. April 2017

Today, I’m going to share a very wonderful unboxing with you. This is the first time I had the opportunity to receive an InStyle Box and I love its content. So, if you do not want to be spoilert please don’t continue to read, because here is my unboxing for the InStyle Box Spring Edition 2017:

InStyle Box Spring Edition

The InStyle Box Spring Edition 2017 is curated by the InStyle Magazine, providing you with trendy items for the spring season. The topic of this box is focussing on detoxing and resheshing, since spring is always the best season to do so.

InStyle Box Spring Edition

The first thing that I noticed was, that the box was super heavy! I was really wondering what was inside…and the excitement grew even bitter when I opened up the package.

InStyle Box Spring Edition

The box was crammed full with wonderful products. After searching through the tons of paper shreds I discovered a total of 10 products reaching from Beauty, Fashion & Accessories, Lifestyle & Living, to Food & Nutrition.

InStyle Box Spring Edition


The most anticipated products were the ones from JorgeObé. I knew that Scrub Mask would be included in the box and I was especially curious to try it. The JorgObé products are producted in Denmark and are vegan, free from artificial coloring, parabens, mineral oil or silicon. Moreover they have a very minimalistic and clean product design.

InStyle Box Spring Edition

JorgObé Refreshing Scrub Mask

JorgObé’s Refreshing Scrub Mask is a 2-in-1 face mask that can be used both as scrub cream or as deep cleansing mask. It contains Black-Jojoba Peeling Sheres for peeling the skin and removing dead skincells and impurities (so no microbeads here). The mask is a clay mask contains white Kaolin. Apricot kennel oil and shea butter provide your skin with moissture and protection during the peeling effect. After from the mechanical peeling effect of the jojoba peeling particles the mask also contains salicylic acid and polylacxtic acid. After application your skin will feel refreshed and leave acooling effect behind (fullsize retails for 26.99€).

InStyle Box Spring Edition

JorgObé White Tea Balancing Cream

Additionally to the JorgObé Refreshing Scrub Mask a sample sachet of the JorgObé White Tea Balancing Cream was provided. The cream is described as intelligent and multifunctional cream that can be used as lightly day cream, protective night cream, or as intensive moisture masks. It contains squalane, shea butter, green tea extracts and a bunch of other plant based oils and extracts (fullsize retails for 22.99€).

InStyle Box Spring Edition

But it is not only about your face, also your body and your hair needs some detox. In order to take care for your hands, that are probably very tired and dried out from the spring cleaning the InStyle Box contains soap from Palmolive and hand cream from ipuro.

InStyle Box Spring Edition
ipuro hand cream 

I only knew ipuro for their wonderful scented room scents, but it seems they also have wonderful hand cream. One of three ipuro hand creams was included in the InStyle box being either ipuro balancing orchid, ipuro calming calla, or ipuro energizing grass. My box contained the ipuro energizing gras hand cream and I love the simple black design with the illustration of the key ingrediuent. The cream contains aloe vera and verbena extract and is really moisturizing, rich and feels nice on the hands, leaving a citrusy and fresh scent behind (fullsize retails for 6.99 €)

InStyle Box Spring Edition
Palmolive Blue Magnolia Delightful Handwash

Magnolia are a perfect choice for spring flowers. I had a soap from Palmolive before and I really like their scents. This soap is already fully in use in our household (fullsize retails fro 2.45 €).

InStyle Box Spring Edition

The I Am Pure Pre-Shampoo Treatment from udowalz and Apple & Bears Body Silk are also included to care for your body and your hair.

InStyle Box Spring Edition

udowalz I AM PURE Pre-Shampoo Treatment

This Pre-Shampoo Treatment by udowalz is using clay and green tea extract to combat greasy hair and dandruff. The clay is removing residues from the hair and scalp and the green tea has antioxidative and calming properties for your scalp. The product is used before using shampoo on wet hair. Leave it in for 5 minutes and then apply shampoo directly on top of the treatment. Wash your hair and remove both products. Your hair is supposed to stay fresh and keep their volume throughout the day. From June onwards the treatment will be called Pure Matcha Pre-Shampoo Treatment (fullsize retails for 7.95 € / sale of the old version for 3.95 € atm).

InStyle Box Spring Edition

Apple & Bears Body Silk

The natural and enviromental brand Apple & Bears have curated wonderful and luxurious Body Silks, containing wonderful ingredients. The InStyle Box contains one of four versions of these body milks, being Honey & Hemp, Grapefruit & Seaweed, Bergamot & Green Tea, and Pomgrenade & Aloe Vera. I received the Apple & Bears Honey & Hemp Body Silk. It has a wonderful and light texture that absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave a film on the skin. It has a nice scent, too! Moreover, the body silks contain natural firming ingredients and are made in England (fullsize retails for 27.95 €)

InStyle Box Spring Edition

Apart from beauty products there were also food products included: A chocolate bar from nucao and superfood powder from Lebepur.

InStyle Box Spring Edition

nucao raw cocoa bar

The nuacao raw cocoa bars are available in three varieties: almond chia, coconut cinnamon, and espresso and a perfect way to live through the day. The InStyle Box contains the almond chia bar  and it was gone within minutes. I love chocoalte! Oh, the foil is decompostable and the cardboard box is made from recycled paper :) (retails for 2.80 €).

InStyle Box Spring Edition

Lebepur Superberry Powder

The Lebepur Superberry Powder is made from dried and pulverized aronia, acai and raspberries, and fits perfectly into our springtime detoxing containing so many superfoods. This vegan powder can be used in smoothies or for cereal bowls or deserts. I didn’t try it yet, but I’m looking forward to it these days (retails for 6.90 €).

InStyle Box Spring Edition

Last but not least the fashion and home products that were included in the InStyle Box:

InStyle Box Spring Edition

Purelei Hair Tie

The beautiful hair ties from Purelei can be used as fashionable bracelets, too! One of four different styles was included in the InStyle Box. The Purelei Hair Ties all have the lucky aloha spirit within. The brown hair tie in my box comes with a flower shaped Purelei charm and a pompom and looks beautiful in combination with other bracelets or accessoires (three hair ties retails for 11.90 €).

InStyle Box Spring Edition

Unicorn Mug

This was probably the most heavy item of the box, a Unicorn Mug! The cute mug with the illustration is handmade and from porcelein. It is available together with other lifestyle products in the InStyle shop (the unicorn mug retails for 11.90 €)

InStyle Box Spring Edition

I enjoyed the versatile products of the InStyle Box Spring Edition a lot! The topic detox and spring was perfectly included into the products and there were so many things to discover. The Box is available on for 29.90€ and comes with 3 e-apper versions of the InStyle magazine. The InStyle Box is released every three months.

What are your thoughts on the products from this box? Let me know in the comments below :)

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by and which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.
Barbara Box beauty beauty boxes

Unboxing: Barbara Box March 2017

28. March 2017

At the moment there are so many new subscription boxes on the market – and most of them revolve around beauty and beauty products – that it is hard to decide for any of them. Here is another subscription box called Barbara Box I want to introduce to you and here we have a slightly different approach, which I really appreciate and am excited to share:

Barbara Box

I talked about the launch of this box earlier on my Instagram and although I was not able to attend the launching event I was sent a box to show you. I’m super happy and thankful for this opportunity :)

Barbara Box

The Barbara Box ambassador is also the donor of the name, a German celebrity called Barbara Schöneberger. The box is not only advertised by her but also she selects the products. The topic of the boxes revolve around “Girls Night” with your best friend(s) and contain food, drinks, beauty, decoration, games…so as you see the Barbara Box seems to be very versatile.

Barbara Box

The box is not a monthly box but is released every three months and comes together with a print of the Barbara magazine, also a magazine curated by Barbara Schöneberger and addressing women in their 30s...but enough of the talk, let’s see what is inside the first Barbara Box:

Barbara Box

Inside a light pink box there are 10 different products of all kinds, but the first product popping into my eyes is the Missha sheet mask! I love Missha, I love kbeauty and I love that I finally receive a German subscription containing a sheet mask :D In my box I found the Missha Pure Source Cell Sheet Mask containing Lotus Flower. Although I’ve tried like hundreds of sheet masks literally I didn’t try this mask yet, which makes me even more happy! A pity it only comes with one instead of two masks. It would be fund to share a second mask with your BFF. The Missha Mask is listed with a price of 1.75 € in the product description card included.

Barbara Box

The second product in my hands was a postcard set by Typealive. These are really beautifully designed and I love the minimalistic black and white here. This set of 4 postcards retails for 8 €.

Barbara Box

Barbara Box

The Barbara Box was really heavy when I received it and looking at the content the reason for this were the drinks included:

Barbara Box

First of all there were two cans of Tranquini, a natural drink for relaxing and compensating stress. I never heard of that drink and I’m even more curious to try it now :D There is one with the flavor Green Tea Mix and one with Berry Mix. This drink retails for 1.39 € per can. The second heavy product was a small bottle of sparkling wine with elder flower from the brand Jive. It retails for 1.19€.

Barbara Box

Another drink, but yet not ready to drink, was also included in form of a small tin of Kusmi Tea. It’s a green tea blend with strawberries and it smells soooo delicious. I love green tea and I love strawberries! This seems to be my new favorite tea. The small tin of Kusmi Tea retails for 5 €.

Barbara Box

What I like especially about the Barbara Box is its versatility. It does not only contain the usual products, but it also included a party game in this box. I love board games and we are having board game evenings with our friends here quite often. I’m not exactly in favor of party gaming though, but I can imagine that some people love these kinds of games and would be happy about it. The game you’ll find here is called Privacy by the game company Amigo. It retails for 11€.

Barbara Box

There is no girls night without some snacks. So this box surprises with the Bahlsen Cookie Chips Chocolate Chips. They taste deliciously like chocolate cookies, but are thin and crispy. I could not keep these untouched for long :D The Cookie Chips retail for 1.69€.

Barbara Box

The first Barbara Box also came with a notebook. Since Bullet Journaling seems to be very trendy at the moment I can imagine that this is really useful for many. I would have loved a cute design on the front instead of simply the brand. But I like that the pages are clear with dots instead of lines or caskets. It retails for 6.50€.

Barbara Box

And what else is important on a girls night? Nail polish of course. I love the red shade of the Faby Nail Lacquer that was in my box. The perfect color for me. There was one of two colors included in the box, either Red Carpet or Simply Perfect. My nail polish here is in shade “Simply Perfect”. Faby is an Italian brand and their nail polishes are vegan, 5-free (without Formaldehyd, Toluol, Campher, Dibutylphthalat and Formaldehyd resins), and are supposed to be long lasting. they retail for 15 €.

Barbara Box

The last item, and also my favorite one of the non-beauty items is this light scarf from Codello. There were different colors available and my box came with a light cream colored scarf, the perfect color for spring and summer and I love it so much. Codello is known for their scarfs and bags and they also have a cute Disney Collection at the moment. The scarf retails for 29.95€ and is a blend of viscose and polyester.

Barbara Box

So, this is it! The content of the first Barbara Box was really enjoyable and I love the versatility here. I like the idea of having a box that can be enjoyed on a girls night. Also, the fact that this box is released not every month but every three months makes it more appalling, in my opinion. The box retails for 29.95 €, but there are also options for a yearly or half year order with 4 or 2 boxes, respectively. Considering the prize of the included products in the first box here it made up for that prize definitely. I hope that the future boxes will be as beautifully curated as this one. What do you think?

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Barbara Box

Just as a short reminder: All products mentioned and reviewed on this blog are of my personal opinions. This product here was sent to me for reviewing purpose by which doesn’t influence me in providing my honest opinion on the products.